Missionary Activities of a Common Saint (Conquistador) Thumbnail
Missionary Activities of a Common Saint (Conquistador)

Vol. 1 Chapter 1.2 - Summoned to Another World 2

“Yes, indeed. He will likely be sent to provide rear support, but…”


Rear support…!


It seems like there’s a higher chance of survival than being pushed to the front lines with combat skills, right?


But seriously, I’ve been silently listening to them for a while now, but these guys are really scumbags.


“First, let’s see the effect of ‘Heal.'”


“Yes, let’s. Knight over there, hand over your dagger.”




As if intending something, the princess with vertical rolls grabbed the short blade offered by the nearby knight, and without hesitation, slashed at my hand.


Agh, it hurts!! It hurts so much!!!


The cold pain surged through my hand, which started to throb with heat. It hurts. It hurts so much.


I could feel the blood dripping, and I could sense the mucus and saliva flowing due to the pain. But because of this “Absolute Obedience Crest,” I couldn’t even scream or move.


It hurts. It hurts!!


“‘Absolute Obedience Crest’ activated. Jitaro, try using ‘Heal’ to heal that wound.”


Ordered by the princess with vertical rolls, I touched my right hand with my left.


I could tell ‘Heal’ had been activated. The wound was healing. Not just the wound, but it felt like the fog that had been in my head all along had cleared.


“Ughhh, it hurts!! What the hell are you doing, you piece of crap!! Seriously!!”


A voice echoed. It was my scream.


“Hey, hey, the hero is moving! Princess! What about the ‘Absolute Obedience Crest’!?”


“W-What’s going on!? ‘Absolute Obedience Crest,’ activate! Be silent! Calm down!”




“…It, it stopped.”


Since the hand cut by the princess with vertical rolls had completely healed and the pain had subsided, I stopped screaming.


…But this “Absolute Obedience Crest” seems to be lifted, right?


I’m not being controlled now.


I can move my body, speak, and even think without my head hurting.


I glanced briefly at the princess with vertical rolls.


The knight in full armor nearby drew his sword and looked at me warily.


Even though it seems like I managed to remove the “Absolute Obedience Crest” with the skill “Heal,” the situation of being in dire straits hasn’t changed, right?


Or rather, can an ordinary Japanese person like me, who is level 1 and has no combat skills, resolve this situation with just the skill “Heal”?


If the next “Absolute Obedience Crest” is applied, it might be difficult to remove it with “Heal,” but I don’t feel like I can escape from here either. I’m not very fast on my feet.


Am I stuck? …Am I really stuck?


While I was squatting, the knights didn’t approach. They seemed wary of what I would do if I moved.


But I couldn’t think of a way to get out of this situation, so I just stayed still.


Five minutes, ten minutes. Or maybe an hour passed.


In the tension, I lost track of time, and the long stalemate was unexpectedly broken.


…The goddess descended.


A pale blue magic circle suddenly appeared on the ceiling.


From there emerged a woman of incomparable beauty. She had an exquisitely symmetrical face and transparent blue hair that seemed otherworldly.


Wrapped in a tightly-fitting, modest robe with minimal exposure, her body exuded a gentle and dignified air.


In her right hand was a golden scale, and in her left hand was a silver sword.


“My name is Astrea. I am the goddess of the principles of ‘Balance’ and ‘Tuning’ in this world. I have descended to deliver judgment and appropriate punishment to the foolish humans who have used the forbidden spell to summon individuals from another world for their own selfish desires.”


The goddess who introduced herself as Astrea slowly extended her right hand, and the golden scale began to tilt with a rattling sound.


And then—clunk—it tilted to the right.


“I hereby deliver judgment. ——Death penalty. You shall be punished by decapitation.”


Astrea-sama said so and looked towards the bald old man.


“Eek! W-What is the meaning of this!? M-My, goddess! T-This must be a mistake!?”


The bald old man, who had his face turned pale in front of Astrea-sama’s approach, desperately tried to make excuses, but his head danced in the air.


The blade of the silver sword in Astrea-sama’s left hand was slightly wet with blood.


…It wasn’t visible, but he was beheaded with that sword. That old man.


“Eeeek! Gramps?! N-No, th-this is a mistake! P-Please listen, goddess! Th-this is all, all the doing of this old man! I am not guilty! It’s a misunderstanding!!”


Realizing that it was now her turn after witnessing the old man’s beheading in front of her, the princess with vertical rolls began to shift blame onto the bald old man at a rapid pace.


Her face was pale, and she was sweating profusely.


“—I do not hear the voice of mortals. I only deliver fair judgment with this scale.”


Astrea-sama extended her left hand dispassionately and ruthlessly.




The golden scale, mercilessly, tilted to the right—

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