Missionary Activities of a Common Saint (Conquistador) Thumbnail
Missionary Activities of a Common Saint (Conquistador)

Vol. 1 Chapter 1.1 - Summoned to Another World 1

Consciousness was murky.


“Ho ho ho! The hero has been summoned successfully! Praise me, keh heh!”


“Princess, summoning a hero is a forbidden spell that requires the caster’s life as a sacrifice. Keh heh is already…”


The princess, with golden hair in elaborate curls, laughed loudly, while the bald old man beside her, though showing signs of grief, smirked wickedly.


Nearby lay the bodies of five men dressed in mage robes.


Is Keh heh one of these five, or are they all Keh heh?


“But Princess! If we make the hero our subordinate, we can win wars and make our country even richer. Keh heh sacrificed himself for the future of the nation.”


“Yes… Indeed! Keh heh must be rejoicing in heaven! After all, he became the cornerstone of our country’s development! Ho ho ho!”


“Yes, yes. That’s right! We must prosper even more in honor of the deceased Keh heh!”


From the situation, it seemed to be… some kind of summoning to another world?


Earlier they mentioned something about summoning a hero, and they seem to be calling me a hero.


I like reading free web novels in my spare time, so I know about these things.


From what I can gather as someone knowledgeable—ugh, my head hurts… When I try to think, it’s like a fog descends over my mind, and I can’t understand anything.


“More importantly, we’ve paid a great cost to summon you! We must quickly confirm the hero’s abilities!”


“Yes, indeed! Let’s do it.”


“Bring the ‘Crystal of Divine Oracle’ immediately!”


“Yes, as you command. I’ve already prepared it.”


The old man grinned and retrieved a beautifully wrapped crystal from his pocket.


“…By the way, Princess, is the ‘Absolute Obedience Crest’ properly activated? I’ve heard that heroes summoned from another world, while possessing powerful skills and vast magical power, have weak minds. If not properly restrained with the crest, they would be useless.”


“Yes, that’s true. It would be troublesome if they resisted. Let me check.”


…Damn, I’ve been feeling dizzy since earlier. It’s because of this ‘Absolute Obedience Crest’ thing!


From the conversation I overheard, both the princess and the old man seem like scumbags who don’t care about human life, so this is really bad. I absolutely don’t want to be sent to war in an unknown world and die while being controlled!


But with this ‘Absolute Obedience Crest,’ what can I do…


My head…!


“‘Absolute Obedience Crest,’ activate. Extend your hand forward and channel magic into the Crystal of Divine Oracle.”


“As you command.”




Before I knew it, words came out of my mouth unintentionally, and my body moved on its own, reaching out my right hand toward the crystal.


But I don’t know how to channel magic!?


Even though I don’t know, my body is moving on its own, manipulating something inside me that seems to be the source of energy, and directing it toward the crystal.


This is magic? Am I channeling magic…?


Wow, amazing. With this ‘Absolute Obedience Crest,’ can they make the commanded side do things they don’t know how to do? Depending on how it’s used, it could be convenient… No, this isn’t the time to be impressed!


I’m being controlled! Moreover, if I can forcibly do things I can’t normally do, it means that my brain is being unconsciously unleashed, and I might be forced to fight like a berserker!


That’s… kind of cool, but… I slightly hated my peace-loving self for thinking that.


“The crystal has illuminated!”


“Yes… And it’s the strongest one so far… This is very promising!”


The crystal emitted a dazzling white light like sunlight, and the next moment, something like a game status screen appeared before my eyes.


Name: Taro Tanigawa


Occupation: Savior


Age: 25


Level: 1


Skills: None


Magic: None


Unique Skill: ‘Heal’


The name and age match. The occupation is wrong because I’m just a temporary worker… Does this mean it’s the occupation bestowed upon me in this world when I was summoned…?


The level is naturally 1 since I haven’t done anything. No skills or magic either. The unique skill ‘Heal’ must be a healing skill, right?


Thinking in terms of a game, would “Heal” be like a small recovery without consuming MP?


…It would be quite useful in the early stages, but is it okay to have a skill that’s mediocre in the endgame? Will the skill grow along with my level?


“A ‘Savior’ with the skill ‘Heal’… It’s a shame he’s not a hero, but he could be useful as a healing member, couldn’t he?”


“Hmm. It depends on the effectiveness of this ‘Heal,’ but my impression is that it’s somewhat balanced considering the cost paid.”


“Perhaps it’s because he was born of lowly status? …For the next summoning, perhaps someone of better lineage—”


“I would like that very much, but sacrificing a talented mage from a good family for political reasons—uh, well, for now, we should consider how to deal with this man right in front of us.”

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