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Missionary Activities of a Common Saint (Conquistador)

Vol. 1 Chapter 2.1 - The Judgment and Oracle of Goddess Astrea 1



The golden scale, mercilessly, tilted to the right.


“No, no! You all, kill this woman! Execution! She deserves execution! This woman who dared to challenge me is guilty of blasphemy and deserves death!!”


The princess with golden vertical rolls shouted desperately, her throat nearly tearing apart as she ran away with her back turned to Astrea-sama. But no one moved.


Everyone values their own life. None of the knights showed enough loyalty to protect that princess when faced with a genuine, transcendent being.


“No way… It’s a lie. No, I don’t want this! No!!”


The princess with vertical rolls dashed with all her might. Before the goddess could pronounce the death penalty.


The next moment, both legs of the princess with vertical rolls danced in the air. With a splatter, she fell clumsily, spilling a large amount of blood.


“Nooo!! It hurts! It hurts! I don’t want to die! No!!”


The princess with vertical rolls screamed and writhed in agony.


“I hereby deliver judgment. ——Death penalty. …Originally, the punishment was to be beheading to pay for your sins in one go. However, your shameful behavior of blaming others for your own faults and refusing to accept punishment is intolerable. I shall grant you time to reflect and purify your soul. … ‘Purifying Flame of Atonement.'”


With chilling indifference, Astrea-sama spoke, flicking the scale with her finger. The wound on the princess’s severed leg began to blaze.


“Aaaah, it’s hot! Nooo! It hurts! It’s hot!!”


The flames ignited from the cut on her leg gradually spread mercilessly but surely, engulfing her thighs, buttocks, back, abdomen, chest, and neck.


The princess with vertical rolls paled in fear, then despair, her eyes rolling back. Foam oozed from her mouth as she struggled and screamed in agony.


“That is the Purifying Flame of Atonement. A flame that never extinguishes until it purges the impurities of the soul. I have also cast a spell to prevent self-harm and fainting, to encourage reflection. It would be best for you to reflect on your sins with shame and repentance until your death.”


“Ughh, aaaaah! Aaaah!! It’s hot! It hurts! Noooo!”


Despite rolling her eyes and vomiting foam, whether it was Astrea-sama’s magic or not, the princess with vertical rolls continued to writhe in agony without losing consciousness.


“Quiet down and reflect, at least for your repentance.”


Astrea-sama flicked the scale with her finger again, and from the princess’s writhing, screaming mouth, all sound ceased.


Silence returned to the space.


Astrea-sama then approached me.


Without making a sound, she slowly approached me.


She looked at the princess with vertical rolls, who was now writhing in agony with a red face. My heartbeat quickened in fear, and I felt like I might go mad.


…Is it my turn next?


I don’t even know why I was summoned to this world.


It felt like I was summoned to this world without my own will.


But to a merciless goddess like her, those circumstances wouldn’t matter.


I am an alien who came from another world to this one, regardless of the circumstances. It wouldn’t be surprising if I were killed to maintain harmony.


――But even if I were to die, I definitely don’t want to die while writhing in pain with flames in my wounds, so I decided to at least accept it quietly without resistance.


“Raise your head.”


“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It may be a lie if I say I haven’t done any bad things, like skipping work, ordering too much food and ending up wasting it, or setting my computer password to ‘die boss die,’ but I don’t think I’ve done anything deserving of death.”


Even if I thought I’d accept it quietly—when I thought I might actually die, I couldn’t help but beg for my life out of fear.


“…There’s no need to be so frightened, child of man. I am the goddess of law and reason. I shall not judge a human who has not violated taboo.”


She won’t judge. …So, does that mean I won’t be killed?


Suppressing my heart, which was pounding with excitement, I timidly raised my head. Astrea-sama looked down at me with cold indifference.


“Um… am I… not going to be killed?”


“Indeed. Even if you wished for it, I would not kill you according to the law.”


“S-So, then, um, what is your business with me?”


“I intend to explain this matter to you until she breathes her last. You know neither the right nor the left in this world, correct?”




“Do you object?”


“N-No, of course not! I don’t mind at all! I’m deeply sorry! …So, what will you teach me?”


I straightened up from my lying position and assumed a kneeling posture, rubbing my forehead against the ground as I awaited Astrea-sama’s next words.


“…In this world, heroes are often summoned. Despite being against the laws and reasons of the world, they are summoned.”


“Um… So, you’ve been judging summoners like this until now?”


“No, while I wish I could, I haven’t been able to do so.”




“It’s because other gods have been meddling with hero summonings.”


…So, does that mean there’s a law that even Astrea-sama can’t judge if it’s under the instructions of other gods?


So, does that mean I was saved because my summoning didn’t involve a god?

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