Nan Family’s Second Child Doesn’t Want to Get Married Thumbnail
Nan Family’s Second Child Doesn’t Want to Get Married

Chapter 9

Le Zheng Yi drove the car wobbling behind Feng Yi, he was not in a hurry. The trick of chasing mice by cats always makes it interesting to hang them.

And Feng Yi this bastard also deserved bad luck, because for a moment he did not think that an omega would dare to sneak up on him, so he is also walk to a remote area. He has an apartment near the downtown area, also because this guy enjoys the pursuit of the so-called quality of life so he is naturally living in a high-class apartment and no one around.

The smug Feng Yi walked while pulling out the phone that had been ringing non-stop and picked it up.

“Hello.” A lazy and feminine female voice came from the other end of the phone, “Feng Shao is passionate, a night of spring and then quickly threw people away, which beauty are you going to spoil this time?”

“If I was not forced by the old man to go on a blind date.” Feng Yi did not shy away from laughing, with a hint of smugness, “otherwise what kind of person will let go of such a beauty who is lonely and alone? Hmmm?” The last part is said with teasing, one look is enough to know that he is a veteran playboy.

The woman on the other end of the phone heard this, and immediately giggled, “Feng Shao is really good, this time from which family is it?” I’m sure this girl has had more than one partner and she sounds like matchmaking professional.

“from the South family.” Although the tone of his speech was careless, the incessant smile on Feng Yi’s face showed his thoughts at this time. “Although I haven’t got him for the time being, that cold look of his is also good. That face is really beautiful. Hey, you will like it when you see it.”

“South family? The only omega?” The female voice on the other end of the conversation was surprised. After getting confirmation she could not help but sigh, “Feng Shao is really lucky. I’ve seen his eldest brother. He looks handsome, but he’s too cold. Otherwise, I can do it, but I’m sure his brother can’t make a mistake. However, with Feng Shao’s hard work and means, it must be easy to get. I’m lucky to have a look at it then. Besides, Feng Shao will let me have a taste.” This girl dared to think about playing a double flying swallow or something.

Feng Yi listened to this, and there was a flash of excitement in her eyes. She agreed with this proposal. “That is natural.” It looks like a shoo-in, without knowing that danger is coming.

Le Zheng Yi sat in the car, with a smile of unknown meaning in his mouth, looking at the alpha who was playing on the phone in front of him, and thinking that the smile on that guy’s face was trivial, he narrowed his eyes. Le Zheng Yi took out the tranquilizer gun that had been put in the car and looked around. There was no one around him. He stopped the car, narrowed one eye, and started aiming through the window.

This tranquilizer gun is was prepared by his mother’s family, although the mother always urges her stupid son to marry, she is also genuinely worried about this son and her action is also very tough. She gave Nan Ning a gun, although their family is a serious businessman, getting a real gun or something is completely possible, but Nan Ning refused. This little omega has never killed a chicken, let alone killed a man. Therefore his mother also had to get him a tranquilizer gun, and also find someone to teach his son to practice a little accuracy. She is afraid of something happening to their stupid son but the gun can help save him in an emergency. Unfortunately, Nan Ning has always been a lovely baby, and there are people behind who secretly protect him and they didn’t want to put people in sacks in the past, so naturally, they don’t need this tranquilizer gun, and it had been sitting on the back of the car all this time.

However, it is convenient for Le Zheng Yi, whose mood is on the edge of irritability all the time. Anesthesia guns and so on are really powerful. The strike level is also high.

“Bang.” Le Zheng Yi narrowed his eyes, shouting such a word in his mouth, and then the grip in his hand was loosened. Feng Yi, who was still on the phone ahead, suddenly waved uncomfortably and then fell.

When Le Zheng Yi saw this scene, he made a V in his heart, the craft was not unfamiliar. Le Zheng Yi who achieved the goal pushed open the door got out of the car in a good mood and the corners of his mouth also raised. It was a waste of such a good face.

Light footsteps went up to him, and Feng Yi had fallen to the ground at this time, but there was still a very wretched smile on his face, which Le Zheng Yi saw. Le Zheng Yi stepped forward and kicked him. He couldn’t help but sigh, this tranquilizer gun was a good thing. The dose was well adjusted, which could make people unconscious but would not result in their death.

Le Zheng Yi picked up the phone on the ground that still has not been hanged. Le Zheng Yi set it near his ear to listen.

“Oh, Feng Shao can make that omega surrender with your technique. You know that even I was tossed by you for mercy yesterday, so you don’t need any plan at all. Just go directly.” the person on the other side said while giggling ” Let’s try it after Feng Shao has played with him. Seeing that beautiful little face I’ll surely enjoy it.”

Le Zheng Yi: ……

Once again his inner heart was trampled by millions of divine beasts. This girl is talking about him ah! The company also intends to play with him. Birds of the same feather flock together. Feng Yi’s bed partner is not respectful and Le Zheng Yi once again feels that his dignity as an alpha was seriously challenged and the internal heat that has been smoldering in his heart finally broke out.

After grinding his teeth, Le Zheng Yi squeezed out two words from his mouth “Looking for death!” He hasn’t seen such a thing before, but now this kind of thing is put on his head, it must not be tolerated!

The name of the woman who was still flirting with the phone, the word “pomegranate” was reflected in Le Zheng II’s eyes, although the name looks vulgar and earthy, still let Le Zheng Yi could not help but frown, the name is too familiar, but not the one he knows.

However, whether he knows it or not, what Le Zheng Yi has to do now is to waste the scum lying on the ground first. He smashed the mobile phone with a “pa”. Le Zheng Yi went up and ran over a few feet, and then sneered at Feng Yi who was unconscious, staring at this gentle face that deceived the public. After he squatted down, he was not polite.

“pa pa” played a few slaps that laid on him is heavy and accurate. Although the strength of the omega is small Le Zheng Yi’s strength at this time is not small, after a few slaps, Feng Yi’s face was swollen.

Le Zheng Yi, as an alpha who started to mix with gangs in his youth, naturally has two ways to hit when he plays. He knows where the most painful and where to hit that would be hard to cure.

At this time he was also angry, he hit the ground conveniently and directly treated Feng Yi as a human sandbag. He was having a good time. Within a few minutes, he is no longer a wolf in sheep’s clothing and is now showing that he is a beast after beating he couldn’t see the original appearance at all.

Until music came from Le Zheng Yi’s pocket, Le Zheng Yi’s reason didn’t come back, and the whole person was particularly refreshed. He took out the mobile phone that kept ringing. As he expected, it was Nan Ning’s mother. I’m afraid the bodyguard reported it to his mother after discovering that they lost track of him.

Le Zheng Yi sometimes really admires Nan Ning’s mother. He can be so tireless in caring for her son, but at the same time, he also feels a little envious and affectionate as he hasn’t experienced it. So every time he can escape, he tries not to contact Nan Ning’s mother, because he is really at a loss about what to do. In short, this is awkward!

Le Zheng Yi’s mood at this time is also a lot better. He takes a deep breath and also adjusts the tone of voice, “Hello.” Then he answered the phone. He was very reluctant to leave the lower half of Feng Yi and stomped hard a few feet, trying to completely step on him so he can no longer harm people, before patting the clothes on the body “ta-da” to leave.

“Oh, Xiao Ning, where are you? Are you alright? “The person on the other end of the phone was relieved to hear Le Zheng Yi’s voice and asked quickly.

“Well I’m on the road, nothing happened, no one hit me, and my car drove very steadily.” Le Zheng Yi imitated Nan Ning’s tone and replied, after all, Nan Ning didn’t know anyone was following him, so Le Zheng Yi could only pretend to be ignorant.

“Nothing is good. Xiao Ning, what about the alpha you saw today?” The female voice on the other side of the phone became very excited and asked.

“Fine.” Le Zheng Yi gave an ambiguous answer, but it was really good. He was beaten very well. He opened the door and started the car. After thinking about it, Le Zheng Yi added, “But I saw two people today.” The tone is as innocent as it is, and the acting is improving very fast. He doesn’t make drafts when he lies.

“How is it two? Not just one?” “Nan Ning’s mother, who had heard the first sentence and thought that she could develop the two, was quickly attracted by the next sentence.

Le Zhengyi provoked a bad smile at the corner of his mouth, but his tone was still very innocent. “After seeing that alpha, another person came to me and said that I should not be a third party or destroy other people’s feelings. But I didn’t do that kind of thing. Maybe that person has found the wrong person.” Le Zheng Yi said in a vague language, which can especially give people space to be associative.

Nan Ning, his mother can naturally understand but her stupid son can’t. In an instant, she began to make up a story about an ungrateful alpha to betray her lover for the benefit of the family and then found a dog blood story of a giant child as a victim. The guy even knew where to guide her stupid son to escape the bodyguard’s tracking. The fire in the heart immediately came out, “This deadly bear thing dared to bully our family.” After finishing this sentence, she realized that she was still on the phone with her son, and immediately said in a soft tone, “Xiao Ning should ignore him, this alpha is not needed. He is so ugly and is not worthy of you, wait for mom to introduce you to someone next time. Ok, mom has to hang up in advance.”

With a smacking sound, the phone was hung up.

The blazing look is obviously to find someone to settle accounts.

Therefore, say, mother and son, Le Zheng Yi and Nan Ning’s mother have similar tempers, while Nan Ning is a little white rabbit growing in a nest of wolves.

Listening to the busy tone of “beep” on the other end of the phone, Le Zheng Yi showed a successful smile, and then whistled happily and left. Although he felt a little guilty about cheating on his mother. He can’t do anything and he was forced to have a blind date every day. It was unacceptable, and it was estimated that it could be stable for several months. Besides, he was not cheating. After all, Feng Yi’s scandal was not a lie.

Only this time, Le Zhenger, who left with ambition and complacency, didn’t know that someone was watching him behind him. As the saying goes, As the mantis is catching a cicada there is a yellow bird in the back.

Feng Shui flows, this kind of thing is happening very quickly, the present retribution, of course, is also very quick, so a person should never be too proud or sooner or later they will be unlucky, either physically or mentally.



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