Nan Family’s Second Child Doesn’t Want to Get Married Thumbnail
Nan Family’s Second Child Doesn’t Want to Get Married

Chapter 10

Behind Le Zheng Yi who drove away, a black car was quietly parked at a corner.

The black window is half open, a long hand is resting on the window, the bony fingers are holding a cigarette, wisps of smoke rising from the car blurred the look of the person inside.

Sitting on the other side of the co-pilot is a handsome young man with glasses. At first glance, he looks like a gentle scholar. Only from the indifferent eyes covered by the lens against the light, you can see that this young man is not good, and he is not a scholar who can’t handle himself.

“You called me over in the morning just to see this?” The youth held up the eyeglasses on the bridge of his nose, but the corners of his mouth turned with a sneer, “This taste is a quick change, but it is also a change of different broth but not medicine.”

(tl:this an idiom in china meaning a change in name only; a change in form but not in substance.)

The man sitting in the driver’s seat smoking a cigarette didn’t fight back when he heard this. He just took a deep smoke, looked at Le Zheng Yi’s leaving direction with a stunned look in his eyes, spit out a smoke ring, and then said in a low voice, “It’s so similar.”

“Is that so?” The youth wearing glasses face remained unchanged” I think you are going crazy. You are so free that in the middle of the night you start squatting in front of the omega and start stalking. You even called me to accompany you, even if the omega is a little special, you think you are right? Do you know that I am very busy, and I don’t have much time to accompany you? You are the boss who doesn’t care about everything, and be your little assistant doesn’t even have a vacation. Please don’t be so crazy when you are old? ”

“I’m not.” The man bit the butt of his cigarette, closed his eyes, and leaned back in his seat, his brain recalled everything he had just seen, and his heart gradually surged, “My intuition has always been accurate, not to mention about him.”

“Are you sure? Also, intuition, are you going to mention sixth sense next?” The youth snorted, his thin lips even pulled out a trace of ridicule and uttered words that are very mean, “My boss, you are already old. Don’t play like this anymore okay? You are at least an alpha with a little bit of success, okay? I’m really busy! That guy’s gang still hasn’t been pacified, and you still won’t let me use violence, do you know how hard it is for me? I’m just a beta, my energy is very limited.” The assistant said very annoyed and pulled his necktie, those slightly provoked eyes glared even more at this time, not seeing the usual gentleness and politeness at all, so it is unlucky to say that there is no little brother with an unreliable boss.

The man in the driver’s seat complained about the youth but like a tarzan lofty, still closed his eyes and smoked a cigarette, silent for a long time before saying, “Help me to check this person’s data whereabouts, especially the last two months, everything about him should be found out, remember, it should be everything, the youngest son of the Nan family should be easy to check.” In the end, he pinched the corner of his forehead and said, “These days I trouble you, sorry.”

The young man who was in a rage just wanted to yell again when he heard the man in front of him. When he heard this sorry sentence, he was like a deflated ball. He sighed and sat down in a soft position, pulling at the corners of his mouth and pulling out an ugly smile. “Why are you saying sorry?”

He was answered by another burst of silence.

The young man who had long anticipated his reaction only sighed, “Where can there be any horrible things in this world? It has been so many years since superstitions have been broken, and scientific slogans have been chanted for so many years. You are still suspicious, I See you are almost crazy. Just now that is the Feng family, right? This omega is also bold. He is not afraid of revenge. This Feng Yi is a psychopath, I’m afraid to say the Nan family can not protect him.”

“Let the people watching Feng Yi pay attention to prevent him from retaliating.” The man pinched the cigarette, said slowly. In the end, he still felt uneasy and added a sentence, “Send some reliable people to protect him, don’t make any mistakes.”

“……” The youth heard his words and the corners of his mouth involuntarily twitched. He looked at his boss and shut his mouth. His assistant was still very kind, and even if he sprinkled salt on the wound, he had to lament his bad karma in his heart. “OK, you always say what you want, but I think you should go back and have a rest first. Just two days ago, you’re normal and now you suddenly became crazy. You should somehow consider us as younger brothers and think of your body.”

When the man heard this, he pinched his nose feeling a little sleepy, and said, “En.”

Then he started the car and left, going crazy or something. He was already crazy. If there were not so many brothers to take care of, he probably wouldn’t last until now. Going crazy. Even if there is a little hope, he won’t give up. Even if hopes and disappointments have already made him numb, so what? The longing in his heart made it impossible for him to give up when he died.

And Le Zheng Yi, who knows nothing, is driving happily and whistling back to his house. He is in a good mood and his work efficiency is high. In the following days of this weekend, Le Zheng Yi made persistent efforts to complete the task given to him by the Mediterranean beta. Although the result was not satisfactory, he somehow finished it. When he thought of the beaten appearance of the beta, Le Zheng Yi felt a great joy in his heart, who made you give this young master a hard time.

In a blink of an eye, it was Monday, but Le Zheng Yi was not late. After all, now the Mediterranean beta is waiting to catch his mistakes. Le Zheng Yi knows of the hidden rules and Le Zheng Yi who completed his task felt satisfied this time. He can’t wait to come to the company and show it to the beta.

When people in the office see Le Zheng Yi’s arrival, they will still flirt, this is his daily life. Hua Lian still winks at the red lips, and from time to time wants to stretch out her hand to pinch Le Zhen Yi’s tender face, and directly ignore his cold face. Mosquitoes and Yang Ye are always watching Le Zheng Yi’s stupid move and want to come to join the fun. It is estimated that if their Hua Lian succeeds, they can also come up to touch twice.

Le Zheng Yi became numb to this kind of thing, he was harassed by his colleague every day at work. Anyway, he saw that these people were purely joking, and they didn’t want to do anything. Of course, it doesn’t rule out that if he agreed, they would pounce on him but compare with Feng Yi, Le Zheng Yi felt that these colleagues were still very cute.

But pinch his face or what forget it, Le Zheng Yi pushed away Hua Lian’s outstretched hand in a righteous manner and watched Hua Lian and the two beta guys sitting back to their positions with a dull expression

After sending away these people who wanted to covet his a*s all day long, Le Zheng Yi sat confidently waiting for the call of the Mediterranean beta. He imagined the scene where the Mediterranean beta was screaming with anger.

The Mediterranean also did not disappoint Le Zheng Yi’s expectations, and it did not take long to call Le Zheng Yi over.

“Did you do all this?” Receiving the information in Le Zheng Yi’s hand, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Mediterranean beta, but it quickly faded away and when he raised his head to ask with a stern face.

“En.” Le Zheng Yi replied with a cold face.

“Not bad, there are still some places that need to be changed, here, here.” The Mediterranean beta nonchalantly crossed a large red line on the information handed over by Le Zheng Yi “This method is not logically correct. What do you think? And here, it is clear that another method is simpler, you have to check, which is going to change properly.” In short, he needs to start over.
Le Zheng Yi who was full of confidence felt his heart ablaze, but it is not reasonable to get angry because what the beta said is quite reasonable …… The heart stems a mouthful of blood. Le Zheng Yi silently accepted the returned information and looked at the beta ” I know.”

The Mediterranean gave a dry cough and said, “Xiao Ning ah, I am also doing this for your good. After all, even if you marry, you must know. Change it well. I believe you are very promising.”

“En.” Le Zheng Yi coldly replied, then turned around and walked away.

The Mediterranean beta heard the sound of Le Zheng Yi leaving. He heaved a sigh of relief. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the cold sweat that didn’t exist on his head while sighing thinking that being in the middle of two bigshots is hard. Besides, Nan Ning was an omega, but looking at him is enough for his back to produce a cold sweat. As the saying goes, that play is murderous! He is worthy of being part of the Nan family, but thinking of this morning he received a call that made him tremble with fear. It was the first time he got a call from the president, but the result was that the president coldly told him to take good care of Le Zheng Yi and then hang up.

The Mediterranean beta who received this call after he felt his head was a little slow, the hair on his head also fell faster. What do you mean to take good care of? The so-called language culture is very profound, and the president has a deep heart, so he didn’t realize what the president meant by taking good care of him! Whether to continue to make Nan Ning a mascot or to embarrass him. The beta said he didn’t grasp the meaning, but he understood one thing, that is, the president didn’t intend to fire Nan Ning! This is a good thing, and he doesn’t need to think about how to dismiss Nanning.

However, given his limited understanding, he doesn’t know the meaning of taking good care of Nan Ning. So he can only continue to do this. Well, it’s neither too difficult nor too caring. The Mediterranean thinks his decision is really smart, so he must praise himself! Besides, when he looked at the data submitted by Nan Ning, he also saw that Nan Ning has great potential, and he is also very good to cultivate it well. The Mediterranean thinks that he has some ability to know people, so he can’t help thinking about cultivating Nan Ning, but it’s just a pity. He is an omega and he won’t use it in the future which wastes such a good talent.

Once again, Le Zhenger, who was on the edge of the outbreak, went back to the office with a cold face, looking at the pile of data in his hand, which was the truth. However, when he thought of the energetic Nanning mother, Le Zhenger, who was excited, had to continue to be a programming dog again.

Single, you have to go to the brain dead, this all wants to change well. “In short, it is playing back again.

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