Nan Family’s Second Child Doesn’t Want to Get Married Thumbnail
Nan Family’s Second Child Doesn’t Want to Get Married

Chapter 8

After carefully looking at the location of the mobile phone, Le Zheng Yi quickly dressed up. Somehow, his blind date this time also represents the southern family, so he can’t be too sloppy.

Because he got up too late and he is expecting a traffic jam, Le Zheng Yi quickly packs and set off.

The matchmaking location is in the downtown area, half an hour’s drive from the suite Le Zheng Yi is renting now. Le Zheng Yi drove Nan Ning’s car into the hotel and he arrived just in time.

In the car he carefully looked in the mirror, hair OK, clothes OK, expression is also particularly noble, Le Zheng Yi applauded his acting skills then got off the car to enter the hotel

The restaurant his mother reserved is one of the best in A city. It is a western restaurant. The atmosphere inside is very quiet, and the music flowing slowly makes people feel relaxed. It is simply for a blind date.

As soon as Le Zheng Yi stepped into the door, he saw his blind date today. After all, it seems that there is only one alpha in this restaurant, and the man is sitting with his back turned to him. Le Zheng Yi looked at the familiar figure. He couldn’t help narrowing his eyes, and his eyes flashed with interest. He just kept the noble appearance of Leng Yan, which made people in the restaurant look at him.

The alpha also turned his head to look. Surprisingly he saw the alluring face of Nan Ning, immediately his face flashed a trace of amazement, and then very politely came up, “You are Nan Ning, right? Auntie also mentioned you to me, it’s better to meet than just hearing about each other”

When Le Zheng Yi saw the aggressive gaze in his eyes and the gentle smile on his face, he couldn’t help but smile coldly in his heart, while all the information about the person in front of him flashed through his mind.

Feng Yi, the first son of Feng family in A city, this Feng family is only a new upstart for one or two generations, and it can’t be compared with the big family with the family origin, but from outsiders, this Feng family is also promising. After all, there are many capable backs in the family, and this Feng Yi is the best among them, the business is done by the Feng family is also very legitimate. They look like good businessmen to outsiders.

But this just the outsider’s view. Le Zheng Yi knows a lot about this Feng family, not for anything else, just because this Feng family is doing legal business in front of everyone, but secretly it is involved with the Mafia, and the business is mostly gambling, and the means of biting the dirty work can be said to be exhaustive. He has also looked for cooperation with Le Zheng Yi, but although Le Zhenger is involved in the underworld he still has some morals.
Chengxiang Feng’s family is also very cheeky. They can’t cling to the dragon gang so they simply hold the thigh of another gang that Le Zheng Yi had been thinking about destroying before his death. Le Zheng Yi sneers at their actions but also understands the truth that businessmen can kill for money.

And this Feng Yi’s private life is also very disorderly. One may wonder, why Le Zheng Yi is clear with his matters? The main reason is that he also sent someone to monitor this guy at that time. After all, this person looks ambitious, and Le Zheng Yi is also afraid of his private revenge after rejecting him, so it is only natural that he should be prepared to nip in the bud.

As a result, his younger brother not only reported which beta this surname Feng had hooked up with today but also which omega he would keep tomorrow. He listened to his brother’s mouth news and his energy was really good. He was sowing seeds all the time. His younger brother didn’t watch any other serious news, and so he pulled the younger brother’s ear and gave him a hard lesson.

Of course, these happened in secret, in front of normal people, this Feng Yi is still the first son of the Feng family that has a great future, but also a gentle and elegant alpha. He is simply the first choice of a son-in-law in Nan Ning’s mother’s head. He is a typical beast in sheep’s clothing.

When Le Zheng Yi saw this person, he truly felt that Nan Ning’s mother was too bored at home after staying all day, and the person who introduced him was too unreliable, isn’t this pushing his son into the fire? However, it’s only strange that this southern family is a very orthodox business family, and it’s very normal to have little dealings with the mafia.

Le Zheng Yi’s mind turned a circle, and then looked at Feng Yi, who was diligent and courteous in front of him. That’s how to see how upset he was. Even if his private life was disorderly, now he was thinking of harming people, which is a shameless example. He also excitedly packed up his acting here!

However, he can’t tear his face and throw his sleeves away. All he can do is to answer politely, “Thank you.” It’s just a moment inside.

Feng Yi looked at the omega in front of him and he became more pleased, he originally only came perfunctory, after all, if he can marry this omega to his Feng family it would be a great help, in addition to good birth, he also won’t worry about the future offspring problem.

But now after seeing Nan Ning, he feels that this blind date is too good. Nan Ning looks so beautiful and the breath that belongs to omega alone is so pure. He can feel his lower body burned, and the calm and inviolable expression there is a fire in his heart. His mind rises with evil thoughts, screaming to press this person directly under him. His taste must be delicious

Feng Yi’s attitude in this way is more diligent, and the action is naturally ambiguous. When Le Zheng Yi pulled the stool with his help, his arm still encircled the omega in front of him. He wanted to immerse the omega in front of him with his scent.

However, Le Zheng Yi’s heart is a trough, and the goosebumps all over his body are getting up. He almost threw down this bear thing directly with a shoulder fall. Just thinking about today’s task, Le Zheng Yi had to bite his teeth and endure them. The anger in his heart is rising. “Mr. Feng is polite.” After he said that he directly pulled the stool and sat down with a cold face.

Feng Yi looked at him like this but did not feel any wrong, only feeling the heart of the conquest was wonderful. It’s fun to conquer this kind of cold people, after the successful conquest these types became more coquettish, “Xiao Ning, do not be polite, taking care of you is what I should do.”

Le Zheng Yi: ……

The name address also changed very quickly, first just Nan Ning it, now it has become Xiao Ning. Staring at him, his Alpha brain has been controlled by the lower half of his body. Le Zheng Yi sneered in his heart. There will always be a day this guy will cry to him. This stupid alpha controlled by hormones is what he despises most. All day long, he is thinking about that kind of thing which is a loss of alpha’s face. There are a few more alphas like He Lian Lin who’s cold but Le Zheng Yi is afraid he will be much better.

“No, I think Mr. Feng is thinking too much, I am just out for a meal on the order of my mother.” Le Zheng Yi was disgusted by this guy, plus he has never been suppressed in this kind of thing, at that moment also can not care about acting, he does not believe that this surnamed Feng can still go and complain about the words he said, the implication is that you should stay where you are.

“Xiao Ning, don’t think too much, waiter, serve, and then eat more later. I ordered food that omega likes to eat.” Feng Yi still smiled very gently and didn’t seem to mind Nan Ning’s words. He turned his head to attract the waiter and ordered

Le Zheng Yi:…… This kind of instant sight makes Le Zheng Yi even more furious.

After the waiter’s food came up, Feng Yi was still talking in a gentle breeze and drizzle, while Le Zheng Yi listened with a wooden face, looking cold.

Seeing the plate of dishes brought up, the hungry Le Zheng Yi also did not bother to listen to Feng Yi’s chatter, directly lowered his head and the knife and fork in his hands started to work.

While Feng Yi is sitting there with his arms outstretched and patiently helping Le Zheng Yi, and his eyes are burning and staring at Le Zheng Yi, looking at the appearance of Le Zhen Yi, his heart sigh.

The most important goal now is still to conquer the omega in front of him.

Although Feng Yi’s gaze at Le Zheng Yi is very repulsive. He decided to ignore it since he has a big heart, the most important goal is still to eat.

This meal ended in this seemingly good atmosphere. Le Zheng Yi said goodbye to Feng Yi with a cold face and left by himself. The suggestion that Feng Yi should send him home was directly rejected.

Feng Yi watched Le Zheng Yi’s car leave his eyes flashing calculations, then turned around and also left. He did not bring his car today because last night he stayed in a hotel near here. This morning after climbing down from someone else’s bed he rushes over to the blind date.

However, it seems that today’s blind date is still worth it. Feng Yi walked away in a good mood while thinking about Nan Ning’s face.

Just at the same time he left, a car followed behind him not but Feng Yi simply did not notice.

And the person sitting in the car behind is Le Zheng Yi who just left. To say why he left and came back, the main reason is that this guy couldn’t swallow his anger. He was despised by He Lian Lin a few days ago and squeezed by the Mediterranean beta in the company. Today, he met a person who upset him. The anger in Le Zheng Yi’s heart was piling up. He felt that he would suffocate sooner or later if he didn’t do something.

He is not a person who will suffocate himself, so he made a decision, that is, go come back to beat people. He naturally wanted to vent his anger, and he felt better when he thought about it. Now he is waiting for this guy to go to a place where there are few people, and then it is time for him to strike.

And just now, he drove the car left and right, and finally dumped the bodyguards secretly sent to him by the Southern Family. So this time, he must beat him. It’s not the first time to set up a sack or something. This kind of business is still very skilled. Although he hasn’t done it himself for several years, he is not unfamiliar at all.


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