Nan Family’s Second Child Doesn’t Want to Get Married Thumbnail
Nan Family’s Second Child Doesn’t Want to Get Married

Chapter 7

Loud music goes off, waking up Le Zheng Yi. Feeling annoyed he covered his head with the quilt, but the music rang persistently, without the slightest will to stop.


        Suddenly opening the quilt, Le Zheng Yi searched for a while, only to find the mobile phone that kept ringing. When he saw the word “mother” on it, Le Zheng Yi felt his scalp tingle. He cleared his throat and picked up the phone and said with a voice that he thought was very gentle. “Hello.”


        “Hey, Ning, how’s work? Did you sleep well?” A crisp voice rang out.


        “Work was good and I slept well too.” It would be better if you didn’t call.


        “Well, if something is wrong you have to tell mom, okay?”


        “I know.” Listening to the concerned voice on the other end of the phone, Le Zheng Yi stroked his forehead helplessly and replied patiently.


        “Xiao Ning ah, mom saw an alpha yesterday. He doesn’t look bad, do you want to go to meet?” She finally got straight to the point.


        “…… No need.” Le Zheng Yi’s scalp is no longer tingling but the hair on his body is standing up. Frankly isn’t this a blind date? He must not go ah!


        “Xiao Ning ah, you say you are still young, but mom is worried for you. How could you not care.”


        “I don’t need to, I’m looking for a partner myself, it’s not like no one wants me.” He is only twenty-three!


 How come it sounds like he is old and besides he is still an omega, according to the ratio there are only a few of the population for omegas, Le Zheng Yi does not think there is any need to worry about. Moreover, he has no intention to marry someone, even if has an Omega body, but his heart is still an alpha. His alpha dignity won’t allow him to be under someone.


        “If you continue staying like this no one would want you. If you do not go today I think you can also come back to accompany me.” The female voice on the other end of the phone immediately became tough. Just going but not dating, anyways it’s up to him. This mother of Nan Ning is also bitter ah. His son is dumb and stupid, but also so good-looking, if he can’t find a good partner then one day he might be pitted to death.


“…” Le Zhengyi sighed and it was difficult to have a mother who pushes marriage but he can only give in shamefully. Anyways, even the most powerful alpha could not contradict his mother. “Suit yourself.” Just look at it. There won’t be a piece of meat missing anyway. He would just treat it as going out to eat a meal.


        The fact that Nan Ning has a good family background also avoids the possibility of Le Zheng Yi becoming a victim of a business union having a mother who thinks about her son is also considered Le Zheng Yi’s luck, in addition to saying that it is to go on a blind date it is also to let Nan Ning see if the alpha looks good to him naturally they can date, if not then goodbye, the choice is entirely in the hands of Le Zheng Yi. So Le Zheng Yi is self-hypnotizing that he is just going to eat. I’m just going to have a meal, this is also considered a little filial respect for the elderly, to help Nan Ning take care of his family.


        “The person you will meet is very handsome, his family is good, and he is also an alpha, so he can satisfy you, son.” His mother saw Le Zheng Yi agree so she immediately began to introduce his blind date. Not caring if his son listened or not


        “……” Le Zheng Yi deeply felt that if he does not stop a little, this discussion would continue until evening.”Mom, I still have work.”


        “Yes, you dress up well, my son is so beautiful, then mom will hang up.”


        When he heard the “beep” sound, Le Zheng Yi threw away the phone the whole person lying on the bed, stunned looking at the ceiling, he doesn’t know if it is because he became an omega, he felt that his whole person has become a little sentimental, thinking of the future, thinking of forever keeping this secret to himself. The first thing he needs to do is to get rid of the problem.


        Suppressing his thoughts, Le Zheng Yi decided to get up quickly and tidy up to go on a blind date. At any rate, it can be regarded as going out for fun, which is better than being bored at home all day on weekends.


        Looking at the sun outside, Le Zheng Yi estimates that it is almost noon, although he has become a little lazy since he became Nan Ning, it is still rare to sleep in.


        The main reason for this is that he worked overtime last night, thinking about the large pile of code, Le Zheng Yi felt that his brain was a bit muddled. Last night, he worked overtime and unconsciously fell asleep. Just as he was dreaming, he was woken up by the security guard downstairs. The security guard is a beta, and people look five big and three times thick. However, Le Zheng Yi knows that the security guard here must have been picked out by He Lian Lin himself, he is not as rough as it seems.


        The security guard said they were going to close, so he asked Le Zheng Yi to get off work.


        The company must have someone on duty, closing down or something isn’t that bullshit? But looking at the security guard’s serious face, plus Le Zheng Yi is sleepy, so he did not bother, he packed up his things, then planned to come back later.


        The security guard also volunteered to send him home, saying something about the company’s staff safety considerations, Le Zheng Yi was confused but was sent back by the guard.


        The security guard saw that he was safe in the house before leaving, and Le Zheng Yi secretly thought that the treatment of this large company is unusual, they even have the benefits of sending employees back home.


Le Zheng Yi, who once again fell asleep, didn’t pay attention to what was wrong with this matter. Now he woke up and thought about it and he felt that something was wrong. However, at the thought of having a lot of work to do, and now there is a blind date task, Le Zheng Yi is too lazy to think about it. After all, work matters, but the ultimate goal is to try not to get married!

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