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South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 1.2 - Besides loving you, I have no other wish (Part 2)

Chapter 1 – Besides loving you, I have no other wish (Part 2)

Translated by Lian

Edited by Sera

He didn’t turn his head, nor said anything. He just silently gazed outside the windows. It was clearly the same city, just a little out in the suburb, but the weather was totally different. The weather downtown was sunny and bright, but here, it’s cloudy, as if there is rain all the time. 

Qiao Jiale only wore a thin dress. The wind was harsh, making her wrap her arm around herself for protection. She raised her eyes to look at him again, and walked away in silence.

Compared to the cool breeze, standing next to this man made her feel more suffocating.

After a long time, the operating room opened.

The doctor said, “The patient is no longer in danger. But because her condition is too weak, she will need to rest. Please be careful for now since her mental state is not yet stable.”

He nodded and held the doctor’s hand, “Thank you.”

After the doctor left, he also turned and left.

Qiao Jiale looked at his back. The phrase “Don’t you want to see her?” rushed to her mouth, but she swallowed it back.

In the basement parking lot of the hospital.

Fu Xizhou sat in the car and didn’t directly turn on the engine. He looked at his watch. 1:30pm. Two hours after he disappeared from the hotel. A whole hour and a half passed before the wedding began. The mobile phone on airplane mode was lying there quietly. He took it, turned it on, and the “Ding Ding Ding” of the notification came, rushing after one another. There were countless phone calls he didn’t answer, including Fu’s family, his secretary, and unfamiliar numbers. Most of them came from Gu Ruan Ruan. 

He looked at the three words on the screen, Gu Ruan Ruan, the name listed straight down just like the countless numbers in the address book. They might be colleagues, customers, partners or friends, but they are not like people with intimate relationships.

He slid his finger over the name, retrieved his secretary’s number from the address book and dialed it.


Ruan Ruan’s ankle sprain was not serious. She didn’t hurt her bones and ligaments. But, since she just ran across the entire building, the wound was severely swollen and looked terrible. The doctor treated it, and prescribed bruises and anti-inflammation for the wound. He told her to use ice to reduce the swelling at night, so there was no big problem.

Ruan Ruan asked Fengling to go home first, then ask his brother to send her to the hospital where their grandfather was hospitalized. Although Fengling is still full of worry, the one Ruan Ruan needed to face now was her family. It would not be convenient if she stayed, besides there was nothing she could do.

Fengling touched her friend’s face, “I’ll call you later.”

“It’s okay, I will be fine.” Ruan Ruan looked back at Fengling and smiled. 

Fengling felt a pain in her heart, this silly girl, obviously almost died from a broken heart, why bother to smile! She can not hold herself to look at that smile once again before turning back and leaving.

Gu Hengzhi actually wanted to accompany her sister to their grandfather’s hospital, but Ruan Ruan insisted on going alone. He used the excuse that her feet were injured, but he was more worried about how she would clean up the mess.

Ruan Ruan said, “Ge, you don’t have to worry. I am not a kid anymore.“ She paused and continued in a low voice. “You see, I’m married…”

(Translator Note: Ge is the address for older brothers in Chinese. Translator will use this term to address Ruan Ruan called Gu Hengzhi.)

Gu Hengzhi frowned: ”Ruan Ruan, this marriage…”

“Ge, I’ll leave first.” She interrupted him and rushed to the elevator.

She knew what he wanted to say, but she didn’t want to hear it.

She leaned against the inner wall of the elevator. Finally being alone, she relaxed her shoulders and leaned on the elevator as if all her strength had been taken away. The cold touch came through the clothes, and she couldn’t help shrinking.

Her grandfather’s ward was at the end of the corridor. It wasn’t far away from the elevator. She tiptoed and walked slowly. The pain came in waves, making Ruan Ruan gritted her teeth in pain.

She stood at the door of the ward and hesitated. She didn’t push the door for a long time. But, the door suddenly opened from inside, and the people who came out were startled by her. They patted their chest and glared at her: “You’re going to scare people to death!”

After saying sorry, she bowed her head slightly and asked in a soft voice: “Aunty, how is grandfather? Is he all right? “

Tao Meijuan closed the door and said with a sarcastic tone: “Owh, you still remember the old man!”

Most of the time, her aunts never spoke to her in a pleasant tone, and she was used to it after so many years.

She leaned over and wanted to go into the ward, but Tao Meijuan grabbed and dragged her away from the room, “The old man just fell asleep, do you want to go in and annoy him again? The last thing he wants to see now is you! Evil spirit!”

Ruan Ruan never said anything, but Tao Meijuan had repeatedly told her that she was a disgrace to their family. Now the whole city of Liancheng saw the Ruan’s family as a joke.

She listened in silence and didn’t say a word.

Tao Meijuan glanced at the wedding dress on her body and said with a laugh: “How, even after he abandoned you, you still don’t want to take off the wedding dress? Isn’t that humiliating enough? “

Seeing that Ruan Ruan didn’t make a sound and she scolded too much, Tao Meijuan turned to leave. But before she left, she suddenly “hummed” again: “It’s only you who treat Fu Xizhou like a treasure. What about Fu’s surname? An illegitimate child is an illegitimate child. He grew up in a small family and was uneducated, that’s why he could escape marriage! “

Ruan Yuan, who had been silent, suddenly snapped: “Aunty, please be careful what you say. He’s my husband!”

“Ha ha!” Tao Meijuan laughed angrily, “Do you still take him as your husband? He doesn’t take you as his wife! Foolish girl!”

“That’s enough!” Gu Hengzhi’s shout suddenly broke in. He quickly rushed to Ruan Ruan, and stared at Tao Meijuan. Although he was younger than the woman, he was never afraid of her. 

Ruan Ruan clenched her lips, and her fingers trembled.

Tao Meijuan finally gave up and turned to leave.

She tried to calm her voice and asked Gu Hengzhi, “why didn’t you leave?”

He had already driven away, but then turned back midway. He was still worried about his sister. And as he expected, Ruan Ruan was bullied again.

Gu Hengzhi was not angry: “Silly, she scolds you, but you’re just standing there and not saying anything? What are you afraid of her doing? “

“I’m not afraid of her.” She just didn’t want to say many words to her, “Ge, just leave, I want to go in and accompany grandfather.”

“Go ahead. I’ll wait for you outside. You look like this. How can you go back later? I’ll take you home.”

Home, which one? Originally, she was going to live in her new home with him, but now… Where else is home?

She pushed the ward door open and walked in gently.

Ruan Rongsheng’s secretary saw her come in, nodded to her and went out.

Ruan Rongsheng got infused in talisac, fell asleep, his face a little pale.

She sat down by the bed and looked at the old man quietly, her heart filled with guilt and anxiety. She did not know what her grandfather would do once he woke up. 

Her grandfather did not agree to this marriage at first, and even strongly opposed it. She was the one who insisted on it. She still remembered what her grandfather said to her. He said, “Fu Xizhou, I know that boy a little, he has a deep mind. His family environment is too complicated. He is not for you.”

In order to make her give up, Ruan Rongsheng talked badly about Fu Xizhou, and he would do anything to make her change her mind about Fu Xizhou. Her grandfather said he was completely a stranger to her, as if he was another person. But he was not like that in her heart. She insisted on marrying him, only willing to believe in her own heart.

During that time, she was always docile and well behaved. But, for the first time, she had a dispute with her grandfather and had a cold war for a long time. Ruan Rongsheng is also stubborn. No matter how much his granddaughter persuaded him, he will not agree. In the end, she didn’t explain anything, only said to him, “Grandfather, on my eighteenth birthday, you promised me that you could fulfill my wish, no matter what. Now I want to exchange this birthday gift. I want to marry Fu Xizhou. That’s my wish.”

She still couldn’t forget the old man’s expression at that time. It was very complicated, including shock and heartache. At last, she sighed helplessly, waved her hand and said, “it’s nothing.”.

When the hanging bottle was almost finished, Ruan Ruan rang the bell to call the nurse. The voice was very light, but she woke up Ruan Rongsheng.

“Grandfather…” She bowed her head slightly, not knowing what to say.

The old man leaned on the head of the bed and waved his hand with a tired face: “Don’t say anything. This marriage will never happen.”

“Grandfather!” Ruan Ruan rose abruptly, realizing that it was the ward, and lowered her voice, “You promised me!”

Ruan Rongsheng said in a cold voice, “Was it me who abandoned you in the wedding hall?”


Read only at Travis Translations


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