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South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 1.1 - Besides loving you, I have no other wish

Chapter 1 – Besides loving you,

I have no other wish (Part 1)

Translated by Lian

Edited by Sera

I didn’t cry, not because I am not sad. It’s just, to be together with you, I have walked through the thorny roads, but I’m willing to. I will go to the end without any regrets.

About their marriage, she had imagined many situations. Unaccustomed to wearing skirts and high heels, worried that she would fall down, nervous, and would have incoherent sentences with excitement. She even thought she would have insomnia the night before. What should she do if there is a dark circle? But all kinds of situations, she never thought it would be this one—

At this moment, she was lifting the hem of the wedding dress and running barefoot on the promenade of the hotel, anxiously pushing open the door one after another. The long corridor, the soft carpet, she did not leave any footsteps when stepping on it.

Her hurrying figure was like a mime under the shadow of the lamps. She searched from one room to another and did it again and again.

Nothing, there was no sight of him anywhere.

She stood inside the bridegroom lounge, panting slightly. Her forehead was covered with sweat and ruined her makeup. She bent her hands and gazed at the bright sunshine in the room at noon; a dazed look on her face. 

At this time, she is not supposed to be here. She should be standing beside him in front of the witness, exchange their wedding rings, kiss each other, and vow to live happily for eternity. 

But it is hard to believe, her groom ridiculously disappeared.

More than an hour ago, she sneaked here to meet him. She said she was nervous, and he soothed her.

She did not know what went wrong. A good wedding, but in the end, it became a big joke. All the guests were talking about it. The banquet just naturally went away. Her grandfather was furious. The old man had never lost such a big face in his glamour life. He has high blood pressure, shortness of breath and faints. He was sent to the hospital.

She slowly bent down her knee and held her arms tightly. It is clearly a bright day, why does she feel so cold… 

A hand touched gently her shoulder. “Ruan Ruan….” Fengling’s voice was full of emotion. She looked at her friend right foot, “Your foot is injured, let me help you to treat the wound first, okay?”

Ruan Ruan lowered her head and glanced at her ankle. It was swollen and bruised since it was the first time that she wore high-heeled shoes. It took her a long time to be able to walk freely. How was she able to come all the way here? She fell when she went up the stairs. She kicked off her shoes and continued to run, but she was numb to the pain. 

Ruan Ruan shook her head, turned and walked out.

She still hadn’t given up yet.

Fengling ran and grabbed Ruan Ruan. Although she couldn’t bear it, she could not let Ruan Ruan keep hurting her foot. “Gu Ruan Ruan, wake up! Fu Xizhou ran away from the wedding! He is not here. Even if you turn over this whole hotel, you won’t find him either!”

She has searched all of the floors of the hotel up and down, for more than twenty floors, even the restroom. She kept searching until finally ran back to this floor.

Ruan Ruan looked at Fengling. As if she hadn’t heard any word, she frowned slightly; her eyes were completely blank.

Fengling put a very soft tone to say: “Listen to me, ok? Let’s go to the clinic first.” She squeezed Ruan Ruan’s palm and led her away. After two steps, Ruan Ruan suddenly knelt down. Because the two of them were holding hands and Fengling was unprepared, Ruan Ruan fell to the ground as well. Fortunately, the corridor carpet was soft.

“Ding Dang, what do you think I should do?” Ruan Ruan’s voice was very low, like a whisper to her friend.

Fengling sat up straightly and almost blurted out ‘why else? When a man disappears from a wedding, he just doesn’t want to marry you.’ She was always straightforward with Ruan Ruan, but at this moment, the words choked in her throat, unable to speak.

“Ding Dang, he must have something important to deal with, right?” Without waiting for Fengling to answer, Ruan Ruan continued. Fengling supposed, maybe she doesn’t need her answer at all.

What’s more important than this moment? If something really urgent happens, you can tell anyone, not like this, disappear without any word, even turn off the mobile phone. The intention is too obvious.

Fengling looked at her friend and wanted to wake her up with a slap. When she learned that Ruan Ruan had decided to marry Fu Xizhou, Fengling was hesitant about the sudden decision. Ruan Ruan loved too hard and always persevered, but Fu Xizhou was always cold and indifferent.

Fengling asked her friend to think it carefully. She still remembered Ruan Ruan’s answer at that time, she said, “Ding Dang, is you the one who said, if you want something then you need to work your best to get it. I do not have any ambition, and also don’t have any big dreams, as a kid and until now, I really didn’t expect anything. Because we know that if we don’t expect anything, we won’t be disappointed. But since I met him, I had a great hope for the first time. It became my wish to be with him. Ding Dang, he is my wish.”

He is my wish.

Fengling was struck by these words. Such a captivating speech that didn’t leave any room to escape. What soon followed after was distress and worry for Ruan Ruan. She naturally remembered what she said. In the first semester of their third year of university, Fengling worked very hard for a design competition. It was common for her to stay up all night, and Ruan Ruan would scold her when she found out, she told her the similar word. But it’s a materialized thing. There are some things that you may try your best to get the results you want, such as money, status, or a good result in the exam. But some things, such as feelings; even if you fight for your life, you can’t get what you want in your heart.

Although Ruan Ruan was  casual and didn’t care much about anything, she wasn’t a sloppy person, but when she met Fu Xizhou, all her senses disappeared.

Fengling didn’t persuade her again. She understood the kind of desire Ruan Ruan said, and for someone who had never actively fought for anything, that kind of desire was very lethal, and would even become a kind of obsession.

On the night when the wedding date was set, Ruan Ruan went to find her with a whole box of beer. On the rooftop of her rented house, her joy and joy were all visible, and she couldn’t hide it. She opened one can of beer after another and chugged down her glass happily. In the middle of the night, like a mad woman, she shouted to the dim light of the night: “Ding Dang, Ding Dang, you know, he is my wish! Now, I got it! I’m really happy.”

Fengling had never seen Ruan Ruan that happy.

And the laughter floating in the night sky was still in a trance, the joy had not dissipated, but the pain came so quickly.

Fengling picked up Ruan Ruan and coaxed her like a child: “It doesn’t matter whether he has something important or not, now, the most important thing is that you must deal with the foot with me. Be a good girl, ok!”

If all of her mind was on looking for someone before and did not feel any pain, maybe because the swelling was becoming more severe, when she just walked two steps, Ruan Ruan let out an  “Ouch” sound due to the pain.

“Can you walk?” Fengling asks, knelt down again: “Let me help.”

Ruan Ruan shook her head: “it’s okay, I can.”

Although she looked thin, Ruan Ruan was not that light. Fengling is still wearing high heels. How can she carry her.

Fengling had to help her and walked slowly to the elevator.

This hotel belongs to Ruan Ruan’s family. Her grandfather loves her so much and has specially built this floor for her wedding. The carpet has been specifically changed to red, and every room was decorated with flowers and balloons. She actually thought it was a bit too much, but her grandfather said reassuringly, “Don’t you girls like this kind of dream?” 

Ruan Ruan didn’t object to her grandfather any further.

At the moment, the flowers and balloons, the red carpet; she didn’t dare to open her eyes and see for it was too painful to bear.

And it took a long time for the elevator to come up.

Seeing the number rising one by one, she said in mind, ‘Could it be him? When the elevator opens, will he come out of it?’

At this moment, she is still looking forward to it.

‘Ding’, the door opened and someone came out, but it wasn’t the one she was thinking about.

Ge, did you find him?” Ruan Ruan asked eagerly.

(Translator note: Ge refers to older brother.)

Gu Hengzhi gritted his teeth and said, “That boy, Fu Xizhou better not show up, or I will really kill him!”

Her eyes darkened, and it seemed that he still had no news.

Ruan Ruan was immersed in her emotions, not paying attention to Gu Hengzhi’s expression, but Feng Ling who stood by could see clearly. He has always been playful and not serious. But this time, Gu Hengzhi was furious, as if his whole body was full of murderous intentions.

Fengling gently said to Gu Hengzhi: “Brother Gu, Ruan Ruan’s foot is injured.”

Gu Hengzhi squatted down and lifted Ruan Ruan’s wedding dress. His face became uglier. He took off his coat, put it on her little sister and picked her up.

There is a small hospital near the hotel. When Ruan Ruan was carried to the hospital lobby by Gu Hengzhi, everyone’s gaze was on her. Her white wedding dress is too eye-catching.

She smelled the faint smell of disinfectant, her heart was wrenching. Having to come to the hospital on her wedding day, no bride is more miserable than her. She buried her head in Gu Hengzhi’s chest. He held her arm tightly.

At the same time.

In another hospital near Liancheng suburb.

Outside the operating room on the third floor. On the long and quiet corridor, a man in a black dress stood by the window. The cigarette on his fingertips burned to the end. Though he didn’t seem to notice it, the last spark burned his fingers. The burning tingling didn’t make him frown.

Qiao Jiale, sitting on the bench, was staring at his back. He had been standing here for a long time, silent, smoking cigarette one after another, and the windowsill was full of cigarette butts.

The windows are open and the wind blows. It was still a little cold in the southern city in early May. It was sobering when the cool wind blew. He pressed the butt of his cigarette and looked down to see the bridegroom’s fireworks pinned on his chest. In his calm eyes, something flashed by, but soon the silence was restored.

He raised his hand and took off the red fireworks that were out of place with the pale surroundings and stuffed them into his suit pocket.

“Brother Xizhou, I’m sorry…” Qiao Jiale came to him and said in a low voice, “But at that time, I was really scared. I didn’t think about anything, so I called you. Besides you, I really don’t know who else to look for… ” She slightly looked up at him with a delicate face, there were faint traces of tears across, and her eyes were slightly red.


Read only at Travis Translations


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