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South Wind Knows My Mood

Chapter 1.3

Chapter 1 – Besides loving you, I have no other wish

Translated by Lian

Edited by Sera


After a moment of silence, Ruan Ruan said slowly, “Maybe… maybe he has something important to do…  Grandpa.”

Ruan Rongsheng snorted, “You’re not even sure of your words. How can you be sure.”

“I know that I’ve disgraced you today. Grandfather, I’m sorry. However, “she looked up at Ruan Rongsheng with a firm look,” I can not just cancel my marriage with him like this! “

The incident had made him into a joke, of course he was very angry. However, he loved his granddaughter even more. A man who disappeared at the wedding. Such an irresponsible man will not bring any happiness to his granddaughter. Ruan Ruan was brought up to him when she was five years old, after her parents died in a plane crash. He took her in to live in the Ruan’s family. 

Ruan Ruan is clever and sensible. She never caused him any worry. He loved her so much and transferred all his love to her. In a family like theirs, business marriage is common, but he never thought of letting Ruan marry into a rich family and get drawn into their drama. He wanted her to live a plain life, but she said that it was her wish to marry that man. It was the only time in 22 years that she had asked something in front of him. She was so determined that he couldn’t bear to refuse. But now, it got so wronged that he would never agree to this marriage again.

But, he didn’t want to explain all of this to Ruan Ruan. Seeing her stubborn look, no matter what he says, his granddaughter will never listen.

Ruan Rongsheng waved his hand and said with a straight face: “Okay, no need to say anything. Just go back to your school tonight. Finish your graduation first, and for the rest, just leave it to me.”


BANG! Sound outside the door. It seems that someone fell heavily on the ground. Then, Gu Hengzhi’s voice echoed through the wall, “Fu Xizhou, how dare you show up!”

Ruan Ruan froze.

But, with the next second, she couldn’t hold her own feet and ran outside. 

She finally found him.

Fu Xizhou was knocked down by Gu Hengzhi. He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and stood up slowly. He was still wearing the black wedding dress, with slight wrinkles on it, and some light marks on his shoulders.

Ruan Ruan didn’t realise it, but she ran out for the first time and looked at his clothes so carefully. Her line of sight slowly shifted to his face, he was also looking at her, cold face, deep eyes, and a blank emotion. She never seems to be able to figure out his mood from his expressionless look.

Gu Hengzhi was still angry. He rushed up again and grabbed his collar.

“Brother!” Ruan Ruan shouted.

Gu Heng paused for a while and let go of Fu Xizhou. He turned around and quickly pushed Ruan Ruan into the ward: “Don’t come out!” He closed the door and said to Ruan Rongsheng’s secretary, who was always standing by and watching quietly, “Secretary Li, please hold the door and don’t let that silly girl come out!”

“Gu Hengzhi!” Ruan Ruan was angry, only when she was angry, she would call her brother by his full name. 

But, there was another noise outside the door.

Gu Hengzhi’s fists are windy, and he has no weakness. Fu Xizhou didn’t fight back and let him vent. He faltered and fell to the ground again. His cheek was aching. The more blood there was in the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t even hum.

Ruan Ruan tried her best to shake the door handle, but Secretary Li held it firmly outside, and she couldn’t open it at all. She listened to the movement outside and cried out: “Gu Hengzhi, stop it! Uncle Li, open the door, please! Let me out!”

No one cares.

Ruan Ruan turned and looked at Ruan Rongsheng on the bed who remained calm and silent.

“Grandfather…” She looked at Ruan Rongsheng with a cry.

For a long time.

Ruan Rongsheng said: “Hengzhi, enough!”

It finally stopped outside, but she still couldn’t open the door.

Fu Xizhou’s voice rang from outside: “Mr. Ruan….”


Ruan Rongsheng interrupted him, did not even want to talk to him, only said: “Let him go, I do not want to see him.” He glared at his granddaughter, “You are not allowed to see him either!”

Ruan Ruan leaned against the door and inhaled deeply. She understands her grandfather’s temper, once he was determined about something, no words can make him change his mind. She didn’t try to go out to see him anymore. She sat silently on the ground and felt her feet hurt.

No one knows how long time passed by but when the door was pushed open, Gu Hengzhi and Secretary Li came in.

Gu Hengzhi saw Ruan sitting on the ground;he frowned and picked her up. He scolded her: “the ground is so cold, do you want to get sick?”

Ruan Ruan was so angry. She didn’t want to talk to him.

“Mr. Fu has left.” Secretary Li said.

Ruan Rongsheng nodded and turned toward Secretary Li, “Book a ticket to Ningcheng tonight for Ruan Ruan. Let the hotel there arrange someone to pick her up. She will stay in the hotel when she goes back to school to deal with her graduation.” He looked at Ruan Ruan’s foot. Although she didn’t say it, he knew that Ruan Ruan’s foot was injured when he saw her walking. If Ruan Ruan stayed in Ruan’s hotel in Ningcheng, she would be taken care of and it would also be more convenient to travel. On the other hand, it was also a little punishment for her.

“Noted.” Secretary Li turned and left.

Ruan Ruan sat on the sofa, the corner of her mouth moved a little. She thought to refute but finally gave up the idea.

Ruan Rongsheng raised his quilt and talked to Gu Hengzhi, “Hengzhi, go and help me with the discharge procedures. It’s very hard to live in the hospital.”

All the way back to Ruan’s home, Ruan Ruan didn’t say a word to Gu Hengzhi. No matter how he teased her or coaxed her, she just ignored him. He said to send her to school, but she refused. Then she said she was tired and wanted to sleep.

Gu Hengzhi felt helpless, he patted her hair and left.

Ruan Ruan stood by the window and watched him leave.

Only in front of her brother, Ruan Ruan would be reckless and willful, just like the little girl many years ago. Because she knew that her brother would not blame her, but would love her unconditionally, tolerate her and beat others angrily for her. In fact, she didn’t really blame him. She was angry with herself. She was so desperate, but when she saw that Fu Xizhou was beaten, she saw the blood on the corner of his mouth. Her heart ached, and she just wanted to rush up to protect him. 

Ruan Ruan felt tired, very tired. She didn’t even bother to change out of her wedding dress and curled up in the bed.

She tried to close her eyes, but she just couldn’t sleep.

She still didn’t understand why all of this happened in the first place? Why should Fu Xizhou leave their wedding without a single word?

At that time, she was the one who pursued him, pestered him, and was desperate to be with him. But in the end, it was clear that he was the one who proposed this marriage.

She would never forget that moment. The riverside under the night, under the streetlamp on both sides. In the evening breeze of April, he told her: “Gu Ruan Ruan, I don’t have time to fall in love with another girl, but are you willing to be my wife?” She was stupid and hesitated to give him an answer. 

Fu Xizhou didn’t know how Gu Ruan Ruan’s heart was violently beating at that moment. Then, tears flooded. It is like the excitement of a traveler who had been lost in the desert for a long time and suddenly sees an oasis. It is like the ecstasy that the wish of someone that had prayed day and night had finally come true.

The things that she didn’t understand, she didn’t need to think about it anymore. This has always been Gu Ruan Ruan’s philosophy of life. She pulled the quilt to cover her head.

When Fengling came, Ruan Ruan just woke up from her dream. She was so confused that she finally went to sleep. But since she didn’t sleep soundly. She just kept dreaming. The scene of looking at flowers on horseback was more tiring than waking up.

It was already late. Fengling turned on the light and saw that Ruan Ruan was still wearing her wedding dress, but her makeup was completely gone. She helped Ruan Ruan up and went to the bathroom.

Standing in front of the mirror, Fengling helps Ruan Ruan take off her wedding dress. Ruan Ruan caresses the white dress and whispers: “Ding Dang, it’s a pity that you specially designed this wedding dress for me.”


Fengling studied fashion design. On her first day in college, she promised Ruan Ruan that she would design a wedding dress for her in the future. It’s only a month’s preparation from the wedding date in April to the banquet in May. And this wedding dress was made by her specially.

After the bath, Ruan Ruan changed her clothes and came out. Her face was plain and she wore a plaid shirt, jeans, shoulder length hair tied into a ponytail. Just her usual dress, the most comfortable.

Fengling looked back from the window, hesitated and said, “He’s here.”

Ruan Ruan was stunned. Then, she went to the window and lifted the corner of the curtain. She saw that her fiancee was getting out of the car and standing outside the iron door ringing the bell. Even from a distance, she can still clearly see the injury on the corner of his face. Gu Hengzhi was very strong, his face was swollen, and there was dry blood on the corner of his mouth.

Her heart hurt again.

She asked Fengling to turn off the light in the room.

After a long time, Tao Meijuan went out slowly, but she didn’t open the door for him. Through the iron door, she purposely talked about something. She didn’t need to hear it clearly. Ruan Ruan knew her aunt didn’t say anything pleasant..

And after a while, Tao Meijuan waved her hand to let him go, and then turned back to the house.

But he didn’t leave. After a moment, Fu Xizhou took out his cell phone to make a phone call. For a long time, he didn’t say anything, but his eyebrows frowned deeply.



Read only at Travis Translations


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