The Reincarnated Stepping Stone: A Formidable Wall of Despair Thumbnail
The Reincarnated Stepping Stone: A Formidable Wall of Despair

Chapter 2 - Father × Half-Sibling

The dream doesn’t seem to end, no matter if I’m asleep or awake.


Being trapped in a game world is a common development in fiction, but how many people would actually think it could happen to them?


At least for me, it took three days.


Three days to accept that this world is reality.


As I listened to the conversations of the people around me, I began to understand some things.


Apparently, this place is a corner of the slums.


It’s a village formed by homeless people who ended up here in a garbage dump where waste from all over the world is illegally dumped.




At first, I didn’t realize this was the slums.


This house is quite sturdy, despite seemingly being in an ordinary slum.


And why would a mother who seems like she should belong in a slum be treated so well? It’s because of her husband—my father—who is a famous adventurer, it seems.


By combining this information with the original story of kuro-kun, a hypothesis comes to mind.


(kuro-kun is probably the half-sibling of the original protagonist, right?)


kuro has the exact same appearance as the original protagonist, Shiro, if you just darken Shiro’s skin and turn his hair silver. It’s exactly like me.


And both of them are wielders of unique magic that utilizes rune characters.


I suspected they were from the same bloodline, but they seem even closer than I thought.


Now, let’s take a step further with our analysis here.


In the original story, kuro-kun showed a strong fixation on Shiro.


He didn’t explain the reason, but his hostility was clear.


If the cause of that is their unseen father?


(Let’s organize this. My mother is being treated well in the slums because my father is a famous adventurer. But my father has another woman and child outside, and there’s a possibility he may not come back here.)


Wait, could this be a dangerous situation?


(If it’s deemed that the bond between my parents has been severed, would they form a group and attack us?)


A chill runs down my spine.


(I can’t afford to be careless… I need to become stronger before that happens!)


I must properly plan kuro-kun’s development.


The original kuro-kun might have been able to adapt even when exiled to the slums, not knowing the standards of Japan, but I can’t.


Lowering my living standards could lead directly to my demise.


So, what should I do to become stronger?


It’s simple, I just need to amplify my strengths.


To the point where no one can surpass me, thoroughly.


What are kuro-kun’s strengths?


His unique magic that utilizes rune characters.


Well, to be precise, Shiro, who is (probably) his half-sibling, also possesses it. So it’s not entirely unique, but it’s undoubtedly a powerful weapon due to its differentiation from elemental magic, which is the basic system.


First, I need to bring this magic to a practical level.


…But how?


I haven’t been taught how to use magic even in the game, after all.


But I can make an educated guess.

In the game, each character had MP (Magic Points) assigned to them.


Magic can be activated by consuming this MP, so it’s like each individual carries the energy to use magic within them.


Paradoxically, if I face my inner self, maybe I can find the source of magic—so to speak, my magical power.


(Oh? I feel something warm around my stomach.)


Could this be my magical power?


Have I already found it?


Am I actually a genius?


(Oh, wait. No, this is different. It’s just poop.)


My stomach feels like it’s twisting…!


I-I’m in pain.




I hurriedly called my mother, but it was already too late.


The uncomfortable feeling of something sticking to my bottom torments me.


“kuro, you did well calling Mommy. Let’s change your diaper, okay?”


While my mother was changing my diaper, I noticed something. This mother of mine looks quite similar to kuro-kun in terms of skin color and hair color.


The only difference is that her nails are long.


Nails tend to gather bacteria easily, so I wish she would trim them for hygiene purposes.


As I was thinking about it, they got trimmed.


But it wasn’t just the nails; it was my skin too, with my mother’s nails.




“Ah, sorry, kuro. Uh, um, [Cure]! [Heal]!”




As my mother brought her faintly glowing blue palm closer to my wound, my torn skin started repairing itself at a rapid pace.


(Oh! So this is magic!)


In the game, the damage was healed by simply using [Heal], but this is the slums, where hygiene is a concern.


So, before closing the wound, she used [Cure] to cure the abnormal condition.


It’s a truly remarkable episode that makes me believe that this is not a game but reality.


The idea that nails harbor bacteria might not apply in this world, though.


(…Wait a minute. Is the true identity of this warm light magic?)


If I can find something similar to this, can I find my magical power?


“I’m glad. I’m sorry, kuro. I’ll make sure to trim my nails properly, so forgive me, okay?”




“Hehe, thank you. Be a good boy, okay?”


While I still remember the sensation, I direct my consciousness into my body.


(There it is! This must be my magical power!)


On the opposite side of my heart, on the right side of my chest, a heat source similar to the light from earlier flickers like a flame.


(Now, all that’s left is to practice magic using this magical power! Hahaha! I’ve won!)


By the way, how can I bring forth this magical power?


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