The Reincarnated Stepping Stone: A Formidable Wall of Despair Thumbnail
The Reincarnated Stepping Stone: A Formidable Wall of Despair

Chapter 1 - Game x Villain x Reincarnation

Friendship x Effort.


That is the equation for victory.


However, that’s not enough.


The goddess of victory also values lineage x talent.


If friendship and effort are considered “acquired evaluations,” then lineage and talent are “inherent evaluations.”


There is no doubt that contributing to the level of the goddess of victory’s smile requires both friendship and effort.


If friendship x effort is “yang,” then lineage x talent is “yin.”


Yin exists to highlight the intensity of light.


Throughout history, it has always been the case that the protagonist and the character who looks exactly like them but has an opposite personality clash with each other.


“shiro? …No, not shiro! Who on earth are you!?”


This overwhelming dark hero challenges the protagonist with opposing thoughts and beliefs, testing their resolve.

◇ ◇ ◇

“No, that’s wrong!”


My anger soared as I stared at the words “THE END” displayed on the screen.


The game I was playing was titled Rune Fantasy IV.


It’s the fourth installment in a series set in a fantasy world of swords and magic, where characters travel the world using rune magic.


The highly acclaimed (at least in my opinion) third installment was released eight years ago.


Using up my precious vacation days as a working adult, I stayed up all night, pushing through the game until I cleared it, even though it became exhausting.


And the result of that effort led to my outburst just now.


“It completely denies the scenarios of the first three games… It’s more like an anti-sequel. We didn’t need a sequel like this.”


What’s even worse is that not only is the scenario terrible, but the characters are as well.


The stories told in the first three games are treated as side stories, and this installment claims to be the main story.


Moreover, they added an unnecessary subplot to a character who was a nice guy in the previous game, saying, “Actually, he was a spy!” It’s truly indefensible.


But the worst part is the character who serves as the mid-boss in this game.


He is a wielder of rune magic, just like the protagonist.


He looks exactly like the protagonist but has the opposite personality, yet their relationship remains unclear until the end.


He constantly antagonizes the protagonist and interferes throughout the journey, but since his motives are unclear, it leaves a bad taste even after defeating him.


There is no despair-inducing scene like the typical “overcoming the protagonist’s flaws with a superior version.” He can be easily defeated without leveling up, making him seem insignificant.


“It’s different. A dark hero must stand before the protagonist as a formidable trial.”


By possessing the same appearance and superior abilities, they threaten the protagonist’s identity, question their resolve with opposing beliefs, and push the protagonist to take a stronger step forward.


That is the appeal of an enemy character from the dark side.


The absolute aura that sends shivers down your spine when they walk out of the darkness, accompanied by a heavy, dedicated soundtrack.


Their shocking power, demonstrated by defeating formidable enemies from the original work, without betraying expectations.


And above all, the coolness of the 2P color scheme is dominated by black.


In the main story, characters who had been at odds with each other join forces to defeat an overwhelmingly powerful adversary, creating an indescribable catharsis.


But the aforementioned mid-boss lacks any identity crisis since they only possess the same specs as the protagonist. Their actions are inexplicable, and they don’t provide the protagonist with a catalyst to face their beliefs.


“This game is trash.”


As I vented my dissatisfaction, a sudden sense of emptiness overwhelmed me.


Was staying up


 Is this the right thing to do?


It wasn’t supposed to be like this.


It was already three in the morning according to the clock, a disaster-like feeling.


I’m just tired. I’ll go to sleep.


Oh, right.


At least in my dreams, let me be the ideal dark hero, making a glorious appearance.

◇ ◇ ◇

When I woke up, I found myself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling.




Feeling the discomfort of my damp and sticky back, I tried to sit up and figure out where I was, but I failed.


“What? What? What is this? My body feels so heavy.”


My head was too heavy to lift.


Wait, did I just stay up all night playing a game?


Did I have a brain hemorrhage or something!?


Will I be in a vegetative state for the rest of my life!?


…Calm down.


It’s just that my body feels heavy, as if my muscles have turned into excess fat.


I gathered my strength and tried to twist my body.

In front of my unfocused gaze, my arm looked like a piece of ham.




I couldn’t speak.


Although I could produce sounds, I couldn’t articulate the Japanese syllabary in my thoughts.

“My teeth… they’re gone! They’ve been pulled out!? Why!?”


Faced with a shocking truth, I failed to notice the presence of someone other than myself approaching from behind.


“Oh my, did you wake up, Kuro?”


A slender arm, the complete opposite of muscular, effortlessly lifted my body weighing over 80 kilograms.


(Wha… what’s happening?)


The woman held me in her arms and began singing an unfamiliar song.


Perhaps it was a lullaby.


My eyelids feel heavy.


Despite being in an extraordinary situation, my body felt completely at ease.


The anxiety I had just moments ago was swept away as if it were a lie, and my consciousness was swallowed by the realm of drowsiness.


…Wait a minute.


Didn’t she just call me Kuro?


I see, I think I get it now.


I must be dreaming of Rune Fantasy IV, right?


Because I complained to the mid-boss, kuro, saying, “Come on, you should do better,” he responded with, “Well then, why don’t you give it a try?” I understand.


Well, whatever.


If I have to replace the pathetic villain and play the role of the true dark hero, so be it.


I’ll probably wake up and return to reality once I go back to sleep anyway.


Oh well, too bad. I wanted to show you the ideal enemy character.

◇ ◇ ◇

Three days have passed since then.


My consciousness remains trapped in this world.


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