A whimsical trip to another world ~with a slave harem~ Thumbnail
A whimsical trip to another world ~with a slave harem~

Vol. 1 Chapter 2 - Steady Efforts

I exited the room.

Apparently, I was in a room in a large building and when I went down the stairs, I ended up at the exit.

I opened the door and went outside. The road was made of dirt and gravel instead of concrete.

The surrounding buildings look like they are made of stone, and the colors are miscellaneous, but they are natural and somewhat calming. It feels like a historic townscape in Europe or Central Asia.

There weren’t many people walking nearby and the road was narrow so maybe it’s a back alley.

Proceeding to the direction where I could hear noises of the hustle and bustle of life, I came across a splendid road made of stone pavement, with rickshaws running slowly and people walking about. This gotta be the main street.

Even so, people, people, people, there were too many people. Not to mention their clothing. There were a few wearing japanese-like clothes, another wearing what seemed like a national costume, some were wearing attire so exposed they’re basically half-naked. It’s really disjointed, but it seems to be the norm here.

It makes me want to say…that there is a cultural diversity that we modern people have seemingly forgotten today.

[Onii-san, you’re in the way if you keep standing there!]

I was scolded by the old woman at the shop on the shoulder of the road so I started walking along with the flow of people.

Speaking of which, I don’t have any money.

I really couldn’t bring anything but clothes. No, even if I have Japanese banknotes, can I even use them?

Since it’s a game-like world, shouldn’t there be an adventurers guild?

For the time being, I have to find a job that makes money regardless of my status.

There were only shops on the main street but if you go through one further back and proceed through the back alleys, you will find pink signs and shops with strange names lined up.

(Ah, man, it’s like a red-light district around here.)

I don’t know much about the manners and customs in this other world so I’m afraid to enter. But I thought it would be fine if I just looked around so I walked by at a quick pace.

I wonder if the regulations are loose here as instead of a strange man who follows you while making a mysterious comment like [Wanna touch some tits?], a racy-looking sister will come to seduces the bypassers more directly

Whispering [Hey there~? We can play with just one silver coin!] while pressing her breasts that nearly spilled out of her top against the arm of a pedestrian.

I was not exempt from this tempting attack. While leaning forward, I hurriedly walked to escape.

After passing through the red-light district, I arrived at an area lined with people standing still and people with handcuffs and shackles.

Is this also a kind of red-light district? That’s what I thought, but when I look at the movement of the people who are doing business, it seems different.

Because not only women, there were also rough men and wrinkly old people being presented here.

(Ah, a slave market?)

It suddenly makes sense but I don’t feel that much disgust. It’s unclear whether it’s because I think it can’t be helped that we are in another world or because I was a cold person with a lacking sense of justice.

(Slave…slave, huh?)

On Earth, I had completely given up on heterosexual relationships.

In the first place, I don’t think I’m attractive but even if I had a partner, it wouldn’t last very long. There were times when we could get along if we compromised a few times, but the problems often outweighed the good times.

After I became unemployed, I began to feel strongly that there was no one who would be able to accommodate such a social misfit like myself and, before I knew it, I had given up on forming meaningful relationships with other people.

If it doesn’t work, just sell them at the market. If you find a compatible partner, try to be as affectionate as possible.

Shouldn’t I be able to handle it if that’s the case?

I came to another world because I got tired of life on Earth and in the end, I was still vague about what I wanted to do. But I found one goal, even if it was truly a humble one .

Slave harem. That’s it.

(Alright, let’s do our best.)

I had resigned myself to thinking that even if it was a situation where I might die right away, I would be fine, but I got a little motivated and clenched my fists.

(But to do that, I need to make money first)

When I checked the price tag of a poorly dressed child slave, it said, [30 silver coins or more, negotiable].

…..30 silver coins is the minimum bottom-line and the price can be negotiated by haggling with the seller.

A sexually attractive young woman should be many times more expensive than this poor child.

(100 or 200 silver coins…that’s the provisional goal.)

With a new goal in mind, my pacing became more comfortable and light.

Then, I noticed a sign board saying [Monster Material Purchase Center].

It’s a bit different from what I thought, but it might be related to an organization like the adventurer’s guild that often appears in the stories.

I went in triumphantly and asked the cute older sister at the reception who had short twintails.

[How do I get the job of defeating monsters and getting money?]

For a moment, the air around the counter hardened and I could feel the staff glancing at me and laughing.

[Um, customer, would you like to bring some monster material?]

[Ah, n, no.]

[If you have any questions, please ask the receptionist.]

[O, o, okay…]

It seems I did something out of place. Quite embarrassing. While being embarrassed from acting suspiciously, I lined up at the consultation reception. The receptionist here is a beautiful long-haired young… Of course it’s an old aunty. She seemed to be kind, so I guess I’m safe?

[Customer, do you need to consult about something?]

[Ah, actually, I’m interested in a job where I can earn money by defeating monsters… I thought I’d try gathering information about what kind of system this town has…]

I quickly said what I was thinking while standing in line. As a perpetual loner, I’m weak once I feel an ounce of embarrassment.

[There are no particular restrictions on defeating monsters. If you come out of the gate, defeat the monsters, take the materials, and sell them at our center, we will buy it for money. Is this all right?]

[Yes… I’m sorry. I wondered if I needed a permit or something like registration…]

[There are other people who think that way so please calm down. Especially for normal hunters who don’t target monsters, there are many cases where registration is required due to restrictions on hunting.]

[O, of course~]

Since you took the trouble to talk to me, I’ll leave it at that. I’m sorry.

[There are goblins, green caterpillars, and blood slime spawn points around this town of Slurge. None of them are strong species so there are opportunities just to explore the surroundings.]

[Spawn points? I don’t know much about that. Can you tell me more?]

[Spawning point? I’m not familiar with it either, but as the name suggests, it refers to a singular point where a certain type of monster spawn out. Well, you probably know that already, pardon me. Many villages and towns were built to deal with these spawning points. It is said that this Slurge was originally developed as a base due to the large number of spawning points.]

[So, that’s how. I guess I’m a bit ignorant when it comes to history.]

[Well, it might not be talked about in the city. For those who graduated from school, it is said that it is usually talked about at the beginning of history class.]

[Oh… is that so?]

It seems that it was common sense. Ah, it must be too difficult to gather information in another world.

[If it’s your first time hunting monsters, I recommend the Green Caterpillar. At worst, even a child can defeat it with bare hands given enough time. In my opinion, I think it’s a bit disgusting.]

[O, okay.]

[However, we only accept the magic stone, not the rest of the materials. Rarely, the Green Caterpillar has something called thread ball that being left in its internal organs. That part can be sold at a low price so they hardly make a good income.]


[Depending on the state of the magic stone, if you collect it carefully, 1 can sell for around 10 copper coins. However, please understand that there is a 10% charge as a fee.]


How many copper coins are silver coins? I wanted to ask but as expected, I couldn’t. I’ll do something about it later.

[Also, people who have lived in the city are surprisingly unfamiliar with it, but once you go outside the city wall, you need about one silver coin to enter. This does not apply if you have a merchant qualification or fall under the grounds for reduction or exemption. Please do not forget to bring money with you.]

[What happens if I don’t have the money?]

[Worst case, you’ll be arrested by the gatekeeper for fraud.]


[That’s why please have at least one silver coin with you all the time.]

[…that means, will I be in the red if I don’t collect 10 green caterpillar magic stones?]

Just take a gamble and check the monetary value. If I didn’t take it off, I’m not good at calculations, so I’m sure I’ll be able to deceive it.

[That’s right. Of course, there are other expenses so if you don’t defeat 12 to 13 of them, you might be in the red.]

I see, I’m almost certain that 100 copper coins = 1 silver coin.

[Hmm, I wonder if I can find that many]

[It might be tough. At first, I think it’s better to accumulate experience with a mindset that you’ll be in debt for a while.]

[I see, it’s not a world for the weak after all. Thank you for your advice. Thank you for all the information.]

[Don’t mention it. I’m happy to help.]

[It was very helpful. If there is anything else, can I ask here again?]

[Of course. However, if you have something to look for, information on monsters is on the 2nd floor of our center and various other information is accumulated in the city library.]

I should’ve gone to check it over before going outside. I felt like gagging from embarrassment.

[Oh, then I would like to use that one as well. Sorry for the trouble.]

[It’s alright.]

[See you around.]

I went to the 2nd floor and took a quick look at the information about the monsters and, after looking at the map of the surrounding monster habitats on the wall, I went outside. I was so embarrassed, but if I was told that I needed a registration fee, I’d be penniless so I’m glad it wasn’t an adventurer’s guild-style system. Yep.

Now then, as a guideline, I was able to select the option of [Hunting Green Caterpillars outside the city]. To do that, I have to prepare a silver coin to return and then go out.

[What I can sell right now is… well, I only have these clothes on me.]

The image of the half naked people I saw on the street crossed my mind. …is there no other way?

I jumped into a place that looked like a clothing store for the common people.

[Eeh~, this is nice tailoring. I’ll pay you a total of 3 silver coins for the jacket and shirt.]

[3 silver coins huh… Ah, how much will you pay for these socks?]

[Hmm? Hmm~ this also has nice tailoring. But since it stinks, it won’t sell well.]

I guess I should’ve washed it first…

Despite thinking so, I was a bit miffed when the peddler told me that it stinks. I pulled back and sold as many clothes as I could for the 3 silver coins.

For a little while I wondered what to do with the pants.

I considered selling it as well, but I couldn’t stand wearing only underwear. I sold my jacket and shirt, deciding to walk around the city with a half-naked top.

I got occasional glances but so far, nobody talked me down openly.

I saw half-naked people walking the same street before. So, it should be alright.

That’s what I told myself.

(Three silver coins huh. The food stalls sell snacks for several copper coins so I wonder if one copper coin is 100 yen and one silver coin is 10,000 yen? I don’t know for sure.)

So I had 30,000 yen at the moment. There’s nothing else to sell anymore. 10,000 yen will be used as entrance fee later. That leaves me with 20,000 yen, which I don’t think is enough to buy me a weapon.

(Let’s at least buy a knife…and food. We can live as long as we have food.)

While being terrified that I suddenly became poor in another world, I bought a large knife with 30 copper coins and devoured a large yakiniku bowl at a stall with 10 copper coins.

I may end up going without food for a while so I ate as much as I could.

After I ate, I felt like going to the toilet and I was quite impatient, but surprisingly, there are public toilets all over the city in this world.

They might say it’s a toilet, but it’s medieval at best compared to the modern world. I was surprised that there was a concept of a public toilet at all and I was pleasantly surprised that it was a flush toilet (probably).

The cultural level in this world may be higher than I thought. Though there is slavery.

[Well then, let’s meet this Green Caterpillar-chan, shall we?]

The sun was still right above me. I didn’t know what time it was when I got transferred here but it was probably around noon.

When I left the town, there was no particular screening and I solemnly departed from the gate while being glared at by the armed guards.

There was a crowd in front of the gate and they seemed to be waiting for an entrance inspection.

There were even people who set up stalls outside the gate, perhaps aimed at such people.

I was prepared to leave, but the atmosphere was surprisingly peaceful.

(Perhaps the monsters don’t go near the gate. I suppose there’s a choice of camping outside too)

Of course, I was prepared to stay homeless in my current circumstances.

If it’s safe, it might be more convenient to just camp outside the gate. If I go to the slums instead, I might end up losing what’s left of my humanity, however small it is already.

But, that is unacceptable. The fire in my heart has already been lit… for the lofty goal of creating a slave harem.

I was walking along the highway while thinking about such vulgar things, but I passed by people once in a while and it was peaceful and safe.

(No, no, no, no…it can’t be helped, let’s go off the road and move on.)

When I glanced at the map of the monster material purchase center, the green caterpillar should be distributed in the forest on the west after exiting the gate facing northeast!

When I was sneaking forward, the forest was cut off and turned into a meadow. There is also a green object moving around.

[I-is that it?]

It’s a really green caterpillar.

I jumped in and stabbed it in the back with my knife.

Pull out and stab. Pull out and stab again.

The green caterpillar spit out threads and threw its body aside to press down on me. It’s a huge caterpillar so it’s a bit disgusting. The thread was also sticky and uncomfortable on my skin. It’s just not to the point where I can’t move.

Once I chucked my knife at the caterpillar’s head as it’s about to bite at me, it finally died. The fight felt like it took forever, and I ended up bathed with its blood, or rather, caterpillar fluid.

[Haah, I don’t know how long I’ve been fighting… I’m alright because it barely has any offensive power. But its skin is flexible and elastic, it’s still alive despite multiple stab wounds, and its body fluids smell ridiculous. Now I know why it’s not popular.]

Even if I became a master of combat and could defeat it faster, I would only get 10 copper coins, which is about 1000 yen, from fighting while bathed in bodily fluids… I had a hard time finding it pleasant too.

If it’s just the green caterpillar, it looks like I could get by if I climbed a tree. How many nights should I stay in the area of ​​the green caterpillar?

While struggling with the squishy skin, I cut around the bottom of the mouth to secure the magic stone, lightly wiped it with my running shirt, then looked for another green caterpillar.

On that day, I found 3 green caterpillars and stabbed them to death before the sun set.

…After all that walking around, there were only three of them.

All that effort, for about 3000 yen. With a sigh, I searched for a nearby tree that I could climb and rested my body on one of its largest branches.

(I’m not sure if it’s really safe…actually, if I roll over and fall, I’m likely to get hurt…I wonder if I’ll be able to return alive.)

The night came while feeling sentimental about my way of life up until yesterday.

My body was tired, but maybe because I didn’t eat dinner or because I’m still in a state of excitement, my consciousness was clear.

[…..should I check my skills or change my status?]


************Personal Data***********

Yoyo (Human)

Interferer☆ (2)
Traveler (3)

MP: 13/13

Attack: G+
Defense: G
Agility: G+
Endurance: F-
Magic: G
Magic Resistance: G

View Status II
Manipulate Status
Add Job I
Edit Status Display

Proof of Status:

Additional Information:



The number after『Interferer』and『Traveler』 actually went up.

Is this my level? Did they go up by defeating the green caterpillar?

That means it’s easier to level『Interferer』up. But after looking at my status for a bit more, I found something that bothered me.

Under the [Job] there’s a small print that reads [fix].

What does that even mean? I wonder if there are any benefits.

【Do you really want to keep it? Once fixed, the job cannot be changed.】


The 『Interferer』became faint and can no longer be selected. It seems that it has become my fixed job.

************Personal Data***********

Yoyo (Human)

Interferer☆ (2)
Traveler (3)

MP: 13/13

Attack: G+
Defense: G
Agility: G+
Endurance: F-
Magic: G
Magic Resistance: G

View Status II
Manipulate Status
Add Job I
Edit Status Display

Proof of Status:

Additional Information:


Oh, the『Interferer』actually gained a new skill.

It seems that the View Status has been ranked up to II, but there’s no change in particular. Well, I’ll probably find out about the new features while I’m messing around.

As for Edit Status Display… Ah, I see. I can choose which item to display.

Let’s try hiding the name…

Hmm? No change.

There was no change even if I tried to hide other items.

I started to think that I’m misunderstanding something… Hmm, it’s “viewing” so it doesn’t affect me?

If someone else has a skill like『View Status』or 『Appraisal』that can display other people’s status, I can limit what that person could see from my status display.


For now, let’s hide my job, parameters, and skill. Additional Information… Maybe I should hide it for the time being. It may include personal information without my knowledge later on.

Now then, let’s check what other things I gained…

Traveler (3)
Citizen (1)
Rogue (1)
Survivalist (1)
Dagger User (1)

The number of jobs is growing!?

Indeed, for the first time in my life, I lived a life of survival of the fittest, chasing prey and sleeping outdoors. So maybe that’s why the『Survivalist』is unlocked .

And since I’ve been fighting with dagger for a while now, the『Dagger User』become selectable as well.

After checking, a 『Survivalist』gains [Enhanced Digestion] skill.

It’s probably a skill that makes food easier to digest. So very survivalist-like.

As for『Dagger User』, it gains [Penetration].

When I do a piercing attack, the power will be slightly stronger.

Stabbing with a dagger, considering the short range, is not that appealing. But the point is, if it activates on attacks that [Stab], it might be possible to use it like a throwing knife to increase its power.

[For now… let’s change to『Dagger User』.]


************Personal Data***********

Yoyo (Human)

Interferer☆ (2)
Dagger User (1)

MP: 12/12

Attack: G+
Defense: G
Agility: G+
Endurance: G
Magic: G
Magic Resistance: G

View Status II
Manipulate Status,
Add Job I,
Status Display Restriction

Additional Information:


Hmm. it seemed that the『Dagger User』job is specialized for attack and agility.

I would like to know the specifics of these specs. I’ll have to check it out at the library when I get home. Hopefully, the library is free.

When I was thinking about it, it seemed that I had fallen asleep before I knew it, and when I suddenly woke up, the surroundings were bright.

[Fuwaaaaa… For now, let’s find a few caterpillars then I’ll go back to the gate…]

I found a caterpillar in less than 10 minutes as I walked through the grasslands. I killed it by stabbing it with a knife.

[I couldn’t tell if the effect of Penetration is active or not…]

Little by little, I got used to it and collected the magic stones quickly (although I said it, I struggled for about 10 minutes) and headed west.

Crossing the forest, back to the highway, and if I follow the road, I should be able to return to the town without getting lost. After all, there were no monsters on the highway.

[Yosh, let’s go.]

Several stalls were grilling meat in front of the gate. Perhaps because it was still early in the morning, there were fewer people queuing in front of the gate than before.

[Uncle, give me one skewer of meat, no, give me two.]

[Okay. I’m fine with it, but you reek.]

I was scolded by the dirty old man at the stall. damn.

[I killed a green caterpillar just now. I’ll leave straight away after my order is done.]

[I see. The fight must’ve been disastrous.]

I devoured skewers of an unknown meat, bought a number of flour dumplings that looked like they could be sold at another stall, and headed back to the forest.

[I wonder if I should just wrap it in grass… I’m reluctant.]

I chose a tree with hard leaves and rolled the dumplings into a portable food.

On the way through the forest, there was a spring so I took a light bath. I’ve heard that places like this are targeted by carnivorous creatures so I was freaking out a bit. Fortunately, nothing came out.

Or rather, I hadn’t seen any big animals at all in this forest…

(Have the hunters annihilated all of them in this part of the forest?)

Shortly after, I reached the grasslands and started hunting green caterpillars.

Today, I was able to kill them faster as I got used to them. By evening, I was able to collect about 6 magic stones.

On the way back, after bathing lightly in the spring, I ate dumplings to fill my stomach and moved through the forest along the highway.

I realized that if there were no monsters along the highway, it would be safer to sleep in a tree along the highway. I reached the road before the forest was completely dark and lay down on a small meadow nearby.

It’s a little careless but I couldn’t sleep well on the tree. I decided to at least hide behind a tree and rest my body.


The next day, I woke up early in the morning.

No, I don’t know the time so whether it’s early or not is a judgment based on my senses. It must be morning because I could hear water dripping on the plants and birds chirping.

I noticed that I hadn’t checked my status last night, so I checked it first.

************Personal Data***********

Yoyo (Human)

Interferer☆ (2)
Dagger User (2↑)

MP: 12/12

Attack: G+
Defense: G
Agility: G+
Endurance: G
Magic: G
Magic Resistance: G

View Status II
Manipulate Status,
Add Job I,
Status Display Restriction

Additional Information:


『Dagger User』level increased by 1. No change in selectable jobs. No change in parameters.

The easiest way to increase the skill level would be to [fix] the『Dagger User』but… I would want to have one slot that I could play around with, at least until the number of available slots for jobs increases

The reason why I expect the number of jobs to increase is because the Add Job skill is I. II. It seems to be up to about III. Will the skill rank up on its own somehow, or is it tied to the『Interferer』level?

Even if Add Job skill reaches II, it’s not unthinkable that the number of jobs will not increase even if the number of functions increases. So I’d better keep one slot unfixed.

[I have no choice but to go slow and steady…]

Steady effort.

I mumbled to myself and smiled wryly, saying that there was no other phrase that suited me so badly.

I collected 11 green caterpillar magic stones yesterday. 12 to 13 is the profit margin so let’s take as much as I can today and stay at the inn for once. With that thought in mind, I felt motivated and headed for the grassland through the forest again today.

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Discussion (2)

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Cliché upon cliché, free library, broken (illogical) economy - yeah, pretty typical isekai.
This is a good novel, I used to read the original version, but I got confused with the Google translation