A whimsical trip to another world ~with a slave harem~ Thumbnail
A whimsical trip to another world ~with a slave harem~

Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - NEET goes to another world

[Oh, it’s time.]

My name is Konno, Konno Yohei. Jobless. I’ve been a NEET for two years now.
I’m lounging around in bed right now.
My parents died in an accident and my siblings have abandoned me. I have no contact with other relatives.
I’m living off the inheritance left by my parents and the money I earned from this and that in the past. I don’t have any interest in luxuries or anything that has to do with the outside world. I was able to go by since I live a simple life with barely any expenses.

I did make one exception though.
The gigantic PC that sits in the center of my room was assembled with carefully selected parts by yours truly. As a result, it has a performance that could rival the main products that some companies release.

When I got tired of sleeping, I would re-read some manga or use the computer to troll people to kill some time.

[Let’s see. Is there anything interesting… hmmm. Oh? There’s something in the virtual space that the government is using.]

Typing in an address and displaying net information on the screen… In the olden days, we didn’t know what to do, but today’s net has a three-dimensional spread using virtual space.
More than three years ago, I somehow found an open virtual space used by government officials and I enjoy looking into it from time to time. Putting aside information leaks and denouncing it, it was a surprisingly boring way to pass the time.

It’s kind of fun to see irrelevant reports like ambassadors anywhere from children to old women, but mostly it’s just a list of numbers that only insiders can understand and straight-laced reports flying around.
However, sometimes it’s a little fun to peek in like this; it’s like playing spy. So I snuck a spyware in and spent my time casually snacking.

In such a virtual space, I discovered something out of place with a solid barrier stretched out.
It’s as if they knew that someone was going to infiltrate and the barrier made it painfully obvious that it’s some sort of super classified information. Besides, at first glance, it’s as if they jumbled various kinds of barriers from super old to the latest together that I didn’t know what they really wanted to do.

[I guess they think if they go that far, no one would want to try to infiltrate… but well, presented with something like this, anyone will probably become too curious that they actually try to look into it.]

Demonstrating the hacking ability that was honed during my lifetime as a NEET, I peeled off the barriers one layer at a time.
It’s surprisingly challenging.
Should I open this one… nah, it ain’t working…or maybe, the one that attacks when I try to unlock it?

Oh, it’s open. Hmm? A message box popped out?

『Do you want to travel to another world? 』

…..? Let’s try saying “yes”.

『Understood. Have a good evening.』

Hmm!? What? The box disappeared… Should I worry about it? Don’t tell me the government is trolling those who’ve been entering virtual space?

[Eh, whatever.]

Something happened for the first time in a long while…although the content was a bit disappointing.
All that work was exhausting me. I’m tired. Let’s head back to bed.


…..When I woke up, I saw a dark red floor, a wall decorated with paintings, and an elegant bookshelf with back covers.
Where am I?
My room couldn’t possibly be this tasteful!

[Hey, I’m here to pick you up.]

When I heard a voice and turned around, I saw a cheeky-looking brat sitting with his legs crossed on a high-class sofa.
Dressed like a pure white suit, with beautiful white hair.
Why so much white?

[…where is this?]

[Hmm? Don’t worry. After all, you are the person who applied for the trip to another world, yes?]

The white-haired kid tilted his head, gently lifted the cup of tea, and drank it with an elegant gesture.

[…..Applied? You mean that weird message?]

[Yes, that’s correct. Since I first sent that message, no reply came in so I’ve been getting impatient here.]

[Are you, by chance, a government official?]

[Eh? No, no. I’m not. You’ve got it all wrong.]

[Then who are you? Is this…virtual space? Something is fishy here.]

[Ah, so you noticed? Well, it’s close to what you guys call virtual space. But, be careful. This is a world without time.]

[Is there really one?]

[I’m just showing off. Well, if you stay in this room, you won’t die so you don’t have to worry about it. it’s hard to get out of here]

[So, what do you want from me?]

[Eh, as I said. You’re going to another world. I’m here just to confirm your agreement.]

[…are you serious? About going to another world and all?]

[Ah, is your interest finally piqued? It’s certainly not through a formal procedure… Naturally. I mean, that’s why there’s a final confirmation procedure like this. Just in case there is any misunderstanding. Are you sure you still want to go? You can still back out right now.]

The white-haired kid grimaced lightly, then turned to me and said troublesomely.

[Wait, wait. This is all going too fast. If there’s really another world, I’d want to visit there. But it depend on what kind of world I’m going to go to]

[I see, then let me briefly explain. My purpose is to investigate. I’ll ask you to go to another world instead of me and give me a brief report on what’s there and how people live there. The world you’re going to visit is… That’s right, wait a minute.]

The white-haired kid shook his hands lightly as if operating something while he moved his head, seemingly reading something.

[The world you’ll be visiting is, hmmm, do you play games?]


[Okay. Have you played those RPGs with job class and skills?]

[The classics, huh? I haven’t played offline RPGs for a while but I’ve played a lot of MMORPGs. Actually, you can call me a veteran.]

[So a veteran, huh… Well, that should make it easier for you to understand. Apparently, it’s a world that operates under the system where job classes and skills exist.]

[Job class and skill…? By job, you don’t mean things like unemployed or bankers, right?]

[Nah, it’s the standard RPG combat job-classes like swordsman or mage though I don’t know the details.]

[How come you don’t know? I mean if we are talking about going to another world that has a skill system, shouldn’t there be privilege like having a super useful skill?]

[Of course there’s none. Being able to go to another world itself is a privilege already.]

[I, I see… But if that’s the case, what can I report back to you if I die as soon as I go over there?]

[Indeed. But you’re not the only one going there. So don’t worry.]

[I still can’t help it!]

This person(?). It’s even scarier because he said it with a straight face!

[Well, you can always move to a place where there’s no danger, so you won’t encounter any monsters and die right away.]

[…Monsters, do they exist too?]

[Of course they do. Now, best of luck]

[Really? It’s really a RPG-like world.]

[Or rather, it’s a miraculous probability that there are no monsters in your world. The surrounding worlds are mostly a monster heaven.]

[Seriously? The surrounding worlds…]

[Since there is another world, naturally there are many other worlds out there, you got it? There are worlds that are close to each other and worlds that are far from each other. Worlds close to yours are generally overrun with monsters.]

[…Wait. Why don’t you want to go there yourself? Is it related to that near or far?]

[Oh, you’re sharp. Well, to put it simply, I’m too far away to go to the world I’m investigating. That’s why I’m begging to someone like you.]

[Like me?]

[Yes, the one who uses a virtual space and is accustomed to a different space.]

[Is virtual space and another world related?]

[Isn’t it rather strange to think that it’s not related? Virtual space uses a space that doesn’t exist in reality so, well, it’s like using a different world, isn’t it?]

He snorted as if I’d made a fool of myself. He’s an annoying guy with every gesture.

[I see…]

[When people who aren’t used to different spaces get transferred to another world, they get really drunk.]


[Yep. if it’s too severe, one may have a mental breakdown and die.]

[And you call that ‘drunk’!?]

But to think that another world exists. I’m a little excited.

[Could it be that you are a God or a 4D person or something like that…?] (ED note: 4D person = someone who has a weird or special personality)

[Hahaha, I’m not. I guess I’m a god in a way? Nah, it’s different.]

[…I see.]

Who on earth is this kid? Oh well.

[So, are you going to another world or not? By the way, if you go, you won’t be able to come back.]

[…if another world is real, then sure. I’m tired of my original world anyway.]

[I, I see. Well, since you agree, then I have nothing to say.]

[Sorry for being a NEET. Do I need to do something else?]

[No. I’m supposed to transfer you out once proper consent is obtained.]

[W, wait a minute. Can I bring something from my original world?]

[Hmmm, clothes, I guess? If you take too many items with you, you might get an otherworldly disease or a mental breakdown.]

[What’s with all that mental breakdowns upon transfer!?]

[Because that’s what traveling to other worlds are like.]

[I see…]

If I didn’t have a cheat skill, I wanted to bring something from Earth as a cheat, but it’s impossible…
I didn’t even bring my cell phone.
While rummaging through my pockets, I discovered a piece of equipment.

[Ah, then is this terminal the only one?]

It’s a small virtual space connection device that fits comfortably in one hand.

[Hmm? Isn’t that the thing you used to access virtual space?]

[Yeah. I can easily access and operate the virtual space through this terminal. It’s small, so can it be considered as part of my clothes?]

[Hmm. I guess so? I mean, if it isn’t, you’ll just die anyway.]

[Oof. yeah, well, nice to meet you.]

[Yosh. then I’ll transfer you out now. Do your best!]

[Oh, come to think of it, I haven’t asked you what to do with the report.]

[I will contact you for the report. For the content of the report, just give me a rough idea of ​​the state of the world. Other than that, you can live as you please.]

[Okay. See you later.]

[Yeah, see you later.]

The kid waved his arm and the door at the back of the room opened, revealing a glowing wall beyond.

[I need to go through this door?]

[Yes. And don’t stop halfway through. You’ll have a mental breakdown if you do.]

[Again with the mental breakdown! I get it already so let me prepare myself.]

Walking through the wall of light, I arrived in a small empty room.

[…Have I already crossed over to another world?]

Let’s try using the terminal to access virtual space… I can’t.

[Eh? I can’t access the virtual space?]

In my original world, virtual space manipulation was my only strong point. I felt impatient because I couldn’t do it.

[Are you kidding me… He should’ve at least told me… Is this the report he’s talking about?]

A display that I had never seen before appeared before me when I was fiddling with the terminal.

************Personal Data************

Yohei Konno (Human)

Interferer (I) None

MP: 10/10

Attack: G
Defense: G
Agility: G
Endurance: G
Magic: G
Magic Resistance: G

View Status
Manipulate Status
Add Job I

Additional Information:



Whoa, what is this? I couldn’t expand the virtual space but something like a game screen came out.

Well, it’s a different world, so that’s possible. My attention shifted to the status screen. Are jobs set arbitrarily? What is this『Interferer』?
Perhaps it’s because I came from another world?
But, next to that is a [None]. Don’t tell me that it’s his way of telling me that unemployed people will also be unemployed even if they go to another world? How rude.

The [Attack] and [Defense] written in the parameter section are really game-like. Is G high or low? Well, generally speaking, it’s probably low.
All of them are G.

If I could see this information because I have the [View status] skill, does that mean it normally cannot be viewed? Or is it the standard for everyone in this world…?
There is also status manipulation. Let’s play around with it.

…Oh. I can change my name. Should I replace it with the one I always used in the game?
And job…well?
Apparently I can switch the Interferer job into something else. I see. Can it be changed at any time? Let’s see…

Traveler (I)
Citizen (I)
Rogue (I)

Ehh. None of these seem cool.

Hmm? [Add Job] means a new job can be added… ah, that must be what the [None] means. I can add a second job.
Let’s change the [None] to『Traveler』. Alright, all set.

************Personal Data************

Yoyo (Human)

Interferer (I) Traveler (I)

MP: 11/12

Attack: G
Defense: G
Agility: G
Endurance: F-
Magic: G
Magic Resistance: G

View Status
Manipulate Status
Add Job I

Proof of residence:

Additional information:



Endurance has been improved. And is this ‘proof of status’ the skill from the『Traveler』job? Let’s give it a try… oh, a new window appeared.

[Name Yoyo, Race Human, Affiliation none, Crime none]

It’s pretty much a condensed version of the View Status window. Eh? Now that I think about it, all of these aren’t actually written in Japanese. Yet I can still read it…? Oh, it must be that God-kid. Did he make me able to read this world’s language? I would appreciate it if he told me in advance. You tsundere God.

Hmm, apparently the proof of status is like an identification paper that can show your name and criminal records. Not helpful at all!

Ah, let’s change it to『Citizen』 then.

************Personal Data************

Yoyo (Human)

Interferer (1) Citizen (1)

MP 11/12

Attack: G
Defense: G
Agility: G
Endurance: G
Magic: G
Magic Resistance: G

View Status
Manipulate Status
Add Job I

Proof of residence: None

Additional information:


Proof of residence? Oh, so I can prove that I actually live somewhere properly, like the identification paper I mentioned earlier?

I see~…..

If I remove the『Interferer』job, I might not be able to manipulate my status anymore, so I can’t remove the it for the time being.

As for the second job…
Well, for the time being,『Traveler』should be fine.
The job raises [Endurance] modestly.

By the way, a rogue’s skill is [Intimidation].
Probably to scare weak-willed opponents.

Not that it really matters.

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