I, who transferred to another world, increase the number of friends and seed them with the skill [Seeded S*x King Libidordeus]. Thumbnail
I, who transferred to another world, increase the number of friends and seed them with the skill [Seeded S*x King Libidordeus].

Chapter 2 - Beautiful girl's first oral service ♥️

The grimoire suddenly began to glow dazzlingly and continues to glow spectacularly.


“Why is it glowing?……”


The suddenness of the event surprises me, but in contrast, Shiroe suddenly slumps down on the spot.


“What’s wrong?”


I reach out to her as quickly as I can but I realise that something is wrong with her.


The dignified appearance she had earlier was gone, and her translucent, beautiful face was dyed a light cherry blossom colour, and she was huffing and puffing.


“I-I don’t know…..It’s like, suddenly it’s so……no, it’s okay…. no problem…..”


She was saying that she was fine, but from the side I’m standing, she is clearly acting strangely.


…..and its very erotic.


I can’t help but be surprised to see Shiroe on the ground with her hips and hands on the ground,  breathing hotly, and staring at me with her tormented emerald eyes.


But that’s not all.


Seeing her so glamorous and sexy, I’d also breathe hard and my heart races as if I’m being caught in it too.


I usually masturbate two or three times a day and now I’ve become unusually aroused.


As if in response to her shameful behaviour, like a dog in heat, my penis pulsates and becomes erect.


Its flesh stalks are also different from usual. I can see that it has gone beyond its usual limits, becoming two or three times thicker, longer and harder.


It is clearly abnormal.


‘Don’t tell me..’


I quickly pick up the grimoire that fell to the ground and open the pages.


There was nothing written there before, but now in clear, rose-coloured letters.


Skill【Forced Sexual Exciment】.


It’s written.


Furthermore, on the next page, it writes


Effect 【Gives an irresistible sexual arousal in the user or subject]】


It contained such outrageous things.


‘I knew it. It’s this grimore’s fault. I have to do something about this……’


But when I turn more pages, I realise that there are even more outrageous details written on the page.




Effect【Increased Forced Sexual Exciment and Sexual Sensitivity of the target】




Effect 【Contraception at the subject’s discretion.】


Skills 【Seeding】


Effect 【Forced pregnancy at the subject’s discretion.】


Skill 【S*x King Potential】


Effect【Unequalled, increased sperm and semen quantity and larger size of the penis.】


Skill 【S*x Slave】


Effect 【Carve a lewd print on the succumbing target. Also, the ability is strengthened in proportion to the poured semen】


Such detailed information has been written for me.


‘Wh-what the hell is this…I’m happy, I’m so happy..but.’

I can barely reason with such thoughts, but my heart is beating so fast and furiously that it feels like it is about to burst, and my eyes are drawn to the bewitching figure.


“Ugh…..shun……,I-I……feel so naughty right now, and… I can’t stop….!”


Shiroe then hugs me,pushes me down onto the grass and kisses me vigorously.


Her glossy, seductive lips meet mine, and her tongue enters without hesitation.


“Hmm…… Nchu♥Nmm♥ Nchu,Jururu,Jyu……… ♥Nha, Hmm ……… ♥ ️ Chu, Jururu, Hmm……♥ ️ Ah..♥Chu, Churu………♥ ️Puha,n……♥Ju,Jupu ………,Nchu ♥” ️


The sounds of sensual, hot kisses echo through the ruins, where not a bird chirps or an insect chirps.


Her tongue, coated with saliva, relentlessly violates my mouth.


The deep kisses are too extreme for me, a virgin and make my dick boil even harder.


In the past, it would have been difficult for an erection to be revealed over trousers, but the effect of the book must have made my dick become huge. It’s so huge that it can be seen by onlookers with a single shot and is clearly visible on the fabric of the trousers.




As Shiroe pushes me down and lays on top of my stomach, She notices my penis that is painfully rising and tented.


She gulps for a moment at the sight of it and whispers sweet, seductive words into my ear.


“Shun is excited too……I, too, can’t stand it any longer. ….. Do you want to …… do something naughty?”


Having said this, Shiroe removes her leather armour, the innerwear she was wearing underneath it and her underwear, which looks like a sports bra.


What emerged was her translucent white skin and her beautiful plump breasts, which were about the size of D-cups.


“Uoo……she’s soooo beautiful…..”


She was so beautiful, as if she were a goddess of beauty in her own right, that I couldn’t help but spill the beans.


“I’m happy to hear that, you can devour this body as you like, Shun.”


Slightly embarrassed, Shiroe unbuckled my belt, pulled down my zipper and removed my trousers.


The fabric has been stretched to its limits by the meat stalk being pushed inside, and the lower abdomen and other parts of the body have become completely separated from the trousers, creating a large space.


Gulping at the bitch-slayer’s meat spear that is about to appear, Shiroe puts her hand on my underwear.




The oppressive, obstructive fabric is removed and the burly, stiffly erect meat stick is released in front of Shiroe’s eyes. It is released with so much force that it makes a loud, sticky sound and strikes her lower abdomen.


It is longer, thicker and harder than usual, probably thanks to the effect of the skill【S*x King Potential】. The head of my penis is probably nearly 2 cm long.


My penis is soaring and tight, with several angry veins appearing, and cowper fluid is dripping from the tip like a drool.


Shiroe gulps, as if it is the first time she has seen such a male symbol in earnest.


“Aa……, is this a man’s…..penis? It’s amazing, just looking at it makes my pussy… Kyunkyun…♥️”


Shiroe gazes at it, superior to any human male, her cheeks flushed red, stunned but devouring.


She unconsciously reaches her finger into her honey pot, in front of my penis that she will be pouring her womanhood, or rather bitchhood, into.


“Hmm, ah …, nnnnmm ♥”


She starts to masturbate after seeing the drooling meat pole, and stirs the inside of her honey pot with her index and middle fingers, which are as white, slender and beautiful as a white fish, making a lewd sound.


Perhaps because she is strongly conscious of the mating between humans who have fallen into beasts that is about to begin, her whole body is gushing out sweat with a sweet scent, and her honey pot is sprinkling a lewd, aphrodisiac smell that invites the male to come.


To see such an obscene woman, I am unable to resist. With my dick twitching, I say to her.


“Shiroe, suck my cock.”


A demand that does not consider the woman’s pleasure, but only the male’s desire to devour her pleasure.


If I look at it calmly, I think it’s crazy to make such a statement to someone I’ve never met before who is not my girlfriend or friend, but right now all I can think about is just indulging in this pleasure.




Shiroe responds obediently to such a request and brings her face so close to my crotch that I could feel her hot breath on my crotch.


She gazes at my penis with rapturous eyes and kisses the glans, which is smeared with pre-cum, with her glossy lips.




A bolt of stimulation strikes the glans, which spills the smell of the munching male and drips cowper fluid in anticipation of the female’s service.




She sucks the tip of the glans into her mouth and moves her tongue to the other parts of the meaty trunk with the power of her mouth.


The intense aphrodisiac of the pre-cum that overflows into her mouth makes her head dizzy and her pussy squeal and beg for the seed.


As it is, she carefully licks off the cowper fluid that dribbles out of my penis without spilling a drop.


After taking one more lick, she goes straight to the base of my cock in her mouth.


The warm mucous membrane and the rough tongue entwine around the entire glans with a slippery sensation, and I am enveloped in such pleasure that I feel as if my back is going to break.


She continues on,playing it with her tongue and lashing out at my dick.


Gudju, dju, djuru


“Uuu, Ukkuhaasu……aaaa……that feels so good, Shiroe.”


My dick jolted by the sheer pleasure.


“Mnn, Shun really feels good, hefurehe, ♥️ I’m so happy.”


Shiroe replies with her mouth full of the large, angry glans, making guttural, lewd noises.


Now,  Shiroe swallows my cock all the way to the base at once with a mouth full of drool.


A huge dick would result in blocking her throat and entering her oesophagus and would normally be very painful. However, for Shiroe, whose entire body has been transformed into a sexual zone by the grimoire, she seem to be in any pain.


The beautifully nasal bridge burrows into the pubic hair, and a luscious electric current erodes from the glans to the neck of the callus, the back threads, and the root.


My dick is completely swallowed into ther mouth, and the warm, slippery sensation pleasantly stimulates my male’s sexual senses.


“Chu~suu♥chupupu~tsu,chururusuu♥Nntsu……,Mmfutsu♥fū ~tsu………, guchu~tsu~tsu♥ ️ juru ♥ ️ djububu~tsu,juposu♥jupupup……♥djubutsu,juru~tsu♥uru~tsu♥jupu~tsu, jupu~tsu♥”


A deep blowjob is performed from the tip to the root, from her lips to the back of her throat, with lewd sounds echoing through the ruins, as if to please my male instincts.


The warm, salty-smelling fluid, a mixture of drool and cowper’s fluid, overflows from the corners of her mouth and drips down to my scrotum.


I look at Shiroe’s face, thinking that she must be suffocating from the service of swallowing my dick but I soon realise that she is doing it with pleasure from the bottom of her heart.


Her cheeks were dyed red like apples, her nose was suffocating, and her emerald eyes were moistened with tears, but her face was ecstatic.


My dick is about to reach its limit as the beautiful woman stirs her honey pot violently with her right hand while sucking it.


My scrotum contracts and a large amount of semen rushes up my urethra.


“Nn…… good,I’ll put plenty of it in your mouth ……!”


My pulsating dick pulses even harder than before, and Shiroe senses my limit and urges me to ejaculate into her mouth.


The most pleasurable sensation I’ve ever felt, I unintentionally grab Shiroe’s head and push my cock in all the way to the root.


Gogyu ♥ ️  The sound of a vigorous shove is made, and Shiroe’s throat swells to the point where it can be seen from the outside.


“Aa, I’m going to give you plenty, take it all, take it all!”


I unleash my unendurable sperm in a relentless, sticky, nettling, gruesome blowjob that uses the back of her throat.


Byugu~yuusu♥ubyusu♥Nubyuysutsu♥byutsu♥byurusu~tsu♥ ️ byurusu♥ ️


“Nunnbuuu!!?Gubususu,guusu,gotsu,Mmmgu~tsu~tsu~tsu ♥ ……, gogyutsuu♥gogyusu~tsu♥ gokiyususu ♥”


The quantity of semen, which is not considered to be released from a human being, is released into Shiroe’s mouth.


This is almost 100 times the amount of semen ejaculated by an average adult male.


For what seems like an eternity, a large amount of thick, plump baby seed is poured into the back of the slut’s throat.


“Ahhhhh, Shiroe’s throat pussy, it feels great …”


My hips started to wobble and quivered, lost in the afterglow of pleasure.


Each time I ejaculate vigorously, a bolt of pleasure flares up around my dick.


A very high concentration of sperm continues to be pumped out of the scrotum into the urethra.


“Nku, n…♥ ️Nupupupupupu…♥ ️”


Eventually, Shiroe slowly begins to pull her mouth out of my dick, which had been sucked down to the base.


What emerges is a stick of flesh, covered in sticky drool and glistening.


“Nmm….♥ ️kupu..Look..So many came out..♥”


The amount I ejaculate is comparable to that of a horse or a pig. There was still a lot of impregnation fluid in her mouth, which she could not have swallowed in one go.


She showed off the plump, firm seed and swallowed it with a grunt.


All the semen, which must have been between 2-300 ml, is swallowed into Shiroe’s womb.


However, my dick has not lost its hardness and size despite the unusual amount of semen it has expelled.


In front of the male symbol, which emanates a lewd smell, Shiroe backs up to the ground as if to say she can’t stand it, exposes her pot, which is dripping with drool to receive the male and spreads her legs in an M-shape.


“Shun…… I can’t take it anymore, my pussy is aching so much ♥️ hurry up and f**k me with that cock ♥️”


Her lewdness of it entices me and makes me salivate at the sight of her desire for seeding. 


Despite having spewed plenty once, my reason completely melts away as if that had never happened, and I can only think of having s*x with female in front of me.


“This is getting dangerous…..I can’t wait to impregnate Shiroe…..!”

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#Just a guy making a map to her heart is. I LOVE HAREM.

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Well that escalated quickly.
Yes~ seed them~