I, who transferred to another world, increase the number of friends and seed them with the skill [Seeded S*x King Libidordeus]. Thumbnail
I, who transferred to another world, increase the number of friends and seed them with the skill [Seeded S*x King Libidordeus].

Chapter 1 - Another world transfer and encounters with beautiful girls

I don’t have a very good face, nor am I particularly good at my studies. The only feature that stands out is that I have a much stronger s*x drive than other people.


I’m not the kind of person who is suited to be a hero.


Until now, I thought that from now on I would lead a boring life like diluted calpis.


――――――― until just a few minutes ago.


On the way home from school, I wandered into a second-hand bookshop.


There, I found a tattered book that tickled my fancy, in the style of a grimoire.


There was no title on the cover, and when I flicked through the contents, nothing was written.


The paper quality is very old.


It can only be used as a bulky notepad at best, but it is priced at a whopping 10,000 yen.


It is a product that no one would normally buy.


But I was strongly attracted to it for some reason, and I bought it.


It was a painful expense for a mere high school student, but strangely I went home in a good mood without any regrets.


The next moment I locked myself in my room and opened it.


I was sitting in the ruins of an abandoned castle, the kind you see in RPGs.






I should have been in my room just a few minutes ago.


So why am I in this abandoned castle-like place?


Unable to swallow the situation, which was too sudden and unrealistic, I stood up on the spot and looked around.


Although it was an abandoned castle, most of it had collapsed, the ceiling had fallen in and the blue sky was visible, and weeds were growing all over the place.


‘Did I finally lose my head from too much masturbation, or did I just transfer to another world, as is often the case in novels…..?’


As I think about such escapist thoughts, I suddenly realise that that old grimoire-style book has fallen at my feet.


‘I don’t think so, but …… this is ……?’


When I pick up the book, I immediately notice certain anomalies.


‘The title is written on the cover, which until a few moments ago had no writing on it…..’


The cover, which should have had no writing on it when I bought it.


But for some reason, something that looked like a title was now firmly written on it.


‘wh-what……? The name of the book is…..【Seeded S*x King Libido Zeus】? that’s a hell of a name. …..’


A second-hand book purchased with a sum of money of 10,000 yen.


I’m a little disappointed to find that the name of the book is a ridiculous name that not even a stupid junior high school student could have come up with.


However, I continue to turn over the cover of the book, believing that it may be the only clue to the unusual phenomenon that has happened to me.


‘This grimoire was created by the ancient king [Libido zeus]. The holder of this grimoire gets the blessing of the king…….? Apparently, it looks like a child’s book of pranks…..’


I continue to turn one more page, but nothing is written there.


‘Is this book really the cause of this phenomenon?’


I was lost in thought.


While pondering for a moment in the middle of a pile of rubble, I suddenly hear a rattling sound and notice something doll-like approaching me from the shadows of the rubble in the distance.


Thinking it is a person, I tried to inquire about what has happened to me, but soon realises that it is not a person.


It was the kind of ugly orc you see in various RPGs, old and new.


It was a two-metre tall man with a dark brown, thickly furred body, a pig nose and glaring eyes, and sharp, yellowed fangs peeping out of its open mouth. A glimpse of a rather large testicle dangling from its crotch can be seen.


At first I thought it was the special make-up I’ve heard so much about recently, because it looks so realistic up close.


“Uoo, eh, um ……, is this some kind of film shoot or……?”


But the next moment, instinct tells me that it is not a disguise or make-up, it is unmistakably real.


“`U ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛!!!”


In the original world, it has a ridiculous voice and power that far surpasses tigers and lions, which I rarely hear.




The orc’s tremendous volume of voice hits me and I gulp.


I gasp in surprise at the sheer volume of the orc’s voice.


The distance between me and the orc is about five metres.


In an instant, it shrinks to zero.


“U ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛!!”




I narrowly avoid it as it rushes towards me, gushing with murderous intent.


I narrowly evade the Orc, who passes me just in time, and our eyes meet for a split second.


Its eyes were bloodshot and wide open, and it was not a fake, but a real creature without a doubt.


The raw, all-too-realistic power of the creature set off my instincts, my heart racing and my alarm bells ringing.


“Tsususu, ha-asu, haa-su, haa-su”


I finally exhaled the breath that had been left swallowed by the orc’s deadly presence.


This is not a game, a dream, or even a silly fantasy.


My brain belatedly realises that this is undeniably real.


Escape or fight?


I have been practising kendo since I was a child and have done well in competitions, but unfortunately, there is nothing nearby that could be used as a weapon.


Inevitably, the choice is to escape.


I ran along the path full of rubble and weeds, leaving behind only the slightest opulence in what would once have been a beautiful and elegant corridor.


However, in no time at all, I was cornered into a dead-end.


“Buo ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛! !”


The Orc rushed towards me again.


The momentum frightens me, but I can evade it like Spanish bullfighters. I just needed the right moment and forced it to plunge into the wall behind me.




And then, with an ear-splitting flourish, the orc plunges into the wall.


‘Did I do it?’


The orc ran into it with such force that it would have been unlikely to avoid serious injury if he were a normal man.


For a moment, I wonder if  I have won this.


The cloud of dust created by the collapsing debris quickly cleared after a few seconds.


There stood an orc, still pinned down.


It locked on to me again and smirked.


‘Seriously, this guy didn’t take any damage at all!’


Unintentionally, I drip cold sweat.


The orc, which had been plunged into the wall, is now gushing with anger and lunges at me for the third time.


The distance is only about five metres.


“Bu~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛ ~o ゛!!”


Even the earlier rush was just barely avoidable, but at this distance there is no way to do anything about it.


Unexpectedly, I prepare to die and close my eyes.


Donnnn!!! A loud noise echoes


I thought I was going to be hit by intense pain right away.


However, the impact of the orc’s rush did not come.


Instead, a few drops of a slimy, warm liquid are splashed onto my face.




“Are you alright?”


I open my eyes in fear of the lively, brisk voice that is thrown at me.


In front of me stood an orc whose head had been blown off and had fallen to the ground, and the person who had killed the orc — a beautiful girl about my age with a Western-style sword, dressed in light leather armour, dark ivory, straight hair that reached almost to her waist, large emerald eyes, clear white skin and slender figure.


“Are you alright? It looked pretty dangerous..”




When I reply, while wiping my face, I am blinded by the beautiful girl who suddenly appeared and saved me from a tight spot. That beautiful girl replies with a laugh.


My name is Shiroe. Feel free to call me by my name. So, what’s your name?”


“Oh, my name is Shun Asada. Thank you for saving me from a dangerous situation, Shiroe. You saved my life.”


“Asadashun? That’s not a name you hear very often around here…..Where are you from?”


‘Where am I from…’


It is a very difficult question to answer.


If this is not a VR game world or in a dream, then saying Japan would not give the expected answer.


If that is the case, it might be better to say that I have amnesia and don’t remember anything.


“That’s….. I don’t remember anything ……”


“What? Does that mean you have amnesia ……?”


“Aaa…… I don’t remember anything but my name..”


“Hmm, that’s a problem…..From the look on your face, I’d say you’re from much further east than here….but I’ve never seen you dressed like that.”


My current outfit is a school uniform.


Judging by the way she is dressed in the kind of equipment I’d see in an RPG, there is no such thing as a school uniform in this world.


“It’s definitely different from Shiroe’s equipment…”


I can’t honestly say that I’ve been transferred to another world, can I?


“For now, I’ll take you to a nearby town. We can think about our future there.”


Saying this, Shiroe takes out her hand to me as I slump down.


“Aa, thank you.”


But the moment I answer and take her hand, the grimoire I’m holding starts glowing rosy with a puff of light.


And then, Shiroe’s supple body trembled and her face turned vermilion.

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#Just a guy making a map to her heart is. I LOVE HAREM.

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Hehe~ looking forward to future chapter. Thanks for the translation~