Secret Night : When the Veil is Lifted Thumbnail
Secret Night : When the Veil is Lifted

Chapter 1.2 - A Secret Evening Banquet


“I guess it’s the first time since it’s tightened.”


“… I wouldn’t lie about that….”


“I can’t believe it right away because you’re a man who sucks semen from your brother like it’s delicious.”


“I didn’t….”


As if the confirmation was over, the Duke grabbed Clarence’s arm and led him down.


“Look. It’s standing like this after just a few stirs.”


Clarence’s front was captured in the Duke’s view without being covered because his body suddenly turned. The Duke snorted.


After stabbing his anus a few times, his light-haired penis stood up, and a clear liquid formed on the tip of his glans.




Clarence’s face turned red as he shook his head. He felt only discomfort and repulsion when his fingers poked in his buttocks. But for some reason, his body was reacting differently from his mind.


Clarence couldn’t stand the Duke’s gaze as he peered at his stuff.


Clarence quickly tried to close his legs, but the Duke didn’t give him a break and grabbed the inside of his thighs, spread them wide, and settled between them.


“Why are you standing like this? Do you like it when I use my fingers?


“No… That’s not it…”


“What’s wrong? Hmm? Your Highness’s penis is pounding like this.”


The Duke kept whispering lewd words in his ears. The Duke laid his body on top of Clarence’s. His huge penis rubbing against Clarence’s thing. The Duke lowered his head and shoved his tongue into Clarence’s ear. The squeaky sound reached his ears and gave him goosebumps.


The Duke could feel Clarence’s nipples through his shirt as they stood upright, revealing their presence beyond his clothes.


“And your nipples are like this.”


Then he mercilessly pinched Clarence’s nipple, which was standing on its own. Clarence bounced back as the papilla caught between the man’s fingers was twisted.




The light-colored nipple standing firmly raised the Duke’s appetite.


The Duke’s other hand reached between Clarence’s hips, groping through the soft inside of his thigh. The wrinkles on his entrance were shiny because of the perfume he applied earlier. The Duke grabbed his penis, which was touching Clarence’s penis, and put it into the soft hole between his hips. He only touched the entrance, but unlike his fingers, he immediately felt hot and hard, so the hole trembled.


“Wait a minute!”


There was no way such a big thing could go in all at once. Clarence belatedly tried to push the Duke’s chest, but the Duke was not pushed back. It was like the end of his tunnel was stretched out to the limit, and his glans were pierced through them. Clarence shrieked in pain with his sore throat.


The Duke did not take off his clothes. As if he had only to take out his penis, he immediately began to thrust his stuff into Clarence’s hole.


“It hurts! Please! It hurts…! It hurts so much… Ugh!”


He felt a presence that could not even be compared with fingers. A hot, hard penis ripped open the hole that had been forcibly closed.


Clarence clawed at the bed sheets and grabbed them. It was as if the sensation below had disappeared just by the fact that the thickest glans had entered inside. It spread to the limit, and the wrinkles of the anus tightened.


“I-It feels like…it’s torn, so please.”


It was so painful that he couldn’t even struggle. Cold sweat poured down Clarence’s back.


But the difficulty was the same for the Duke. He felt like he would ejaculate immediately because of the tight inner walls grasping at him as if it were going to cut off his cock. The red mucous membrane chewed the Duke’s penis like its own living being.


“Relax your body, huh?”


The Duke said in a soft tone as if to appease Clarence. Clarence took a few slow deep breaths and tried to relax his rigid body.


It was that moment.


The Duke thrust his thick rod to the deepest point in an instant. He stabbed up the softest inner wall in a flash, his testicles colliding into Clarence’s hip.


“Ahhhhhh..hah!! It hurts!”


“Shh. Relax your body.”


“Huh…huh.. it’s too big… It hurts…”


Clarence tried to put up with the pain that was akin to having been pierced by an iron skewer, his toes curling. 


The Duke lowered his hand and groped around the occlusal area of the two. The inner walls were so tight, but the hole seemed to have not been torn, perhaps thanks to the perfume oil.


“It’s not torn.”


“Ah… please, for a moment… Wait a minute.”


Unnerved by the Duke’s murmur, Clarence begged, clinging to the Duke’s neck. The Duke frowned and answered in a lower voice.


“I can’t afford it.”


At the end of this remark, the Duke began to move violently. Whenever the blood vessels were sullen, the duke’s penis increased in volume inside Clarence’s. 


It was an animal-like act that was completely left to instinct. He bounced back and shoved his penis roughly into Clarence’s anus.


“Hah … ugh…”


Every time he put it in, the pain gradually decreased and a strange sense sprang up. Clarence unwittingly wrapped his legs around the duke’s waist.


“Damn it.”


The Duke swore at Clarence’s instinctive lewd appearance and swept his hair wet with sweat back.


The muscles that had been trained by swordsmanship twitched whenever he moved his waist. With each movement, the sound of wet flesh rubbing at the joints reverberated. The rough breathing of the two mixed together.




Penis, who looked ferocious with his veins bulging, stabbed Clarence’s inner wall mercilessly. Clarence’s back twisted convulsively as the Duke’s poked up one point while using his hand to twist and poke at his other sensitive parts.




Clarence’s eyes widened at the sound that came out of nowhere. It was hard to believe that it was his own voice. The Duke burst into a low laugh at the exclamation.


“I guess you like it when I stick it in here.”


“It’s strange… ah….”


He poked in and out the throbbing inner wall with his rod. The intense pleasure that Clarence felt for a moment became a huge wave in an instant. Clarence’s eyes blinked white.


Whenever the Duke moved violently, Clarence’s penis rubbed across the other’s lower abdomen. Clarence’s penis squirmed and released his semen under the duke’s belly. His body shook helplessly. Whenever his body shook helplessly with pleasure, his shirt was pushed up and his upper body with his ribs came into the Duke’s view.


“Damn it. Don’t they have money to feed the prince in the palace.”


“Ha… what do…you mean… Ahh…”


“You’re so thin, tsk.”


The Duke was saying that his body was ugly, but the movement soon became intenser at the situation and began to thrust at a faster rate than before.


“Hah… Ugh….”


Clarence gasped as he tried to keep up with the fast beat.                                         


He gritted his teeth.


The Duke’s brow wrinkled as he reached his climax. The hole that swallowed his penis to the tip of the root greedily gulped and swallowed his penis. His testicles pounding and whipping Clarence’s white hip.


“I will release it inside.”


“Wait a minute!”




At the end of these words, the movement that was pumping the piston even faster stopped for a moment. The Duke’s body buckled in the deepest part of Clarence and trembled.


When the Duke pulled out his penis, a mixture of semen, liquid, and perfume oil flowed down his hips.


The Duke got out of bed with a cold look on his face and quickly adjusted his clothes.


His attitude making it seem like he was just using Clarence to relieve his sexual desire.


As if nothing had happened, the Duke of Barden stood up from his seat.


“… Which side are you going to stand on now?”




“Why are you laughing?”


Clarence frowned at the Duke’s attitude, which seemed to laugh at his question.


“I think you are naive.”


“… What?”


“Do you think you’re going to get my support after doing it just once?”




“I’m surprised you think your hole is worth that much.”


Even though it was his first time, Clarence felt it through the back hole, so it was not bad enough to play a few times. It was nothing more, nothing less.


Clarence’s face burned when asked if his hole could be worth that much.


“…If not, why did you hold me?”


Clarence had a plan. It was to leave a good impression on the next emperor and to secure his life, before quietly leaving the palace. After the situation was stable, he would disappear quietly.


It meant that if he did not get the support of the Duke, the future he had imagined would drift further and further away.


The Duke shrugged at Clarence’s tearful expression.


“Do you need a big reason to use an easy hole once?”


“…You’ve gone too far.”


“Oh, my. You must be very upset because of me.”




Clarence decided to keep his mouth shut because he thought he might spit out a few bad words if he dared open it.


“You don’t want to see my face anymore, so I’ll leave first.”




Clarence couldn’t answer. All he could do was clench his fists so hard that his bones stood out.


The Duke stopped and looked back and said in a condescending voice as if he only needed to conform to the figure, not tolerate.


“You must have no pride. Hearing me say things like that, you can stay and sit still.”




“If you keep it wide open, I’m willing to use it a few more times.”


Contrary to polite words, he clearly showed his contempt for Clarence.


Clarence did not raise his head. His body trembled.


Crying again?


The Duke turned without hesitation. Time could change a person a lot. It was confirmed that there was no more prince the Duke knew.


It was time to let go of the lingering attachment.


Clarence, who was behind him, picked up the shoes lying on the floor when the Duke turned his back on him.


He has endured any contempt in order to survive. However, the Duke sharply penetrated the part that Clarence was most concerned about.


The Duke of Barden turned around without hesitation, his hands opening the door.




But the Duke was forced to stop moving his steps towards the door, as a pair of shoes slid over his shoulder and crashed into the door. The Duke looked back with a puzzled expression.




The string of reason that Clarence had barely held on to broke with a snap. He lay down on the bed and laughed as if he was in a good mood.


“What is this…”


Clarence, who had burst out laughing as the Duke remained bewildered by the absurd behavior, stopped his laughter and shot at him fiercely.


“Do you want to say that you’re noble when you hit this asshole like a dog in heat just a while ago?”


His butt still throbbed.




“I have no pride? Me?”


Clarence lifted up his reclining body. As if he had never smiled, there was not even a sliver of a smile on his face.


It didn’t matter if he was insulted or treated as a toy.


Clarence gave up the difficult honorifics. After all, this was a man who was not worthy of respect.


“Living is my pride.”


Clarence said in a determined voice.


He wasn’t ashamed at all that he would do anything to live.


Clarence’s mother was killed by poison.


‘Live for your life.’


His mother’s last words still came to mind. There was only one thing she wanted.


To protect his own life.


That was the one and only thing. Therefore, he was not wrong.


The Duke closed the door which had been slightly opened after hearing Clarence’s words, without hesitation, and turned. The Duke seemed to want to confirm something.


“Is there anything you want to do after using such ugly means to survive?”


“Why are you curious about that?”


The Duke was not offended by the abandonment of honorifics and informal speech. He knew the boy just wanted to hurt him even a little.


“I just wanted to know how great that something is that you’re even willing to do this to live,” said the Duke with a sneer.


Clarence wheezed at the question of what he wanted to achieve while destroying all his dignity as a prince.


The Duke knew the most effective way to elicit an answer from Clarence.


“I’m going to leave the palace and get married.”


“… Marriage?”


The Duke frowned when the unfamiliar word came out. He didn’t seem to like the statement of marriage. Clarence was a little elated by the disheveled look.




“Are you saying that because you have someone you want to marry?”


Clarence frowned at the Duke’s scoffing tone. He was aware that his words had stabbed him and made him even angrier for nothing. 


“…There is.”


“Do you think that there is a person who will still marry you once they know of all the things you’ve done under a man?”


The Duke looked angry somehow. Why is he so angry? He just wanted to live a peaceful life in the future even if he lived like a beggar now.




“I wonder if you have someone like that.”


The Duke, who was standing in front of the door, strode towards the bed again. The Duke’s shadow fell between the curtains that were not completely hung.


“There is.”


“Who is it?”


“You’ll know if I tell you?”


Clarence exclaimed sharply. The Duke pushed Clarence over as if he had enough of speaking informally. In an instant, a large hand wrapped around his neck. The Duke asked again, holding his neck just enough so that he could barely breathe.


“I asked who it was.”


Clarence, who had been silent, opened his mouth with difficulty. His breath was slowly dwindling. The Duke exuded bloody energy that could not be compared with before.


“…Gasp…Ha… Ah.”


“Who is it? You mean there’s a woman you want to wag your a*s with?”


“Huh… Ugh… Hands… Let go.”


“Huh? Who is it?”


His hands were getting stronger. As the space for breathing gradually narrowed, the heat was concentrated on his face. It was horrifying to see him not blinking when he was told to take his hand off. Clarence unknowingly showed his instinct for survival and put the answer he wanted into his mouth.


“… Ren.”


He thought he might die like this. Unbeknownst to him, a rustling sound came out.


“Ren?” asked the duke persistently.


“… Karen.”


Her name came out as a complete sound.




Karen was a maid who lived with him in the palace as a child.


The Duke laughed in vain at the two letters and released his grip. He only pressed it gently, but there was a red mark on the other’s neck.


“Kek… Huh, huh.”


He was out of breath all at once. Clarence stroked his chest and glared at the Duke. The Duke, who had released his hand, put on a puzzled expression for a moment at Clarence’s answer.


“I didn’t know you were still dreaming of marrying a runaway maid.”


The Duke swept his hair and burst into a dejected smile. The Duke was about to turn and leave.


Clarence grabbed the Duke’s wrist urgently.


“Wait a minute.”




The Duke’s gaze met Clarence’s gaze in the air.


“How did you know Karen was my runaway maid?”


She ran away not long after entering the castle, but she certainly did not intend to. Clarence believed so. 


The maid also did not tell anyone that she had stayed with him in the North Castle nor that she had left. Few people entered the northern palace. Even if one had been to the northern palace, no one would remember anything that doesn’t matter. Besides, it was years ago.


“What did you just say?”


He was a man who could have killed himself. But the Duke’s response to Karen’s name was enough to overcome that fear.


The only people who could know that there was a maid in the northern palace were his mother, Marian, himself, or Karen. Her mother died early, and Clarence never mentioned Karen’s name.


That means…


The Duke grinned. The relaxed smile drew Clarence’s breath away.


“Karen has no secrets from me.”


It meant he knew Karen.

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Lolol just wtf am I into smh. (\,,,'_',,,/)