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Secret Night : When the Veil is Lifted

Chapter 1.1 - A Secret Evening Banquet


The current king of Garc, a country with beautiful four seasons, began to deteriorate rapidly. He was in poor health due to old age. Everyone realized that the emperor’s future was numbered. This meant that there would be a change of government soon.


The situation was unstable as the war with other countries was not completely over.


As the current king was a wise king, the people began to feel depressed, but the situation inside the palace was different.


It was more accurate to say that there was no time to be depressed.


Each began to reveal one or two days of grinding underwater to win the crown. There was also the possibility that a civil war would ensue as a result of the battle for the throne.


Among the nine princes, William, the first prince, was most likely to inherit the throne.


Besides being the eldest son, his biological mother was the daughter of a powerful aristocratic family. With the strong support of the count, the first prince had already secured stable power.


However, James, the second prince, also had high chances. He held a tremendous strength that could overturn the advantages of the first prince. His mother, the empress.


Most of the remaining brothers sided with the first or second to secure safety.


The eighth prince, who could not help but seek power and was annoying when alive, was assassinated inside the imperial palace.


The scariest thing was that no one asked for his whereabouts even though a prince died.


There was a rotten smell behind the splendor.


That rotten smell was the smell of those who had no allies in the imperial palace.


There was always that rotten smell around Clarence’s nose.




“My little brother.”


The stinging pain on his cheek sent him numb. The harsh sound also made his eyes close tightly, but he quickly opened his eyes again. Tears welled up on his long eyelashes.


“Yes, brother.”


He was the seventh prince, who was born from a maid and was not even the youngest. Even the same prince could not easily get the right to stick to either side of great power. 


“Swallow it straight.”


First Prince William looked down at Clarence with a cold gaze. A scarecrow prince who was of no benefit.


Clarence opened his mouth wider with a cold stare as if to show uselessness.


“Yes, older brother. Kugh—!”


Before he could answer, his brother’s penis was pierced deep into his throat. Clarence groaned at the genitals that had entered deep enough to poke his throat, but William didn’t stop.


He shook his hips back and forth, shoving it into Clarence’s mouth.




William frowned and groaned shallowly.


Clarence’s long eyelashes filled with tears.


“You’re a man, but you’re better than any woman in the red light district.”




“Of the thousands of maids in the same outfit, there is a reason why your mother caught our father’s eye.”


William grabbed Clarence by the back of the head and pulled him closer to the front. His pubic hair tickled the tip of the other’s nose. The penis, which was full of veins that added volume to the limit, soon reached its climax.


“You have to eat it well.”


As soon as he said those words, a fishy taste spread in Clarence’s mouth. William’s body trembled as Clarence lifted the other man’s testicles and stuck them together.




Clarence clenched his fist and swallowed the semen his brother had released. He wanted to spit out and curse at the fishy taste, but he resisted it.


If one loses the battle for the throne, all that awaits is death.


His saliva slowly dripped down his chin. 


He bit his lower lip, silently thinking that once he returned to his residence, the Northern Palace, he would rinse his mouth until it tore apart.


“The red-light district suits you, not the Imperial Palace.”


William, who looked at him, relentlessly trampled on Clarence’s dignity in a poisonous voice.


“So, what do you think?”


William, with a wet cock, threw the question to somebody hidden in the shadows of the thick drape.


“He must have no pride, swallowing semen even though he’s a prince.”


A smile burst out of William’s mouth at the disdaining words. Clarence’s shoulders trembled.


His limbs trembled at the humiliation of being despised by an unknown person. He had been insulted over and over again, but he just couldn’t get used to it. Every time he heard it, he had to quench the anger that burst out inside him.


‘I have to endure it. If I get angry here, everything will go to waste.’


He comforted himself thinking that he would survive if he just endured this moment.


The first prince was not the only one in this room. There have often been meetings like this at night. However, this was a voice that he had never before heard in the countless nights.


Candles lit up the dim room. The wind shaking the shadows of the room. William said while flirtingly patting Clarence on the head,


“You have a talent for swallowing over lascivious cum.” 


“I’m curious not only about the upper lip but also about the lower lip.”


“It must be a good talent to be able to swallow semen with your mouth.”


The people gathered to add word after word. Whenever Clarence was insulted, William’s shoulder’s always shook as if amused.


No one was interested in Clarence’s contempt. Everyone was too occupied with the feeling of their fronts bulging when they saw Clarence swallowing his brother’s semen.


Except for the unfamiliar voice, Clarence knew everyone’s face.


They were the children of the most powerful families supporting the first prince.


When William first invited him to a banquet at night, Clarence was thrilled to know that he could finally join William’s circle. But this was not a banquet for him. He was just an easy-to-play, but also a prize-worthy doll.


This was their own banquet, not his.


“But still, because he is a prince, no one has tasted this guy properly yet.”


William turned and spoke in a high voice, in a tone as if selling merchandise. Clarence bit his lower lip hard.


He was speaking the words of a slave trader, in a tone similar to the way royalty would carry their own country.


The meaning of ‘properly’ simply means that it will not end with just oral.


‘Who the hell is it?’


Clarence was quick-witted. As a child born overnight through a maid, he was a child who was raised under scorn, let alone love. Clarence, who lived in the northernmost palace, had to survive alone in the palace after the only maid ran away and his mother died.


The fact that Clarence’s body was still alive was thanks to his quick wit. Clarence knew how to read the atmosphere.


That’s why he knew.


The fact that the young people in here have their eyes on a man.


Just the fact that he was sitting at the center of the table was enough to guess his power.


“Even if it looks vulgar, it is a prince after all. It will be fun to play with.”


It wasn’t just the young nobles. Even William, believed to be closest to the emperor, was trying to gauge this man’s countenance.




A low voice rang out. At the same time, the man rose from his seat.


He slowly approached Clarence. Clarence was only able to identify his face later.


He had a beautiful face.


If it wasn’t for the solid jaw and huge physique, it had a gorgeous beauty that could be mistaken for a woman.


Night-dark hair and icy snow eyes like a lake. A face that stood out even in the splendid palace.


Clarence had seen this face from afar.


“The Bardens…!”


Clarence murmured quietly, breathing in vain. Clarence belatedly realized why his brother was acting like he was going to dedicate himself.


The Bardens.


The Barden estate right next to the capital was spread out until it reached the border of the next country. A force that consisted of a group of knights who had nearly a million troops, and wealth large enough for five generations to play and eat for life.


And he was the only man with the title of duke, unlike the rest in this room.


There were rumors that he would either be incredibly handsome or have defects as he did not debut in society, but Casius, the son of the Duke’s family, volunteered to join the war after the war broke out.


Therefore, the son of the Duke, who was in charge of evangelism in the war, performed a dance contrary to the expectations of the people that thought he would be nothing more than a vase.


The son of the Duke of Barden, who led the war to victory and received overwhelming support from the people, has since officially inherited the duke and reestablished the position of the Barden family.


‘Wasn’t it neutral?’


With a duchy rich enough to be called a small country, the Dukes of Bardens have maintained their neutrality in every battle for imperial power for generations.


It was because it would cause chaos if too large a power intervened.


‘But if he adds power to William’s forces…’


Clarence quietly convinced himself that his choice was right. If Barden were to join William’s forces, the emperor’s position was almost certain.


“If you hold my hand, you won’t regret it. Tonight is just a preview. If you support me, I’ll let you have fun with entertainment.”


“Is that so?”


“There’s nothing I can’t do.”


William was condescending, but the content was not. It was no different than begging, seeing that he would even sacrifice a prince.


Did he do this because he was a Duke who seemingly already had everything he needed?


“Are you saying that you will give me the Prince’s first?”


The phrase ‘first’ was emphasized. William nodded his head wide as if the words were true.




William hit Clarence hard on the back of the head. Clarence rolled up the corners of his mouth mechanically. As he smiled awkwardly, the Duke frowned.


“You’d better taste it first.”


The Duke kept his contemptuous gaze and pulled out his penis. His penis, which was pulled out through the pants, was large enough to be called ugly. Although only half erect, it was larger than William’s enlarged penis to the limit.


Even the aristocrats around him forgot their manners for a moment and glanced at his huge monstrosity.


“Of course.”


In a polite tone, he approached Clarence.




Duke Barden lifted his penis and put it in Clarence’s mouth. Only the glans came in, but his mouth was already full. The stinky smell of genitals spread in his mouth.


“Don’t ask me if it looks delicious, Your Highness.”


The Duke’s tone of voice was vulgar, like that of a scoundrel.


“Eup … eup.”


Without giving him a chance to adjust to the size of his penis, he pushed the pillar into his mouth. His breath caught in his jaw. His saliva dripped down between his chin.


“You should swallow it well.”


The eyes of the Duke of Barden glowed maliciously. The mouth was so full of his penis that his tongue couldn’t even move.


Barden grabbed Clarence by the back of the head and slapped him hard on the back.


“Cough… keok… ugh…”


He only put half in, but the strong feeling of nausea was already kicking in. During William’s turn, he managed to resist the feeling, but the Duke of Barden was too much.


“You can’t put your teeth up.”


Barden grinned and patted the cheeks protruding from his glans piercing.




“Please lick the bottom, too. Okay?”


Clumsily, he began to shovel the huge weapon in his mouth. In the mouth, the penis increased in volume in an instant. Barden grabbed Clarence’s hand and urged him to hold onto his pillar.


The sound of his wet tongue squeaking and desperately trying to swallow his huge penis filled the room. Everyone held their breath as they looked at the dark red penis that ran through Clarence’s mouth.


‘Everyone is just looking at the duke’s genitals and doing nothing. Did you not notice?’


“But what can he do?”


At the sound of Duke Barden’s voice echoing at the same time as his thoughts, Clarence’s back trembled, thinking that he had caught his thoughts.


“You don’t like it? If you want someone else, I’ll give it to you.”


“I didn’t even taste it properly.”


“Then what’s the problem?”


“I don’t have a hobby of doing it in front of many people.”


The people’s eyes were belatedly taken away from the huge monstrosity by the derisive voice. Some coughed and caught their breath.


“Then I’ll leave now.”


William tried to put on a nonchalant attitude. With a wink, he signaled the young nobles inside to leave. Everyone bowed their heads in unison and followed William out.


With the sound of the door closing, there was silence. Clarence was still sucking the penis in his mouth.


The duke looked down at him and put his hand between his armpits and lifted him up.


“Ah… what—”




He acted as if nothing had happened in his mouth. Even so, although he had a playful expression on his face before William and the young nobles left, even that expression disappeared.


He threw Clarence on the bed with an expressionless face. The Duke’s eyes shone brightly in the dark night.


It looked as if he was angry at something.


“…What did I do wrong?”


Clarence asked cautiously. My heart was pounding with tension, but a nonchalant voice came out.


Clarence thought something like this would happen someday. Because today wasn’t the first time he’s had a penis in his mouth. But he didn’t know that his opponent would become Duke Barden, or that it would become what it was today.


However, Duke Barden seemed to have misunderstood something. He frowned and muttered in a low voice.


“You came all the way here knowing this.”




“I asked if you came here on your own, knowing that you would suck at another man’s dick.”






“I wish I knew.”


Nothing had changed. Clarence answered frankly. If he could have asked someone for help and lived in peace, he would have done so long ago.


“Even though you know your a*s is going to get used by someone you don’t even know?”


His face heated up at the scornful voice.


“Is that important?”


There was no need to tell people he didn’t know about how he got there. Clarence bit his lower lip so hard that he was sick of it.


The Duke did not respond to Clarence’s comments.


Because it was a room prepared for sleeping, there was perfumed oil on the table next to the bed. The Duke of Barden poured perfume into his hands. The scent of roses wafted through the air in an instant.


“Then it will be easier. Take off your pants.”




“Come on.”


At the Duke’s words, Clarence slowly pulled down his pants. Although he already knew it, it was still something to be ashamed of, and something that should be omitted.


The duke said nothing and watched persistently as Clarence’s pants came down, followed by his underwear.


“I told you to take off your pants.”


Clarence couldn’t take it off completely at first, so he hid under his shirt and waited for what the Duke would say next.


“I’m not sure if it’s actually your first time, so just spread your a*s.”




“I’m telling you to lie down like a dog.”




What the Duke had asked for was something shameful. Open his buttocks to be fully exposed. 


The Duke urged on Clarence as if he would not allow even a moment of hesitation.


“Come on, before I change my mind.”


Clarence buried his face in the pillow and lifted his hips as the Duke shoved him. Then he stretched out his hands and spread his cheeks apart. The cool air making his asshole twitch.




He thought he was mentally prepared, but for some reason, tears came out. Tears dripped down onto the pillowcase. It was different from the physiological tears that came from a penis piercing deep in his throat. Clarence held his breath so that his own tears wouldn’t leak out. His hands spreading wide across his buttocks, trembled.


“You’re a prince, yet you have no pride.”


The Duke of Barden was most disgusted with this class of men. A group of humans who lived as they pleased and acted vulgarly.


A person whose looks were outstanding, but only had that as a human being. People who lived life as a parasite on someone else were disgusting to him.




He only said one word, but Clarence couldn’t stand it and burst into tears. He looked like he was trying to hide his tears, but he couldn’t help his shoulders that were shaking.


Casius put his hands, soaked in perfumed oil, into Clarence’s a*s without mercy. Clarence trembled as his thick fingers dug in unannounced.


“If you only have a hole, you have to keep it open.”


Duke Barden said in a poisonous voice. The tips of his fingers turned white as the hole opened and he took his finger in painstakingly. The inner wall of the anus tightened as if it were cutting off the finger of a strange intruder. The duke bent his fingers and scraped hard against his inner wall. A shrill scream came out unknowingly at the sense of someone scraping at his inner walls.




Every time he shoveled the weight with his fingers, the perfume oil squeaked. The Duke did not stop and increased the number of his fingers. He seemed a little used to it, but as he stretched his finger one more, he tightened around his finger again. The Duke smiled contentedly as if he was satisfied.

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