I Don’t Want To Inherit A Feudal Estate So I’ll Just Throw Everything On My Brother And Live As I Please Thumbnail
I Don’t Want To Inherit A Feudal Estate So I’ll Just Throw Everything On My Brother And Live As I Please

Chapter 3 - Brother Education, Let’s Start Teaching

Three months had passed since then. I felt like I was repeating myself a little too much, but let me briefly explain what I’d done in those three months.

First of all, Sarielle taught me how to read fairy tales in picture books, and how to write the letters of this world. The aim was to teach me the basics of reading and writing and to teach me the common sense of this world by giving me simple stories.

Naturally, I wasn’t studying seriously, but I was pretending to be listening while I was thinking about other things, but the way this teacher, Sarielle, teaches was very logical and easy to understand.

This was probably because my father Randall, the current head of the Malbert family, hired this tutor to raised me, his eldest son, as a respectable head of the family.

In any case, easy to understand means “even an idiot could understand,” and Sarielle was teaching so efficiently that if you deliberately pretended not to understand, you would be suspected of being sick or something.

Therefore, I had to shift to playing the role of a student who can understand to some extent but takes a long time to learn, but I managed to create the image of the eldest son who is not bad but has only mediocre abilities.

In addition to being taught by Sarielle, I went to the library a lot, unnoticed by my family, and somehow managed to acquire general common sense and the minimum necessary knowledge for a nobleman.

In the midst of all this, it was fair to say that in the last three months, I had put my heart and soul into the most important thing…… ”Magic”.

One of the things I learned from the book was that in this world, there was something called magic, which was not an exaggeration to say that it was unique to fantasy. And it was a technique that was a substitute for science on Earth.

It was a technique that used the magical power in the body to caused natural phenomena such as fire and water, and it also had various attributes.

The basic attributes were formed from the four elements of Fire, Water, Wind, and Soil. And the higher attributes were Flame, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Light, and Darkness. In addition to these attributes, other attributes could be used by combining other attributes, but there was no description of anyone who can actually use them in any of the books kept in the library.

In addition, there was also Non-Attribute Magic, which could be used by anyone, and basically referred to the magic that strengthened the body to strengthen itself, but also included cleaning, torches, and other life magic that could be useful if you learned it.

Finally, there was a special kind of Recovery Magic, but this required learning sacred magic that could be used by priests belonging to temples, and it wasn’t something that even the legitimate son of a noble could easily get his hands on, so I had to ignore it for now.

In addition to that, there was some legendary magic that even exists in doubt, like in fairy tales, but the details of all of them were unknown, so I wouldn’t mention them here.

Now that I had explained so much about magic, let me explain what I did.

First of all, the most important thing when dealing with magic was to manipulate and control the magic power. According to the method described in the beginner’s guide to the magic that I found in the library, there was a magic power in the area called “Dantian, the “energy center” in traditional Chinese medicine and in meditative and exercise techniques such as qigong, martial arts and t’ai chi ch’uan(wikipedia)“, which is located below the belly button, so I started by sensing the existence of this magic power.

At first, I was unable to feel it, but after training every day without giving up, I was now able to sense its presence.

Along with that, the first magic I learned was Body Enhancement, which was classified as a Non-Attribute Magic that strengthened your own body. From there, I learned the basic attribute magic of Fire, Water, Wind, and Soil. And now I was training every day to improved my skills.

Next, about a month after Sarielle became my tutor, I started sword training with my father, Randall.

My father, Randall, was originally a martial artist who received a title and domain for his military prowess in the war that occurred in the past. Naturally, with his blood in my veins, I was expected to have the same martial talent as my father and to develop that talent, my father personally volunteered to teach me swordsmanship….

“You’re not stepping hard enough! You need to get down further with your legs!”

“Don’t try to think in your head. See and feel your opponent’s movements!”

“You’ll never be able to surpass me!”

The result was that I was beaten to a pulp. Apparently, my father was a skilled martial artist, but his talent for teaching others was atrocious.  He taught me not theoretically, but by feeling, and there were many things I couldn’t understand. Is this what you call a genius….?

After three months of studying with Sarielle, Randall’s sword training, and magic training, I was able to confirm that I had reached a level where I could teach others. And I immediately went to work to instill that knowledge in my brother Mark.

For the time being, I headed to Mark’s room to see my brother. I then knocked on the door of Mark’s room and the person who came out was Ruruthy, who was Mark’s caretaker.

“Oh, Roland-sama, how can I help you?”

“Is Mark here?”

“Yes, he’s here.”

After confirming that my brother was in his room, I asked to be allowed in. The room was not so different from mine, and it was clean and tidy.

When I found Mark sitting on the sofa in the room, I walked right up to him.

“What’s wrong, brother?”

“Mark, I need to talk to you today.”

“What do you want to talk about?”

I turned my gaze away from Mark, who was asking me that question, and directed it to Ruruthy. That was all it took for her to realize that I wanted to get rid of someone, and she bowed and left the room.

While inwardly admiring the quality of my family’s servants, I remembered my original purpose and started to talk to Mark.

“Mark, are you willing to be a lord?”

“A lord?”

“Yes. Would you like to inherit the house of Malbert and become the lord?”

“But aren’t you supposed to be the lord?”

The right of succession in a noble family usually went to the firstborn son. This was common knowledge in this world, and of course, Mark was aware of this. I was sure he was confused because he thought it was his brother, Roland, who would eventually take over the Malbert family, and now he had been asked to become lord by Roland himself. It was understandable.

I explained to Mark in simple terms that I didn’t want to be a lord, and that it would be better if he became a better person and became a lord instead of me.

“Why don’t you want to be a lord?”

“I want to travel the world, but I can’t do that if I’m a lord.”

“But it’s dangerous out there, isn’t it?”

“That’s what I’m training for. So, I want you to become a lord in my place.”

“Hmmm…. I don’t know, but if I can be of help to you, I’ll do my best!”

Mark was puzzled to hear me say this out of the blue, but his warm and honest nature that he wanted to be helpful to his brother worked in the right direction, and somehow Mark agreed to my request.

Once that was decided, all I had to do was to teach Mark everything he needed to know to become a lord. This would require a certain amount of preparation, and I would have to go back to my room to do that for today.

I told Mark to come to my study tomorrow without anyone noticing and left the room. Fufufufu…. I’m going to be busy now.

Author's Thoughts

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Yo, Dawn here, I hope you guys like my translations! If you found any error regarding my translations, please do let me know on our discord server and @ me there (@_dawn24)

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