I Don’t Want To Inherit A Feudal Estate So I’ll Just Throw Everything On My Brother And Live As I Please Thumbnail
I Don’t Want To Inherit A Feudal Estate So I’ll Just Throw Everything On My Brother And Live As I Please

Chapter 2 - Study, Study, and Study Again

It was the first morning after my memories of my previous life returned. I got ready and immediately went to the dining room.

One of the etiquettes of a noble was to eat together as a family. However, each noble family might or might not eat together, but in general, they ate at the same table.

And you couldn’t start eating until the head of the noble family arrives. Unless the head of the family gave permission to eat first, the rest of the family wasn’t allowed to eat before the head of the family.

“Well, let’s eat.”

With all the family members present, Randall, the head of the Baron Malbert family, declared that we were going to start eating breakfast. In the dining room, a huge table ten meters long and four meters wide was set up, and the family sat on chairs at regular intervals.

My father, Randall, a young man who would turn 22 this year, was a handsome man with a fearless face and sharp eyes that matched his age. He had blond hair and blue eyes, his height was in the latter half of 180 centimeters, and his body was muscular as a military man.

Next was my mother, Clarice, who, like my father, had long, lustrous blond hair and green eyes. Although she was only 20 years old, she had a well-proportioned body that made it hard to believe that she had given birth to three children, especially the two bulges that pushed up her dress.

My 4-year-old little brother, Mark, and my little sister, Laura, had blond hair that they probably inherited from our parents and both blue and green eyes that they also inherited from our parents. They both were twins.

Last but not least, I, Roland, would be six years old this year, and as you expected, I also happened to had blond hair, but unlike the twins, both of my eyes were blue, as inherited from my father. My height was around 120 centimeters, which was the average height of a six-year-old in Japan, but from the perspective of this world, I seemed to be in the higher-than-average category.

“Roland. How are your studies progressing?”

As we were eating without any particular conversation, Father asked me a question. I remembered that I had just started studying with a private tutor as soon as I turned six.

“Dear, the results won’t come so fast because it has only just started.”

“…. Is that so?”

When I was wondering how I should respond to my father’s question, my mother was the one who reminded him. To be honest, her words were helpful because I didn’t want my father to expect me to get results so quickly when it hadn’t even been that long since I started.

The rest of the day was uneventful, with everyone finishing their meals and heading off to their own rooms or work. I also went to a certain place to work on my future plans.


I came to the library where all the books owned by the Malbert family are stored. Even though it was a library, it was on the same scale as the local library in my previous life, with no less than 2,000 books stored on the bookshelves

The fields of study are diverse, ranging from history and specialized knowledge to picture books and novels. Since I had just started my studies, I didn’t know what was going on with the writing system in this world, but to carry out my plan, I needed to acquire knowledge, so I would study other things at the same time as improving my writing skills.

With this in mind, I decided to start with a simple picture book to lightly learn the characters. But I opened the book with great enthusiasm, thinking that the characters in this world would be different from the ones used on Earth, but to my surprise, I found that Japanese was used. However, even if it was Japanese, the types of characters used are different, such as kanji, hiragana, and katakana, and although they could be read, they were difficult to read.

Nevertheless, I was lucky to be able to use the characters I’d used in my previous life, which saved me the trouble of learning them, so I decided to skip learning the characters and immediately start cramming my knowledge.

After a while of being a bookworm, there was suddenly a knock on the door of the library. Instantly reacting to the sound, I immediately put on a disguise to deal with the intruder. Specifically, I used the book I was reading as a pillow and acted as if I had been slacking off in there for a long time.

As a result, the person who came in was Tanya, the caretaker maid who was taking care of my personal needs.

She was a woman in her late teens with short chestnut-colored hair and yellowish eyes, and her body was standard and plain, but she gave the impression of being charming. As soon as she saw me, she ran up to me.

“Young Master, what do you think you’re doing!?”

“Don’t you see? It’s a nap, a nap.”

“It’s not the time for a nap! And don’t use the book as a pillow!”

Tanya, who had fallen for my deception, admonished me for my actions. It was not only unbecoming of a noble but also because the book itself was very valuable in terms of both content and money.

I followed Tanya’s words with an air of reluctance and raised my body. The important thing here was to have the impression of “reluctance”.

What I mean was that it was important to give her the impression that I would have always done so if I hadn’t been warned, and the real goal was to make her think that I wasn’t afraid to do such things when no one was around.

“We have a new tutor coming today, so please return to your room immediately.”

“…… Tsk, I remember that. Can’t be helped.”

After muttering this to myself, I left the room, leaving the books scattered all over the library. Of course, this was just another act to make me look like a selfish person.

As I walked back to my room from the library, I reviewed in my mind the contents of the book I’d been reading in the library before my new tutor arrived. I’d to learn the common sense of this world and the knowledge necessary to become the head of a noble family as soon as possible, and I’d to put it all into my brother Mark.

All of this was to prevent me from becoming the head of this family. It would take time, but I believed that this was the shortest way, and I’d decided to do what I could for now.

While I was sitting idly in my room for a while when suddenly there was a knock on the door and Tanya came in. Apparently, she had gone to pick up the tutor after cleaning up the books I had scattered.

“Young Master, this is Sarielle-sensei who will be teaching you.”

“Nice to meet you, Roland-sama. My name is Sarielle, and I will be your tutor. It is a pleasure to meet you”

It was a woman in her mid-twenties who bowed her head respectfully to me. She didn’t have any particular characteristics, but I could see that she was a woman with a calm atmosphere peculiar to an intelligent person.

“I see. Please take care of me.”

“Then let’s get started with your studies.”

This is how I started my studies with my new tutor.

Author's Thoughts

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Yo, Dawn here, I hope you guys like my translations! If you found any error regarding my translations, please do let me know on our discord server and @ me there (@_dawn24)

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