I Played the Role of a Hated Hero, but for Some Reason, I’m Loved by the Last Boss and Living With Her! Thumbnail
I Played the Role of a Hated Hero, but for Some Reason, I’m Loved by the Last Boss and Living With Her!

Chapter 2 - To the Final Battle

TN: Little changes,
Job → Class.


No matter how I look at it, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it back alive from my battle with the Demon God.


The enemy is Demiurge, the strongest and worst demon god who is trying to plunge the world into chaos.


It is said that she was originally a creator god, but for some reason, Demiurge created demons to wreak havoc all over the world.


As a means to combat this, we humans were given a fighting technique called【 Class 】by the Goddess.


【 Class 】are naturally acquired by children as oracles when they come of age.


There are all kinds of classes in the world, and some people are given more than one job.


In such a situation, I was chosen as the strongest and most unrivaled class, the hero.


A hero can gain the power of all the class it sees once, which is an unparalleled job.


When I found out that I was a hero, the king gave me the mission to save this world.


The first person to join me is Martina, the Holy Knight.


She was appointed by the king to be my bodyguard, and a short time later, the wise woman Sofia joined the party, and finally, Touka became our companion.


To cultivate my power, I visited towns with valuable job holders all over the place, strengthening my existence.


However, it was in a small town in the countryside that I had the opportunity to learn about the Demiurge.


What I learned there was a simple outline of the Demiurge’s abilities.


It is said that magic attacks do not work on Demiurge, and it only accepts physical damage.


Demiurge is said to create demons during battle.


And their strength, no matter how low, is at least A-grade.


Demons are ranked from F to S depending on their strength.


A-grade or higher means that at the very least, the flying dragon wyvern class will appear.


And finally, Demiurge can use all kinds of magic that exist in the world.


One of them, defensive magic called the【 Magic Barrier 】, is said to be the reason why our magic attacks cannot reach them.


The only way to break through it is to aim for the opponent’s magic power to run out, or to use more powerful magic to overcome it.


However, it would be impossible to deplete the magic of the being who was once called the creator god, and the strength of the magic barrier would be difficult to break through no matter how powerful it was. The only possibility left is self-destruct magic.


The magic barrier can only be removed for a few seconds with a single, desperate blow used by a top-notch wizard.


What kind of cheat is that?


The person who told me this story was a cunning old man, who apparently had faced Demiurge only once before.


I didn’t know who the old man was, but I decided to believe him.


However, trusting that story, I couldn’t let Martina, Sofia, and Touka participate in the battle against Demiurge.


After all, from the day I heard the story, they started their lives to hate me.


All of the girls had a strong sense of responsibility and would try to defeat Demiurge, even if it cost them their lives, to save the world.


Even if I had tried to remove them from the party, they would have resisted and said they would fight with me, even if I had told them about the danger of Demiurge.


But I wasn’t ready to accept their deaths.


What I came up with was to make the girls hate me so much that they would turn away from me.


The result was as I mentioned earlier.


The plan succeeded without a hitch.


To be honest, I hadn’t expected them to follow me until just before the final battle.


After all, these girls have a stronger sense of responsibility than most people.


They didn’t give in easily to harassment.


But in the end, they lost their patience and left me.


“They’re just too nice, really.”


I chuckled again.


I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of the girls who had followed me this far to meet this bastard.


Still, I’m sorry that I’ve made them feel uncomfortable.




“I’ll take care of the rest. I’ll save this world.”


Spitting out a few dirty words that have become a habit, I look back at the wilderness behind me.


As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but an empty wasteland.


It’s a place worthy of the name Glaive Wilderness.


“Let’s go, to the final battle.”


I said to myself as if to inspire myself, and started walking towards the wilderness.




After a while, I found a dimensional rift in space with a wide hole in it.


By the time we got here, we had been attacked by a few demons, but we managed to defeat them unharmed.


With the help of Martina, Sofia, and Touka, I fought the demons, but it was still quite nerve-wracking to fight solo.


Someone had always been there to protect my back, but now there was no one.


I almost felt lonely, and I shook my head in panic.


“Don’t lose heart. You’re about to take on the last boss.”


Leaving my weaknesses behind, I dove through the dimensional rift.




On the other side of the rift was a place that looked like a temple.


Pure white pillars lined up at even intervals. There were splendid carvings all over the walls.


“Here, Demiurge.”


I mumbled to myself.


『 ―Who’s that? 』




Suddenly, I heard a voice coming from an empty space.


In addition, when I turned my face toward the voice, a crack appeared in the air, and the voice appeared with a loud noise, as if it were shattering glass.




“Indeed. I am the creator god of the world, the one who brings destruction, Demiurge. What do you want with my place, mortal?”


It’s a girl in her late teens who appeared in front of me with an overwhelming amount of pressure.


She had silver hair that was longer than she was tall, flowing down her back, and eyes the mysterious color of inorganic purple crystal amethyst.


Her face was also very neat, giving her an impression of being young and mature at the same time.


Also, behind her sat a golem-like being made up of several giant spinning gears.


The girl sits in the center of it, looking down at me with ease.


With just that, I feel a heavy pressure that makes me feel nauseous.


This is Demiurge.


It’s bringing chaos and destruction to the world, and it’s the enemy of humanity… of all life.


To be honest, I don’t feel like I can win at all from this stage.


But I’m going to go ahead with it.


“I’ve come here to defeat you and save the world! Now, fight me!”


“Hoo… you want to face me in the body of a petite mortal? And all by yourself. It is foolish beyond recklessness. I’m not angry, I’m appalled.”


I wonder how long I can keep up this pretense.


“You’ve got a lot of nerves, human. Well, let me ask you a name. I’m sure I’ll forget it soon enough, but I’ll ask you for your reward for coming this far.”


Demiurge stared at me with emotionless eyes.


Just looking at her with those eyes, my body almost shakes with fear.


“I, hero. I am the hero【 Ares Brave 】! Demiurge, I slay you!”


“If you can do it, try it. But only if you can touch me.”


I will do it. That’s why I’ve been on this journey to this day.


I even have a secret plan to kill you.


But the moment I use it, I’ll probably die.


But I won’t die in vain.


I’ll make sure to take this person in front of me to hell with me!


“Let’s go!”


And with the fate of the world at stake, my final battle was about to begin.

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And then they fu......