I Played the Role of a Hated Hero, but for Some Reason, I’m Loved by the Last Boss and Living With Her! Thumbnail
I Played the Role of a Hated Hero, but for Some Reason, I’m Loved by the Last Boss and Living With Her!

Chapter 1 - A Hero Who is Left Behind

AN: I’ve moved this story from「Narou」.
The sexual content of this story is very mild for「Nocturne Novels」site.
There are no plans to revise the existing content. Please keep this in mind and we hope you enjoy the work.
So, please enjoy the full story!
TN: Illustration for volume 1 HERE


【 Ares Brave 】is a hero.


The chosen one. A transcendent person who has received the blessing of the goddess in his body.


A rare hero who is respected and envied by everyone.


That’s him.


He has had many adventures and has fought day in and day out to defeat the demon gods that plague this world.


Finally, he has reached the Glaive Wilderness, where there is a dimensional rift, the door to the other world where the demon gods are said to live.


Now, he is about to step onto the stage for the final battle.






“Ha? What are you guys talking about?”


“I’ve told you a million times! I can’t deal with you anymore!”


“M-Me… too!”


“Me too. Your foolishness has been too much for me to witness. I can’t follow you anymore.”


The other world, where demons are said to live. The entrance to this world is the dimensional rift. Before reaching the wilderness, the hero is being rejected by all the party members.


Ahead, there is a dimensional rift with a pitch-black space opening up.


They had traveled this far to defeat the demon gods that would be in the depths of the rift.


But now, Ares has been told by the three girls who were members of his party that they can’t go with him any further.


“Hey, hey, what are you talking about? This is the last, isn’t it? We’ve been fighting together all this time, and now you can’t come with me, I don’t understand.”


“Shut up! You know what you’ve been doing and you’re saying that?”


The blonde-haired, blue-eyed【 Martina Saber 】bites down on Ares, raising her voice at him.


She is a glamorous girl with beautiful long golden thread-like hair.


She is a woman who shows up where she is supposed to but keeps her head down when she is supposed to. She is the ideal type of woman.


She has a job as a Holy Knight and can handle swordplay, light magic, and recovery magic, as well as having very high defense.


She can serve as both the vanguard and the rearguard of the party, so she plays an important role in battle.


Such a woman turned her angry blue eyes toward Ares, the brave man.


“You always hide behind us in battle, and not only do you do nothing yourself, but you force the enemies who come at you to come at us! And on top of that, they peep into our bathrooms, touch our butts and breasts, and sexually harass us all over town! And on top of that, you spend all the rewards he gets from the guild on your own! I’m sick of it!”


“Hey, hey, hey, it doesn’t matter how I, the hero, use the money I’ve earned.”


“It’s disgusting that you use it for gambling and drinking! You can’t even get a single gold for us!”


Martina’s face turns bright red and she shouts angrily.


Following her, a petite girl with a wise man’s job complains in a whisper.


Her name is【 Sofia Ark 】.


She is the strongest wizard who is familiar with almost all kinds of magic.


She is a true magic expert, able to use all kinds of magic, including attack, recovery, and support.


“A-And also, Ares-san, we’ve been banned from many taverns and inns because of your rampage. In addition, even the weapon and armor shops were… closed, and the guild refused the hero party.”


The girl swayed her hair, which was half black and half white, and stretched out to the very edge of the ground.


Her facial expression was obscured by her bangs, but it was clear that she was angry.


She has the perfect Lolita figure, but there is a demand for it, so you never know.


But right now, her small body was trembling slightly.


It was probably due to anger.


“What? That’s because they know I’m the hero, and they’re asking me to do something as trivial as collecting. I just beat up the shopkeeper for trying to get paid for the armor I was going to use. In addition, inns and taverns have poor service… so it’s normal to demand a certain level of entertainment since I’m using them.”


“Th-That’s insane…!”


“You’re the one who’s insane. There’s nothing wrong with me.”






Martina and Sofia clenched their fists and shivered.


Martina’s temples have a distinct blue streak on them.


She looks like she’s about to punch Ares in the face.


From behind them, a girl with a unique appearance among the members here stepped forward.


“It’s not just that. Ares, you once saw a village being attacked right in front of your eyes and decided to just walk by without going there to help.”


She is【 Touka Murasame 】.


She’s a wandering swordsman who has drifted from a different continent than the heroes.


She had a rare job as a samurai.


She’s the vanguard of the party with the highest attack power.


She had her pitch-black hair tied up behind her back, and her black eyes were glaring at Ares with quiet anger in them.


“The people of the country are about to be overrun by demons, but you, the hero, did not even try to save them. In fact, do you remember what you said to me without even a glance?”


Touka, shaking her fist, glared at Ares with sharp eyes.


“Well? What did I say?”


“Damn it! You said,『 There’s nothing to be gained by helping them. So why don’t just ignore it? 』. You lowlife!”


“Whoa! Don’t be so angry. There’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t really remember, but if I ignored you, then it was a small village, right? If that’s the case, you can’t expect to get anything out of helping them.”


“That’s not the point! A person’s life was at stake!”


Touka, who rarely raises her voice, showed her fury.


Her black hair was tossing and fluttering like a fury.


“I’ve put up with this for so long, but I’ve reached my limit!”


“Yes, the fight from here on out is deadly. I can’t go with you to such a place.”


“I agree. I can’t trust my back to you. I cannot accompany you to defeat the demon god.”


After saying that, they all turned on their heels and started to head back the way they came.


He stopped them with a panicked voice.


“Wait a minute! You’ve come all this way and you’re just going to run back? If you do that, you’ll be the laughing stock of the world!”


“It’s none of your business! It’s much better to be with you than this!”


“Martina! You were promised that you would be appointed as the Knight Commander of the Royal Capital for your performance in this battle! Who do you think made the arrangements? It’s me! If you run now, you’ll lose that too!”


“Don’t you dare call me names! I don’t want to be the Knight Commander that you set me up with!”


That’s all Martina said, and then she quickly hurried away.


“Sofia! You’re going to be denied the chance to become the head librarian of the Library of Magic! Are you okay with that? It’s not too late!”


“I’m sorry, I don’t want to be with you anymore, and I will make my dreams come true by myself. I won’t ask for your help.”


Spitting out a straightforward rejection, Sofia followed Martina’s lead.


“Touka! Didn’t you say you wanted to rebuild your family’s house in the country? Do you think that’s going to happen by abandoning me here? You should reconsider! I can easily rebuild your house!”


“I’m sorry, but I agree with them. I don’t want to borrow your help. No, there is no way that such a disgusting man like you can restore my family. Well then, have a good day. You can go to hell.”


The last, Touka also walked away from Ares, leaving behind some harsh words.


The three of them didn’t even give us a glance, their backs going further and further away.


Ares saw them off with his hands still raised in the air.




Thus, I ended up being left alone in front of the wilderness, alone… 


“Hmm… finally everyone left the party.”


But I was relieved from the bottom of my heart at this situation.


I put my hands on my hips and look out over the horizon where the girls have disappeared, and give a small chuckle.


“Sorry, guys. It’s probably a dead zone from here. I can’t take you guys to such a place.”


That’s right. I had been waiting for this moment my whole life.


The moment when I would be thoroughly disliked and abandoned.


AN: The first and second volumes of this work are now on sale on【Brave Bunko・Hifumi Shobo】!
Also, a comicalization project is underway!
If you’re interested, please pick up a copy and read it!

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Akirei Akirei

A promising novel.
julop julop

This was ... different.

Ho~ Now this is interesting...