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Not a Virgin Bitch

Chapter 1.2 - Proud Virgin With A Vertical Anal Crack

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I shouldn’t have checked.


 As if to surround me with his strong arms, His Highness was crawling on all fours, looking down at me. His beautiful, cool eyes were blazing like a predator that had found its prey. The intensity of his gaze made me shiver in fear. 


 As I hurriedly summoned up the energy to cast the restraining spell on His Highness again, His Highness’ stiffness pierced me once again.




 His Highness’ cock reached the deepest part of my body at once. With an unwavering strength, perhaps even a little malice he reached my most sensitive parts. 


 I was still calming my breathing, but I couldn’t stand the impact. My length that had just calmed down, was resurrected. I just came, but His Highness was not afraid to slam his hips into me. I could feel myself tighten up as my inner walls began to twitch and jerk. His Highness may be fine with it, maybe even enjoying it, but I wasn’t happy about it all. I couldn’t stop myself from cumming.


“Wait! I’m coming! I’m coming!”


 His Highness hugged me tightly. He held me down from behind, using his long legs to hold me in place. I was encased so tightly that I couldn’t even push his body away.


 The sound of my skin and His Highness’ skin violently colliding echoed through the room. The sticky sound of fluid mixing that I constantly heard was probably His Highness’ cum being repeatedly pushed into my hole. 


 My skin crawled as I felt a lick on my neck. He continued to lick me around my neck, even biting me here and there, making me burn hot with pleasure.


“Ral… call my name.”


 He called out in a low, lust filled voice. The use of my nickname and that voice alone was enough to make me squirt and cum.


 My thighs shuddered as I felt a strange sensation of tingling spreading through my head due to the sheer pleasure.


 Incentral Lavona, that was my name. I didn’t expect His Highness to know it. It was the first time he had ever called me by my name, and by my nickname nonetheless. Although I suppose it was natural since he was my former fiancée. Even though I had crystallized all of my feelings for His Highness, it seems like the feelings that had taken root in my heart had yet to disappear.




 If I called out his name here, I would relapse into that craze again. There was no problem if I just watched from a distance. But this situation was dangerous. His Highness was laying down in front of me and holding me.


“Call my name.”


“Ngh… No! I don’t want-!”


 He inserted his girth into my shallow entrance once again. His thick manhood stretched out my inner walls, making my back arch.


 As I clung to the arms of His Highness behind me, crying from the torturous pleasure , my body was flipped around and the scene in front of my eyes suddenly changed.


“See, Ral…”


 With both of my legs on his shoulders, His Highness slowly buried himself inside me, rubbing my inner walls with less roughness than before.


 The gentle and slow thrusts made my cock leak out a small amount of semen.


“Call my name.”


“Ah, wait! Wait! No, I’m sorry…!”


 His Highness thrusts his hips into the back of my body, grabbing and gripping my hips, trying to penetrate even deeper than the little opening he had just made.


 My physique was quite delicate for a man and there was a considerable difference in body size from His Highness. It was easy for him to pry open my entrance and go deeper into the back. My body curled up as His Highness’ cock opened up the entrance to my womb and slipped in. 


“Ahhh, ngh…aahh, aahh, aahh, aahh!”


 In a normal man’s body, the colon would be located there, but in my case, since I was born with a body that would be carrying the child, that’s where my womb was.


 That place was the weakest to any type of stimulus. Just because there was a dick in it, sparks in my brain made me scream out loud. It felt so good and I almost died. The irresistible pleasures dominated my body.


“It’s so good, I’m gonna die! It feels so good, I’m going to die…!”


 The entrance to my uterus was constantly stimulated, and my eyes flickered in a daze.


“See, call my name.”


“Hi, Ahh, Jova… Ah, Ah…don-, don’t move, ahh… Jovan- samaaaa”


 I opened my mouth wide in a panic as I almost stopped breathing, but His Highness covered my lips in an instant and inserted his tongue into my mouth, sucking it in deeper and deeper.


I can’t breathe. I’m really dead this time.


 Before I completely blacked out. I could vaguely feel his cock slipping out of my womb with a gurgling sound and my back getting sprayed by his seed.  


 I had never experienced such strong pleasure before, even during my previous life.


 I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up, His Highness asked me if I could still do it, and licked my cock. Since I was the one accepting, it didn’t matter if I was erect or not, but His Highness assumed that if I wasn’t erect, he couldn’t insert it, so without correcting him, I told him I couldn’t because I couldn’t get it up anymore.


 Perhaps it was because my member wasn’t that big, but His Highness took the whole thing in his mouth and performed oral s*x with such vigor that you would not think he was royalty. Of course, I couldn’t get it up in his empty mouth.


 I cleaned up my clothes and sheets with cleansing magic and put the messy sheets back on the bed.


 The damage to my body was so severe that I couldn’t move right away, so I simply laid there. For some reason, His Highness was lying on the bed as well. The most mysterious thing was that he kept playing with my nipples, sucking and licking them.


 My lower half of my body wanted to react, but my semen tank was empty and I couldn’t get an erection, although I can make sweet noises. If I were to react with a bang here, the hellish pleasure would start all over again. I wanted to avoid that. Even I, a man of unrestrained sexuality, raised the white flag, at His Highness’ s*x drive.


“His Highness, uh…don’t you have to go home?”


“You’re wrong, Ral.”


 My peaks were bitten and my body bounced.


“Hmm! Jo, Jovanna-sama…”


“I’m glad we did it earlier.”


“Ah…well, a while ago…”


 The edge of his teeth pulled at one of my nipples. The other lightly twisted and crushed at the mercy of his fingers.


I paled, wondering if this was retribution for not calling him the name he wanted.




 I tilted my head and asked if it was this. In return, Jovan-sama smiled contentedly and kissed me on the mouth.


 It was the first time he had smiled at me.


 My heart began to beat faster and faster.


“I despised you for fulfilling your duty. I made a person who was only there for my connections snatch your rightful place. I’m sorry Ral.”


 Jovan-sama got up and bowed to me.


 I was apologized to, but there was no need for Jovan-sama to apologize at all. I was ostracized because what I did was so fierce. It isn’t bad to want to be with the person you like.


 I’ve learned enough from my previous lifetime to survive as a commoner, and I had enough wisdom to do so.


 The magical power the Royal Family wanted did not have to be from me. It was not wrong for Jovan-sama to decide who he wants as his spouse.


 The mistake that I made was chasing him around, even though it was only one-sided.


“There is nothing for you to feel guilty about. As you can see, I’m too sexually promiscuous to be your fiance. It must bother you after all, since you’ve lived your entire life as an aristocrat. But don’t worry, I’ll ask my father to remove me from the family register so that I can become a commoner as soon as possible.”


 Maybe there was pressure coming from above because I still existed as a nobleman. Even if there were alternatives, my magic power was still the best. I’m sure they didn’t want to give it up so easily. Moreover, as a high-ranking nobleman, I was a suitable companion for royalty.


“You just want to work in a brothel don’t you?”


“Huh?! Why do you know that…!!”


 I covered my mouth in surprise.


 You idiot! You should’ve just kept it vague and dodged the question.


 Jovan-sama’s beautiful face distorted in anger. He seemed to feel guilty about me, so he couldn’t allow such a future to happen. For someone who has been there once, it was actually a great place to work because you can always feel good.


“As soon as our engagement ended, my schoolmates rushed to try and take you. I thought you had casted an enhancement spell on them and as a result I hated you.”


“Hmm? My father told me that the royal family has kept my magical abilities a secret.”


 Because of the danger of getting kidnapped, only my family and a limited handful of the royal family were supposed to know that my magic powers were special. In my previous life my magic was also sealed when I fell to commoner status, so even if people got ahold of me, they would have no use for me.


“They were all mesmerized by your good looks and moved in the wrong direction to get their hands on you. They schemed to make me unhappy with you and so that I would replace you. Everyone wanted you and I to break off our engagement, so that they could take you for themselves.”


“I don’t know, I haven’t mastered the magic of enchantment. And if I had, I would have used it on  Jovan-sama first.”


“No, I don’t think so. You don’t care about your appearance, do you?”


 It’s strange to want a person like me who looks like he was just thrown away.


 I was small and slender, my hair was a common chestnut color, and my eyes were a strange pink. I was so ordinary that if you saw me in a crowd, not even a second would pass and you’d forget me.


 I am confident that if I stood beside the beautiful Jovan-sama I would look like air. And yet, I was bold enough in the past to chase after Jovan-sama and proudly proclaim him as my fiancé. Shame on me.


“You have beautiful, fine white skin and wavy pink blonde hair that catches the eye. Your eyes are a shimmering champagne pink that looks like jewels. Ral, you are incomparably beautiful. You can be described as both beautiful and pretty, and the best part is your slender body.”


 It was hard to digest the reality that Jovan-sama was praising my appearance. As he noticed my gradually lowering gaze, he grabbed my chin and tilted it upward. A few centimeters in front of me was the breathtakingly beautiful face of Jovan-sama. I couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat inwardly at the strong gaze staring at me.


“The school was full of people who wanted to protect you or take you away. You don’t understand, but I was the only one who couldn’t see the good in you. It was only when I saw the smile you gave me that I realized my mistake.”


 The golden eyes that were proof of royalty stared at me intently.


 In those eyes, I am there. The red-faced, dumbfounded me was there.


 My heart moved with a thud.


 All the crystallized feelings started to tingle again.


 I had locked them away in the depths of my mind and pretended to have forgotten about them, but with just one look from Jovan-sama, my heart swelled up all over again.


“I want to walk the same path as you. I will not give you to anyone else.”


 He sucked my lips gently, and my body felt a rush of excitement.


“Ral, I love you.”


 With those words, my sight was dyed vermillion.


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Discussion (6)

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Anarchy Anarchy

I'd tell to go f*ck himself or join my harem.
Mokimoki Mokimoki

Tss ignore him MC and go hunt more dicks hahahaha
Melting Fire Melting Fire

He sounds like a jerk i mean jova
ryuu ryuu

So is his hair brown or pink? Or is it rose gold so Ral think it's a shade of brown??
Seemanta Seemanta

... I want my harem back.
natsume142 natsume142

too late boyy, this MC want a harem of men hehe