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Not a Virgin Bitch

Chapter 1.1 - Proud Virgin With A Vertical Anal Crack


I died and was sent back to the past…


Why the world rewound was still a mystery to me, but I inherited the memories of my last life. My memories came back just when I was at the crossroads of my life. If only my memory had come back a little earlier, I could have done something about it, but it’s too late… I thought with a straight face.


But this was the second time I was going through all this, I had nothing to be afraid of.


It would be easy for me to get out of this place and use the knowledge I had learned in my previous life to survive.


Let me give you a brief description of my first life.


My family was of Marquis status, and my father was the Prime Minister, a position of importance in the country.


In this country, it was normal for noblemen to be born with magical power, and among them, I had the greatest amount of magical power.


I guess they wanted to mix that high level of magical power with the blood of royalty. At the age of 3, I received a measurement of my magic power and a revelation of the attributes I could use, and soon after, I was engaged to His Highness the Third Prince, who was the same age as me. The fact that I was one who could conceive a child was also a big factor.


The problem here was that the compatibility between me and His Highness Jovanna was very bad.


I lived in the territory of my Marquis family until I was fifteen so that my magical power would not cause a deviation. That place was narrow, and if a magical deviation occurred, it could be dealt with without damaging the surroundings.


Because there was nothing around me, the only thing I could do was work on magical research and learn about aristocratic education.


My magic power was stable and did not go out of control, and I ended up leaving for the royal capital at the age of 15.


At that time, I met Jovanna-sama for the first time. At first glance, he already seemed to dislike me.


It was then that something in my heartstrings must have been touched, because I fell in love with him at first sight.


Even if I didn’t fall in love at first sight, we would get married in the future, so I didn’t have to be desperate at all, but I was impatient.


His silver threaded hair that swept through the air was so beautiful, and his golden eyes that were supposed to be a sign of royalty looked so cool and beautiful.


His face twisted uncomfortably every time I was in sight, but I foolishly thought that one day my feelings would be returned.


Jovanna-sama was all I had and all I could see.


I used force to get rid of the fools who approached him, and since I was Jovanna-sama’s fiancé, I thought that it was only natural that I should be next to him.


I had been educated in the territory before, so there was no need for me to be there, but I still enrolled in the Royal Academy, for the sole reason that Jovanna-sama was attending it. That was the first mistake I made.


Now I know.


From the beginning, I was shunned by Jovanna-sama.


It seems that Jovanna-sama had been in love with someone at the academy, and he thought I was in the way.


Besides, it seems that I was trying to push the person out of his mind.


When I was 16, I was condemned by Jovanna-sama and became a commoner.


Of course, my magic power was sealed to prevent it from going out of control.


You may think why didn’t anyone politically fight for the engagement. After all, we were engaged because of my magical power, but that’s because Jovanna-sama was wise. It seems that the person he had fallen in love with also possessed a considerable amount of magic power, and he was able to manage the situation as he had a plan. Although, I don’t know the details.


When a high-ranking nobleman fell to commoner status, there were only a few places where he could live.


One such place was a brothel.

It was fortunate that the place where I had applied to was a good one.


It was neither a high-class brothel nor a regular brothel, but a pseudo high-class brothel for people who wanted to go to high-class brothels but couldn’t afford it.


As a high-ranking aristocrat, I was well groomed, and soon became a big money maker for the brothel.


An ex-aristocrat and former fiancée of His Highness the Third Prince, sold his body for people to play with. I had no choice. I had to survive.


I didn’t take care of my appearance, but I was well received and was always fully booked for the next few months.


The clients I received ranged from wealthy commoners to lowly aristocrats, with the occasional high-ranking aristocrat coming in secretly, but they were all good people, and I thought this was my calling. I had never been sexually awakened, but once I learned what felt good, it filled me up.


I was captivated by the sensation I felt when people came inside me, and I found myself becoming a great slut.


Occasionally, a customer who knew what I went through would ask me if I had gotten over His Highness the Third Prince, but I would always say that I’ve put him away as a part of my past. It was my magic that helped me do that. When I fell to the status of commoner, I was given an anklet as a magic seal, but I soon realized it no longer functioned because it could not withstand the amount of magic I had.


Thus, I came up with a magic technique that solidified my feelings for him into magical crystals.


The first time I tried it out it created a bright red stone that crystallized all my feelings for Jovanna-sama. It’s color made it look like it was a crystallized flame. Moreover, each time, there would be more than one produced.


As I squeezed out all my feelings, all I could think of was that it was too much of a hindrance. That was it.


However, this crystal of magic held a tremendous amount of magic power in it. Even a single piece of it was substantial, and could be used as an important source of magic for tools.


I researched it for a while, but unlike magic stones, the power inside didn’t seem to deplete and it continued to emit magic power without decaying.


It was a very convenient crystal, but when I thought that it was formed due to the amount of feelings that was directed to that one person, I felt that it was unpleasant.


Thus, I made my name as both a prostitute and a rare magic tool technician.


One of my customers was a grimoire technician, and he helped me develop a grimoire. And another one of my customers, a merchant, came forward as the seller.


I guess that’s what you call popularity.


I was fortunate enough to enjoy such a spectacular life.


I loved feeling good, and my job as a prostitute suited me well. In between, I did business with my prized magic and magical tools.


It suited me better than living as a nobleman.


And even though I was over forty, which was unusual, I still lived as a prostitute. It seems that my excessive amount of magic power stunted my growth, and I still looked like I was about 20 years old. By this time, my name was famous everywhere, and I was fully booked for the next few years with people who were interested in my body, brain, and magic.


There were a few offers here and there to buy me fully, but I was satisfied with my life there, so I turned them all down.


My libido hadn’t dropped yet, and there were still some games I wanted to try. This was it! I wanted to meet the ideal cock. There were still so many things that I wanted to create, whether it was magic tools or magic techniques. It was simply that I was having a hard time deciding where to start.


However, life didn’t wait for me.


I was on my way to be the centerpiece of a masked orgy when my carriage fell off a cliff and I lost my life. Normally, I could have done something with magic, but I was asleep at the time. At a little over forty years old, the curtain had fallen on my life.


But then the curtain rose again.


I don’t even know what I’m talking about. However, right in front of me was the Third Prince, His Highness Jovanna-sama, looking exactly like he did when he was young.


Where is this? I tilted my head to the side and looked around, and saw a familiar scene.


Is this a dream? A scenario projected by magic?


In front of me was the familiar scene of Jovanna-sama, wearing the school’s uniform. The white-colored uniform was too eye-catching. It was beautiful. He looked like he hated my gaze, but I wanted him to look at me more.




As I was trying to understand the situation, I realized that I was suddenly praising Jovanna-sama.


My feelings for Jovanna-sama should have long been crystallized and used up by magic tools, so I shouldn’t be thinking about him. And yet, my feelings for him were spilling over to the point where I couldn’t help but gravitate toward him.


I took a step away from him.


Next to Jovanna-sama stood a slender boy, about a head shorter than him. He was holding Jovanna-sama’s arm, and I could tell that he was very close to him. I’m not sure if I knew this boy or not.


I took three more steps back.


Jovanna-sama’s schoolmates were there. I don’t know them. Oh, but I may or may not have met them when they were older.


Each time I took a step away from Jovanna-sama, something hot inside me screamed at me, asking why I’m moving away. That’s when it hit me. Time rewound, I thought. Although, I didn’t know why.


I couldn’t keep going like this. I have to get home and go back to my room. I’ll figure it out when I get there.


My heart cried out as I tried to get away from them, but I was happy to crystallize my feelings. This time, I decided to crystallize my feelings little by little, because before, the lumps were too big and disturbing.


It was a nice, soothing feeling. The resulting crystals were just the right size to fit in my palm.


I went to the school’s carriage and asked them to give me a ride home. I gave the driver some more gold coins, and the old man returned to the school with great joy.


I went back to my room and read my notes on my research, where I learned that I had indeed rewound to the age of fifteen.


If this wasn’t a dream, I had a lot of work to do.


In my past life, I was still working on magic tools and creating magic.


As for my sexuality, my body was still in its infancy, as I am not yet familiar with it at this age. I’ll enjoy it once I’m well versed.


As soon as I got home, I immediately asked my father to build a simple building for my research at the edge of the mansion. I gave him the magic tools that I had made in my past lifetime so that he could use them easily, and told him that I was planning to develop more and more of these things, and so he was happy to build it.


I named it my laboratory and holed myself up in it.


As I locked myself in, my heart ran wild for Jovanna-sama, but thankfully I was able to slowly release my feelings through the crystals. The problem that arose from crystallizing more and more in this way was that the feelings fade too much and do not become crystals. In such cases, I would come to the school and stare at Jovanna-sama from the shadows, trying to muster up my feelings in order to squeeze them out.


His silver threads of hair swayed lightly in the wind, glistening in the sun. Even the way he draped his dazzling hair over his ears was divine. His cool, intelligent golden eyes were always calm, as long as I didn’t approach him.


His slender physique and moderately toned body had to be the ultimate beauty given by the gods, right?


Oh, but that thing next to him was in the way….


That potato next to Jovanna-sama….


Just like that, I crystallized my feelings again.


It was a bright red crystal that appeared, suitable for my boiling thoughts, it had a hint of blue in places, probably due to jealousy. This was a new crystal. It’s the first time my feelings have crystallized for someone other than Jovanna-sama. If I focused enough on my surroundings and let my thoughts flow, it looks like I could create a different kind of crystal.



This was a new discovery.



“What are you doing sneaking around?”


Someone suddenly called from behind, my shoulders shook in surprise.


I turned around and stiffened, wondering who it was that was talking to me. I was the most hated person in school, almost no one would take the initiative talking to me.


Jovanna-sama, who I had just been staring at, was now standing right in front of me.


“One minute you’re following me around, the next you’re sneaking around from afar, what the hell are you up to?”


Jovanna-sama’s brows wrinkled as he looked down at me. I didn’t notice because I was watching from afar, but could it be that he had grown taller again? I was supposed to have had a growth spurt, but I didn’t grow at all, and even at the age of forty I was still about the same height as I was now. When I looked up at Jovanna-sama, who was at least two heads taller than me, I felt intimidated to no end.


My hair was a fluffy chestnut color, and my eyes were a strange pink. My appearance was average for a noble, but I had more magic power than most. That’s all I had. Maybe making magic tools and being a prostitute was the right thing for me.


I wish I could make these crystals with something other than my feelings for Jovanna-sama. For example…it would be best if my magic power could be crystallized. I have a lot of it.




In the first place, I didn’t know why I was sticking so much to my feelings for Jovanna-sama.


If I used my magic power the feelings wouldn’t be so vague, and it would be quicker to crystallize the magical power.


Is it because I was fixated on the thought that only my feelings for Jovanna-sama would crystalize?


Then I don’t need it.




I don’t have to come to the school, I don’t have to be with Jovanna-sama.


If only I had realized this a little earlier, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time, and I wouldn’t have let my annoying mind get the better of me.


The moment I realized that everything was going to work out in an orderly fashion, I was so happy that I smiled like never before. Now I could make magic tools without worrying about the lack of crystals in stock.


I felt my body heat up from elation.


Jovanna-sama, the potato who clung to him, and his schoolmates all looked at me with stunned expressions, but I didn’t care.


“Your Highness!”


I took both of Jovanna-sama’s hands and gave him a big smile.


“I’ve decided to break off our engagement! Please be happy!”




“I have realized my ugliness. I will quietly quit school and withdraw to my territory.”


I bowed to the puzzled Jovanna-sama and left. I quickly looked for the old man in the carriage and asked him to take me back to the mansion.


From that point on, I went to a reasonably convenient part of the territory, and asked my father to set up a laboratory there as well. I carefully but surely withdrew from the academy.


The magic tools I made ranged from daily necessities to high-end items.


The Mara-kun series, which I made as a hobby, became the vitality of night life for the adults.


The dildo I made by mobilizing all the knowledge I cultivated as a prostitute is currently on the market in various shapes, modes, and demand. The most popular was the Awakening Mara, who moves automatically using crystallized magic stones. The income made from Mara-kun’s sales could buy a country.


Just like in my last life, my father convinced me that if I left the only place I would end up in after my engagement was broken off was in a brothel. So as I was preparing to leave, I ended up staying holed up in his domain. Since there was no condemnation this time, it seems that I wouldn’t fall to commoner status. Too bad.


The familiarity was there so I happily tried to become a prostitute, but my father cried and stopped me. Instead, Mara-kun, who I created to console myself, was a big hit, and my rear hole was cracking vertically even though I had no partner.


I’m in the process of developing a new version of Mara-kun, the Kraken. Which is inspired by a previous Mara-kun that attacks adventurers (sexually) one after another.


When I turned 17 and I was still actively developing magic tools, I began to think that it would be better to find a partner.


Marriage didn’t sit well with me, but I’d be more than happy to spend my days alone with my lover. Fortunately, I was doing well as a mage engineer, and my magic was growing to the point where I seriously thought it could destroy the world. If I could someday find a penis that would fit perfectly inside my anus, it would be all the better.


I had enough money to keep all the lovers I want. If my father knew he was going to cry, but last time, I crystallized my chastity and made it into a magic tool.


Today, I was once again holed up in my laboratory, making magic tools.


Suddenly, a visitor came to see me.


“It’s been a while.”


I was going up the stairs from the laboratory in the basement, when I heard a thumping sound. I realized I had a visitor, but I didn’t expect it to be His Highness the Third Prince.


At the top of the stairs, His Highness looked at me and narrowed his eyes.


His Highness seemed to have become more masculine, and he grew even taller. He also seemed to have gained some muscle, his toned body and well-honed good looks looked amazing. If it were me in the past, I would have praised him immediately for this and that, but since I’ve crystallized everything, it was impossible to praise him endlessly.




What should I say?


Why did you come to this place which is so far from the royal capital?


Thinking comprehensively, I thought it was such a hassle.


There was no warning of His Highness’ arrival. So I was only wearing my usual simple clothes with my hair casually tied back. It’s what I usually wore when I was a commoner. Will I be accused of disrespect? It’s unreasonable, but if it meant I could fall into commoner status, I’d be grateful for it. I’ll call it ‘chasing condemnation’.



“When will you return to the royal capital?”


The words that came from His Highness were unexpected, my consciousness floated away at his question.


What would I even do when I return to the capital?


As I tilted my head, His Highness grabbed my arm as if in a hurry.


“I’m sure I’ve handed the letter to the Prime Minister many times. I’ve never gotten a reply, but when will you get back to me?”


I haven’t received any letters.


There must be some mistake.


“I have no plans to return to the royal capital in the future. I told you that day that I would stay in my territory and refrain from going near you.”


“You are my fiancée. I can’t allow you to lock yourself up in the territory.”


His Highness is my fiancée?


Really. Is there any other person than me?


I looked around, but there was no one else. Of course, this lab was my private quarters, my bedroom. The only things I had here were tools for developing magical tools and bedding.


Well, I understand. I’m sure that His Highness had a regression, just like me. I had a physical regression, but His Highness had a mental regression. If that’s the case, then there’s nothing I can do but explain what’s going on.


“What are you talking about? Your Highness and I have already broken off our engagement and have agreed to go our separate ways.”


I couldn’t even remember the face of the person next to His Highness, but I’m sure there must have been a potato.


I only remember blessing them happiness with a pure heart.


“The engagement has not been annulled. I remain your betrothed.”




My expression, which had been displaying a beautiful and pure smile, instantly collapsed.


What the hell was this person talking about? I’m going to be a free man for the rest of my life. I don’t want to be disturbed.


“Wait a minute! I’m not going to marry you! Impossible! In the first place, Your Highness had a lover!”


“He’s too sexually promiscuous. You never know whose child he might be carrying.”


Oh, I get it.


So you dipped your hand in honey and retreated as soon as it happened.


If that’s the case, I agree with his decision.Then it’s now or never. I have nothing but a glorious future ahead of me.


As I recall, the royal family wears a number of jewelry that prevents magic.


First, I need to seal them.


The crystallization of my feelings for His Highness that I’ve been saving! I’m going to activate the magic power of this and peel off His Highness’ treasures.




I pushed his highness down on the bed. His face widened in surprise as he realized that the jewelry he had been wearing was sealed. I used my own magic technique [Restraint] to seal off the movements of his arms and legs. I didn’t want him to not be able to get a boner if I restrained his entire body.


I stripped off His Highness’ precious private clothes and quickly casted a cleansing spell on him. This was a magic that was very useful in my past life. It instantly made one’s body clean and beautiful. Even if you were covered in white muck, it would clean you up in an instant, so you can be ready for the next customer.


It was especially essential magic for me because I had a lot of perverted customers who insisted on licking my anus and inserting their tongues into it.


I wanted to suck His Highness’s thick manhood down my throat right away, but since he was royalty, I put aside my vulgar play and applied the purification first.


I’m sure he gave his virginity to that potato. But it didn’t matter to me, as I no longer had feelings for him. This was a big event for me in order to get my engagement annulled.


After relaxing my position on top of him, I took out His Highness’ penis and was surprised to find that it was quite large even though not hard, but a good cock was not about size. It’s about tension, hardness, shade, and endurance.


I avoided the tip, which was the weakest part of any man’s cock, and lightly rubbed the length with my hand, all the while covering it with saliva.


“What are you doing?”




I licked it and ran my tongue over it, watching as it grew and grew.


It was light in color for its size. I thought it would be more reddish-black, but I was surprised.


His Highness’s cock, which soon became fully erect, was like the devil itself. It was a grown man’s cock. The color was indeed pretty, though.


I wondered if my skills as a prostitute would be appropriate for a royal, but my heart was won over by his magnificent dick. I was filled with the desire to conquer such an amazing cock. I took it in my mouth and carefully sucked it till it reached the back of my throat, stimulating the rest that couldn’t fit in with my hands.




I sucked on His Highness’ cock, my saliva making noise with every move of my mouth.


In almost no time, I could taste his cum inside my mouth. With no hesitation, I swallowed it, catching his gaze as he looked at me stunned. It was the first time in decades that I had that familiar taste, and although it was hard to swallow, I was entranced.


It wasn’t enough. So, I once again drew his length into my mouth and swallowed the semen that had collected. As I sucked and licked the tip, I grew incredibly aroused, my dick hardening. Unable to take it anymore, I placed His Highness’ cock at my entrance, licking my fingers and loosening it for him.


I was a little afraid to let him see me like this, so I turned my back on him.





His Highness was about to say something, but I ignored him and slid down onto his length. I wondered if he had noticed the fact that my a*s was well-used , since he could only see my a*s from behind.


His Highness’ cock was thick and long, with a protruding tip. Just inserting it felt incredibly good. Without even trying, it soon reached the entrance to my womb, the feeling of the tip bumping against it felt really good. I immediately began to move my hips so that it would rub deep inside. At first it was awkward because it was my first time with this body and my memory had been blank for more than ten years, but as I swung my hips as I wished, His Highness came before I could cum.




His Highness was exhaling in pain, but I wanted to come too. With your fresh cock, try a little harder for me Your Highness.


Fortunately, the hardness remained the same, so I tightened up and stimulated His Highness’ cock as much as I could. I squeezed down on his cock, which was once again hard, and bobbed my hips up and down.


“Ah…ah… feels so good…ngh it’s big…ah…ah… ah…”




“Ah… Ah…more… Ah… It’s getting bigger… Hmm… Ah…”



My body trembled as the tip hit his deepest parts.


With each thrust, my whole body went numb and I couldn’t stop moving my hips. Moving desperately like a dog in heat.


If it were the previous me, I would have prioritized pleasing the customer, but instead I was chasing my own pleasure. It felt too good. In both lifetimes, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before. That’s how good it felt.


A pleasant numbness covered me from head to toe. As the tip of His Highness’ cock poked the entrance to my womb, my whole body convulsed and my cock couldn’t help but leak out a huge amount of sperm and even squirted.


The overstimulation made my body collapse. I fell onto the sheets, my body was twitching and jerking.




The moment I flopped down, His Highness’ manhood slipped out and there was a light sound. Even that sent poisonous pleasure down my spine.


The cum that His Highness had released would have spilled out of my hole, but I couldn’t bring myself to process it just yet. Too immersed in the pleasure, I didn’t notice that the restraining spell on His Highness’ had been lifted.


His Highness’ cock was the best. I silently wondered if I could make a Mara-kun with the same shape as him. If I keep him restrained like this… I should be able to make a mold.


As I was thinking about this and that, something slapped my face with great force.


Unable to turn my head properly, I turned my gaze upward to find something right next to my face.




I shouldn’t have checked.


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Hello everyone. Thank you for your support. Your comments brighten my day. I always enjoy reading your guys' comments. Please feel free to provide feedback. I appreciate your warmth support. Sending you love, light, and blessings to brighten up your day. Enjoy every moment to the fullest! List of my projects : Join my discord here :

Discussion (2)

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Reiise Reiise

Heeh that was interesting ? I mean I hated the 3rd prince as he seemed to have chase MC when he lost interest on him, but it felt satisfying when the prince was helpless(in the latter part) when MC restrained him. MC be livin' his dream xD
natsume142 natsume142

this is quite hilarious ?? the MC is kinda nonchalant haha