They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Thumbnail
They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!?

Vol. 4 Chapter 163 - Time for a Change

After resting on Kami-sama’s lap for a while, the sun had risen and it was time to try climbing the mountain.

I packed up my camping gear and stored it in storage, and set off immediately.

As I climbed up the mountain path of the Pure White Dragon Mountain, I soon met my first monster.

My opponent is an Ancient Goblin.

It’s an opponent that shoots out a wide range of high-powered magic and attacks that are difficult to avoid.

First of all, rewrite my status using Super Code.

If I’m going to be attacked, I want to minimize the damage as possible.

As I recall, Kami-sama told me once when she showed me her status.

In this phantasm, you’ll take the least amount of damage when your defense is zero, or something like that.

Remembering what she said, I use super search to find the codes that make up my resistance.

When I increase the accuracy of my super search to that level, I used to get a headache due to a large amount of information, but now I can process all the information without difficulty.

I then discover the code parts that make up my status and immediately rewrite them with the power of super code.


Fari von D’azell

Race: Quasi-God

Life: 103285

Power: 156291

Attack Power: 3897

Defense: 0

Magic Power: 27928

Agility: 5971

Skills: Swordsmanship (S) Archery (S) Spearmanship (S) Storage (S)

Precision Damage Flow (S) Counter Code (S)

Code Forcing (S) Instant Death Forcing (S) Instant Death Counter (S)

Ghost Piercing (S) Marking (S) Stall Damage (S)

Super Alive (S) Super Freeze (S)

Relic (S) Super Flow (S) Super Search (S)

Camouflage (S) Deletion Resistance (S) Armor (S)

Magic Aptitude: Fire (S), Water (S), Earth (S), Lightning (S)

Wind (S), Light (S), Darkness (S), Life (S), Non-Attribute (S)

Magic Resistance: Fire (S), Water (S), Earth (S), Lightning (S)

Wind (S), Light (S), Dark (S), Life (S), Non-Attribute (S)


When I had finished rewriting my status, the Ancient Goblin finally unleashed its magic.

It is lightning magic that strikes a wide area.

The lightning strikes me, but I only feel a little tingling and it didn’t do any damage.

When I was hit yesterday, it was quite painful and I was blown away by the shock.

Really big difference.

I run through the rain of lightning, approach the Ancient Goblin, and hit it with my bare hands.

The Ancient Goblin was physically poor, so one blow caved in its head and it died instantly.

It’s a complete defeat.

After defeating the Ancient Goblin, we encountered Rakshasa a little while later.

This thing has overwhelming attack and defense power, and it even has a skill called Code Force Resistance.

Because of that, instant death forcing and instant death counters didn’t work, and even ghost piercing didn’t work, so we had to engage in a pure fight.

Rakshaha’s attack power is not a problem since my defense is now zero, but it is Rakshaha’s defense that is troublesome.

I decided to rewrite my status.

For starters, I’m thinking about setting the attack power to a very big number, but I suddenly stopped thinking about it.

If  I think about it, precision damage flow should be effective against Rakshaha since he can be directly attacked.

However, the opponent’s enormous defense has different values for each individual.

It’s a hassle to look at the defense using Super Search and adjust the power every time.

This is because my attack power is a half-decent 3897.

It’s hard for me to know how powerful my attacks should be.

So I decided to make my attack power and magic power with huge numbers.

However, I soon decided against this idea.

If I made them huge, it would be difficult to determine the precision damage flow against an opponent whose defense is not high and only life is high.

This is because the power has to be fine-tuned too much.

So – let’s set the attack power and magic power to 1 so that it is easy to calculate.

Then, I can change the attack power I use to suit my opponent.

Now I can even set the attack power at will with super code.

Even if my status is low, you can perform a huge amount of damage without consuming any power.

If you don’t have a problem with no power consumption, you can even set your power to zero.

That is a good idea.


Fari von D’azell

Race: Quasi-God

Life: 103285

Power: 156291

Attack Power: 3897

Defense: 0

Magic Power: 27928

Agility: 5971

Skills: Swordsmanship (S) Archery (S) Spearmanship (S) Storage (S)

Precision Damage Flow (S) Counter Code (S)

Code Forcing (S) Instant Death Forcing (S) Instant Death Counter (S)

Ghost Piercing (S) Marking (S) Stall Damage (S)

Super Alive (S) Super Freeze (S)

Relic (S) Super Flow (S) Super Search (S)

Camouflage (S) Deletion Resistance (S) Armor (S)

Magic Aptitude: Fire (S), Water (S), Earth (S), Lightning (S)

Wind (S), Light (S), Darkness (S), Life (S), Non-Attribute (S)

Magic Resistance: Fire (S), Water (S), Earth (S), Lightning (S)

Wind (S), Light (S), Dark (S), Life (S), Non-Attribute (S)


After I finish changing my status again, I jump in front of Rakshaha, who doesn’t seem to noticed me yet.

As soon as Rakshasa noticed me, he snorted and swung his fist up.

I could have avoided it, but I decided to take a shot at him to see how my defenses were doing.

It felt like I was touched, but it didn’t damage me or blow me away.

I was hit by a huge monster with all of its might, so it’s a level that makes no sense.

While Rakshasa was surprised at the unbelievable sight, I launch an attack.

It’s a poke in the forehead

However, the power of this poke has been set in the super code to 2,147,483,647 according to the defense of Rakshasa.

The moment the poke hits, Rakshasa’s huge amount of life instantly becomes zero, and he collapses.

That’s it, I’ve defeated it.

…… What a quick and easy end.

Climbing further up the mountain, we encountered the High Lizard King and a group of his subordinates, the High Lizard Men.

The higher-ranked lizardmen consist of High Lizard Men and Elder Lizard Men, who are one rank above them.

Some of them are special individuals, such as the High Lizard Magician.

Status-wise, it’s not hard to take on this many opponents at once.

However, it is a hassle to deal with them each other.

On the other hand, there are too many of them to ignore, and I’ll end up getting attacked one by one.

So I decided to add a new skill to my own.

The new skill I’m going to add is the invincibility skill.

It is also S-ranked invincibility.

The code for invincibility is very simple, all you need is to keep running the code that has the invincibility effect all the time.

However – I have also noticed that this invincibility has a weakness.

Among the knowledge that flowed into me when I learned the super code was the knowledge of various codes.

What a surprise, there was also a code to cancel invincibility.

I also found out that even if I always executed the invincibility code, if the code was forced in some way and I executed lower level invincibility, the invincibility code I executed later would take priority and the attack would hit.

This means that even an S-rank invincibility code is not perfect invincibility.

So, I will take a different approach to make myself invincible.

I’ll use an attack code mechanism.

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