They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Thumbnail
They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!?

Vol. 4 Chapter 162 - Fari, the Final Awakening

After the punishment is over, I’ll have my last power “Super Code” unsealed.

“Well then, can you keep your eyes closed, Yuki?” (Kami-sama)

“Yes, I understand”. (Fari)

I close my eyes.

Then, Kami-sama puts her palm on my closed eyelids.

“I am going to lift the seal, and at the same time, I am going to send you the knowledge of super code. You will feel as if you have gone from a human to quasi-god. …… Are you ready for this?” (Kami-sama)

Of course, I’m prepared.

“I’m prepared. And it’s also a feeling I’ve already experienced once. There’s nothing wrong with it.” (Fari)

I nodded and Kami-sama let out a sigh of relief.

“That’s good, then. Then …… let’s do it right away, okay?”. (Kami-sama)

Kami-sama confirmed for the last time. I nodded.

And then – the next moment, the last seal was lifted as a dazzling light was created that could even be seen through my closed eyes.

Immediately, a huge amount of information started flowing into my brain.

All of it was knowledge about the super code, not the code itself …….

It’s not that difficult to understand.

It’s just basic knowledge, such as the meanings of words used in super code and syntax rules.

However, no matter how easy it was, the amount of information is too much.

Immediately my body was aching beyond its limits, and I found myself with a tremendous fever in my head.

But there was no way I could stop now.

While enduring the pain, I sorted out the information that was being sent into my brain.

There are countless words, each with different meanings.

And the actual code or super code combines these words to create all kinds of complex phenomena, matter, and souls that exist in this world.

Strangely enough, the knowledge was given did not explain the phenomena created by combining words.

But this is only natural when you think about it.

With the power of the super code, I would be able to manipulate various phenomena at will.

However, to be able to do this freely, I have to put words together to create the phenomena I want.

To do this, you only need the knowledge of the words.

In other words, even if I know how to combine words, it doesn’t mean that I need the phenomena that occur with that combination.

What’s more, if even the combination of words is poured out as knowledge, it can be found at …….

I’m suffering from massive headaches and fever even now.

To be honest, I don’t think I can stand it.

I wonder, how much time has passed?

When I noticed, I had collapsed.

With my back still on the ground, I opened my eyelids fearfully.

As I opened my eyes and looked, the sky was gradually becoming brighter.

It was nighttime when I started to lift the seal, so I must have lost consciousness and been asleep ever since.

“Are you awake?”. (Kami-sama)

A voice suddenly called out to me, catching me off guard.

I took a closer look and saw Kami-sama looking at me.

Even now, she is staring at me with a worried smile on her face.

When I think about it, including the soft feeling on my head, it seems that Kami-sama had been giving me a lap pillow until morning.

“ ……. Yes, I’m awake.”(Fari)

I said and tried to stand up.

She puts her hand on my forehead and stops me.

“Well, well, just lie down a bit more, Yukki. If you don’t get some rest, you’ll be in trouble when you’re fighting monsters in the mountains.” (Kami-sama)

Kami-sama stroked my forehead as she said it.

She plays with some of my bangs, curling them around her fingers.

Finally, she strokes my head, being careful not to crumple my hair.

Suddenly, I felt nostalgic.

I remember having this feeling in a previous life when I was much younger.

The gentle stroking, like a mother caring for her own child.

I could feel it as if I could tell how much she cared for me.

“…… Umu. For now, I’ll do as Kami-sama says”. (Fari)

I accept Kami-sama palm.

While having my head stroked by her palm, I decided to rest until it is time for the sun to rise and brighten my day.

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