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Female with Fairy Bell

Chapter 12 - Encountering right and wrong in front of QingLian Tower

After Yue Dai and Shui LingBo left noisily to the arena, the crowd of onlookers followed behind and rushed forward.

“Ahem…” Xin YuanJin coughed twice, causing Su ZiShuang to withdraw her gaze.

Xin YuanJin stretched out his palm and rubbed his forehead, and the wrinkles that had been slightly stretched out once again condensed, one by one, more precise than the ruler measurement.

“Alas, it’s very unsettling.” Xin YuanJin sighed quietly.

Su ZiShuang whispered, “Yue Dai and Shui LingBo always fight with each other?”

“This is the third time in this month. Yue Dai is a a high-ranking member of the YueHua Peak. And Shui LingBo is a direct disciple of the master of LingWu Peak. The two of them are fighting at LianHua Peak, so what can I do?” Xin YuanJin shook his head.

For the third time in a month? Moreover, it seems that two powerful and well-connected Bai Fumei [1] fought each other, and if one of them was hurt, Deacon Xin could not really shoulder the responsibility.

[1] 白富美/ bái fù měi – “Ms Perfect” (i.e. fair-skinned, rich and beautiful) (Internet slang)

“Miss Su, these are your belongings and your residency papers…… Let Xiao Mao take you over, I have to stay and watch… Hopefully, there won’t be a big mess.” Xin YuanJin sighed.

Originally, he wants to personally send Su ZiShuang over, so that he could also take the opportunity to get closer to Mo Junzhi, but later on, he thinks it would not be beneficial. However, this incident has happened, he had to rush over personally.

Su ZiShuang took the big package, and then carried it on her back.

“Senior, go ahead, Xiao Mao will take me to the residence.” Su ZiShuang said.

“Well, that’s good. If you have any problems, just come to the Deacon’s Hall to find me.” Xin YuanJin made a polite effort and then sped towards the pit.

A smile appeared on the corners of Su ZiShuang’s lips, and it was deep.

The LianHua Peak is only a place where the outer disciples live. Why would Yue Dai and Shui LingBo come here to compete? What is the mystery in this? And the deacon Xin YuanJin who left, she is afraid it is not as simple as it seems.

But if Xin YuanJin didn’t say anything, Su ZiShuang wouldn’t ask too much.

It’s better to pay less attention to those gossip matters. It is the right way to focus on cultivation. After all, in this kind of immortal cultivation world, certainly the strength will determine the status.

Su ZiShuang turned sideways but found that she seemed to have overlooked one thing. The kitten is so tall, how should she climb on its back?

At this moment, the kitten opened its mouth and rushed towards Su ZiShuang. It’s over, isn’t this clear that the Bishui Beast are hungry, and suddenly became wild, wanting to swallow her in one bite?

Su ZiShuang just flashed a thought, Xiao Mao bitten the corner of her clothes, and with a light flick, a strange force shook, Su ZiShuang’s body fluttered and turned over and fell on Xiao Mao’s back steadily. Immediately, the beast jumped out at a very fast speed.

QingLian Tower, the best residence for outer disciples, generally only the best outer disciples can live in. The first way to define whether an outer disciple is outstanding or not, there are generally three ways.

The first is the top ten winners in the Outer Disciple Competition, the second is the talented disciple with amazing talent and great potential at the beginning, and the third is naturally a disciple with a great background.

For those who excel in the competition, as well as those who have amazing talents, there is not much dissatisfaction. But for those who rely on their own background to enter the QingLian Tower to live, other disciples usually don’t say anything, but they basically cast contemptuous eyes.

At this time, Su ZiShuang is enjoying this “preferential treatment.”

Su ZiShuang was taken by Xiao Mao to a three-story antique pavilion, and then after being thrown off by the beast again, she walked forward.

“This is where I live?”

Su ZiShuang pulled out a cyan jade pendant in the shape of a key from the package, with a green lotus embossed on it. And when Su ZiShuang just walked along the white jade stairs to the door, a figure stepped out from the inside.

It was a young man in cyan clothes. After seeing the cyan jade pendant in Su ZiShuang’s hand, he immediately bent over and saluted: “This fairy, I am Steward Liao Qing of the QingLian Tower, whatever you need me to do, just give me an order.”

Su ZiShuang was taken aback. Aren’t ordinary disciples living in ordinary rooms? Along the way, Su ZiShuang obviously saw many ordinary houses. How could she be a newcomer living in such a good pavilion, and this steward was so respectful?

In an instant, Su ZiShuang realized that all this should have something to do with the green lotus jade pendant in her hand. At this moment, there were already many outer disciples passing outside who noticed Su ZiShuang, and then those chattering voices reached her ears.

“How did the dirty little mortal girl enter the QingLian Tower?”

“Senior brother, be careful, didn’t you see the Bishui beast at the door? Only Senior Uncle Mo has the Bishui beast in HuanXi sect!”

“It turned out to be Uncle Mo!” She only entered QingLian Tower because of Master Mo’s background, and he deliberately pretended to be ragged, huh…”

“These young ladies with great backgrounds are probably accustomed to eating well and looking for a beggar costume to experience life?”

“It’s really nasty, I despise it!”


Su ZiShuang smiled bitterly in her heart, she has basically understood everything, this Zi Linger will be a mobile warehouse for sending money and equipment to the female lead in the future. From the beginning, her path of cultivating immortals was much better than that of the heroine.

According to the description in the book, the female lead is still struggling as a handyman disciple, and she has already moved into the QingLian Tower.

 Xin YuanJin may be well-intentioned, but Su ZiShuang feels like she is being scorched on the fire. Originally, she only wanted to cultivate in a low profile, and did not want to be noticed, but in this way, her “fame” might be spread out soon, which is not a good thing. Perhaps this period of cultivation experience has had a profound impact on Su ZiShuang ‘s later perverse cruelty.

Su ZiShuang settled down. No matter what, she had to settled down first. She is no longer the original Zi Linger. Even if there are any unknown sufferings and challenges, she believes that she will be able to cope with the past with her own ability, let alone leave a psychological shadow. So that she would not become a devil who acted extreme later.

Although she failed to change the fate of her brother ZiXuan, it does not mean that her fate is unchangeable. Su ZiShuang glanced at her wrist secretly, at least the bell that could measure her luck was a great variable, and one of the things she used to change her destiny.

“Steward Liao, take me to the room, and introduce me to this QingLian Tower by the way.” Su ZiShuang smiled when she thought of this.

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