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Female with Fairy Bell

Chapter 11 - A Storm In Vinegar

The Bishui beast went straight up like a whirlwind, and finally stopped in front of a domed hall. The body of the Bishui Beast trembled, and Su ZiShuang felt as if she had risen in the clouds, flying from the back of the Bishui Beast, and finally landed smoothly on the ground. Su ZiShuang breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, she thought that the Bishui Beast was going to embarrass her.

There is a plaque of the Deacon’s Hall on the top of this hall, and the architectural style of the whole hall is similar to that of a Buddhist Hall. The architectural style of the sect, which focuses on Buddhist cultivation, is not her style.

Fortunately, the immortal cultivators on the road are dressed in normal robes, instead of wearing monks’ robes and nun clothes. Otherwise, Su ZiShuang would really have the urge to escape. After all, she came to cultivate immortals, but she didn’t want to become a nun. After Su ZiShuang walked into the deacon’s hall, she soon saw a middle-aged male monk.

About fifty years old, with hoarfrost on his temples and knife-like wrinkles on his forehead, he was sitting behind a bookcase and was dealing with some things.

“Excuse me, are you Senior Xin YuanJin?” Su ZiShuang’s tone was slightly timid. This was the first time she had spoken to another immortal cultivator in this world, and naturally she felt a little nervous.

The middle-aged male monk raised his head and glanced at Su ZiShuang, with a touch of seriousness on his face.

“I’m Xin YuanJin, little girl, what do you need?” the middle-aged monk said.

Su ZiShuang hurriedly took out the light red jade pendant provided by Mo Junzhi: “This is Master Mo’s jade pendant. He asked me to come over as an outer disciple and practice with this group of outer disciples.”

Xin YuanJin took it the jade pendant, and checked meticulously, and after confirming that it was Mo Junzhi’s jade pendant, his face immediately changed, and a kind smile appeared on his originally very stoic face.

“Since it is Uncle Mo’s token… let me prepare and take you to the place where the outer disciple lives.”

Xin YuanJin got up and went to the apse for a busy time. After he came out, he raised his hand and said: “Little Girl, don’t know what to call you?”

“Report to Senior Xin, my name is Su ZiShuang.” Su ZiShuang said.

Xin YuanJin smiled and said, “Miss Su, you don’t have to be polite. I’m just a deacon, so you can call me Deacon Xin in the future.”

The voice paused, and Xin YuanJin continued: “Everything is ready, I will take you walk through the important places on the LianHua Peak, and then take you to the place where you live.”

Su ZiShuang smiled slightly: “Thank you Deacon Xin.”

Su ZiShuang knew very well that Xin YuanJin was being polite, naturally because of Mo Junzhi. She is now in ragged clothes and splashed with a lot of muddy water. She looks like a little beggar, so at the beginning, Xin YuanJin did not look at her highly.

But seeing Mo Junzhi’s personal jade pendant and hearing Su ZiShuang’s name from Mo Junzhi, he thought of Su ZiShuang as a close person to Mo Junzhi, so Xin Yuanjiang’s face was given to Mo Junzhi.

At this point, Su ZiShuang really realizes what it takes to have good connections.

Su ZiShuang and Xin YuanJin walked out of the deacon’s hall, only to see a circle of monks in front of them, but they were basically far away from the Bishui beast, only one woman was standing not far from the Bishui beast.

“Xiao Mao, is Brother Mo here?” A crisp voice came out of the woman’s mouth.

The woman’s skin is like snow, and her eyebrows are like spring mountains. She looks beautiful and youthful. She is wearing a pink pleated butterfly dress. There are a few pearl hairpins inserted on her ink-colored head, which complements her snow-like skin.


Facing the woman’s questioning, the Bishui Beast roared softly, and then shook his head, as if he could understand human words, full of spirituality.

“Senior Brother Mo didn’t come? Are you here to play?” The lucid and elegant woman asked in surprise.

But this question seems too complicated. The Bishui Beast just looked at her with wide eyes, without making any expressions.

However, at this time, Su ZiShuang and Xin YuanJin just walked out of the hall.

The Bishui Beast roared again, then stood up from the ground, took a leap, and jumped to the side of Su ZiShuang.

The woman looked over, and she first saw a little girl in rags, with a trace of contempt in her eyes, but then she saw the light red jade pendant in Su ZiShuang’s hand, and the woman’s face immediately changed.

“Where did you get the jade pendant?” The woman’s voice became sharp, and she walked in front of Su ZiShuang a few steps, and looked down at her condescendingly.

Su ZiShuang felt inexplicable at first, but through the hostile eyes of the beautiful woman, a thought came up in her heart.

“This lucid and elegant woman won’t be Mo Junzhi’s admirer, is she now burning the jealousy on me?”

This is really inexplicable. This body is only about twelve years old. Because of malnutrition, she lay on the bed for three years. A yellowish girl with messy, hen-like hair and dirty clothes, this can also be jealous of?

Su ZiShuang’s thoughts turned, and she hurriedly saluted the woman: “Senior, I am an ordinary disciple that Senior Mo has led to get started. This jade pendant is a token he gave me.”

“Token? This is Senior Brother Mo’s personal jade pendant. He won’t show it easily at all, so how could he give it to you such a yellow-skin girl, could it be you stole it?” The woman said coldly.

“Shui LingBo, you are bullying a little girl who hasn’t entered the immortal gate. It’s really bad, no wonder Senior Brother Mo doesn’t like you.” Another voice came from the direction of the crowd.

Another figure came from a distance. It was also a woman with willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes, lips applied rouge lips, wearing a phoenix hairpin, and a goose yellow palace dress.

“I-oh, Yue Dai, tch, I’m just talking to the little girl, what’s the problem?” Shui LingBo coldly said.

“I think you are jealous; you are not worthy of being called an immortal like my sister and me. You have a chest less figure like an underdeveloped female monkey. No wonder Brother Mo looks down on you.” Yue Dai stretched out her hand and brushed the ends of her hair, raised her eyebrows, and cast a provocative look at Shui LingBo.

Shui LingBo was immediately furious, and pointed at Yue Dai’s nose and cursed: “You really talk big, dare to see the truth in the arena?”

“Alright! Who is afraid of you! Today, this sister, I’ll destroy you female monkey……”

Xin YuanJin stupefied as Yue Dai and Shui LingBo ran towards the arena together. How could two beautiful women fight like two shrews’ people?

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