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Legacy Carrier

Chapter 6 - Class Introduction

I sat in the class, calmly reading a fantasy book from a little-known author, barely aware of what was happening around me. That day, I came to school half an hour sooner than I should have, to avoid a certain black haired asshole, which may not be like that. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I quickly closed the book and looked at Nick, who smiled kindly at me.

“Hey, I wanted to check if everything was okay with you… you know, after yesterday’s action.”

“Everything’s fine, how nice of you.” I narrowed my eyes at him and smiled slightly.

“ You have to take care of new students … Especially some.”

“ Is this a suggestion, Mr. Chairman?”

“Oh no, I wouldn’t dare. “He smiled mischievously, then looked at his watch and frowned.

“Unfortunately, I have to say goodbye to you because we still have a quick council meeting before eight.”

“ Good luck.” I said and waved at him.

The boy looked at me one last time, then left the classroom. When I put the book in my backpack, Violetta arrived with the twins, dressed in white uniforms. Dival and Evan wore snow-colored jackets, trousers and a shirt, while the tie, shoes and accessories such as buttons or hems were black. Girls’ uniforms differed from boys’ ones in that skirts and thigh highs replaced the lower garments of boys.

“Violetta, you look amazing!”The elf woman looked phenomenal, the color of the uniform perfectly matched her fair complexion and hair.

“Come on, it’s all blending in. “The girl muttered, being eminently not in the mood.

“Are you okay?” I asked, looking at the twins suspiciously.

“No. I hate wearing white.” She said, sitting down next to me. The twins chose the bench behind us. As soon as we were seated and the bell announced the beginning of the lesson, Mr. Argan entered the classroom. He walked over to the desk, looked at us and told us to get up, then waved our hand.

He moved the benches against the walls and the chairs in a circle. There were ten students, all dressed in white uniforms.

“Sit down, we’re gonna start introducing ourselves and all that stuff.” He took one of the chairs, turned his back to the center of the circle, and sat straight leaning on the chair, propping himself up. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, with the exception that everything was gray. When everyone was seated, he stared at us closely with his eyes watching everything.

“You know my name and what race I am, now it’s your turn. Meanwhile, we will start with the lessons right away, that is, after someone mentions what race someone has, you must try to smell their characteristics out from their scents. We’ll start from my left then. Miss Cherry, get started.”

“ Hello … My name is Sue Cherry and I have four races within me: Pixies, Valkyries, Uranai and Solus. “ Said the girl with rainbow hair and slanting brown eyes.

“Yes, may I ask you, how are you dealing with the visions?” The teacher was staring at her.

“I locked it in a box.” She replied and sat down. The boy on her left stood up, he had green hair and eyes.

“I am Morris Green and I have three races within me: Orchids, Old-time vampire and Essantiam, which results with a balance because healing fairies are counted as luck, and not magic.” He sat back down and the teacher gestured for another person to get up. Another boy stood up, this time with red hair and black eyes.

“My name is Lucas Desideris, and I have six races within me: Smalleaf, Fighter, Type two vampire, Luciena, Arai and Ward. I am balanced just like Moris.” He looked at me and bowed slightly. “Sorry about my idiot brother. Unfortunately, his single brain cell has not yet committed suicide, which was the case for yesterday.”

“Fortunately, nothing has happened. “I said, smiling slightly at him, as the boy sighed in relief and sat down in his seat, reassured. Then a tall girl with golden eyes and hair stood up, exuding a beautiful sweet scent and, surprisingly, showing traces of tears on her cheeks.

“I am Alaine Swan, and I have two races within me: Alraune and Banshee, I’m not balanced, but my races are rare.” She sat straight, and more tears came down her cheeks.

“Anyone at school? “The teacher asked, taking a pack of tissues out of his pant’s pocket and throwing it at the tearful student.

“No, unfortunately there is a hospital right next door. “She replied, wiping her tears.

“ Okay, cry as much as you have to, just quietly. Next.” The next student was a smiling, freckled boy, quite tall and muscular with chestnut hair.

“My name is Jack Columbus and I have four races within me: Incubus, Elf, Orchids and Solus. Personally, I think I shouldn’t be here, but apparently Incubus are rarer than Succubus, which got me here”. He said, then sitting back down straight, folding his arms and giving off another girl who had chocolate skin.

“I’m Emily Nome and I have three races within me: Pixies, Valkyries and Shamani, which makes me balanced.” The red haired school girl introduced herself, looking with her black eyes at Jack, who continued to ignore her. Then, the twins introduced themselves. After which, it was my friend’s turn.

“My name is Violette Spark and I have eight races: Elf, Timewraper, Alraune, Succub, Smalleaf, Copprum, Carbonium, and Mage. I hope that we all will be friends.” She curtsied then sat in her chair.

Now it was my turn. I swallowed a little, got up and introduced myself.

“I am Lily Cras and I have nine races within me: Mage, Kitsune, Mermaids, Amirai, Shamanii, Lievi, Urth, Essential and Phoenix.” I sat back down in my seat, trying not to stare at their shocked faces.

“ But… you have rare races!” Jack stared at me as if he had never seen a human before. Or rather, a carrier.

“Do you mean Phoenix or Kitsune? “I asked, sighing wearily.

“Both.” He muttered, looking at me unfavorably.

“Not my fault, I had no influence on it, and if I could, I would never want to be a carrier, especially one that has eternal problems with keeping power in check.” I growled at him annoyed. He made it sound like I was asking to be a monster.

“Okay, come on. Since everyone introduced themselves, we will discuss the excursion plan, these other crap, and you” The teacher added looking at me “Stay after the lesson.” I nodded and sat down in my seat, ignoring those envious looks my colleagues had. It wasn’t my fault that I was a monster, I never wanted to be a carrier, especially after those days that I went through in the past.

Written by MissSpoiler

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