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Legacy Carrier

Chapter 0 - Prologue

Chapter 0 : Prologue

Written by MissSpoiler

Chains painly hammered my hands as I was struggling to escape.

I cannot see anything because darkness was surrounding me.

Only thing I knew was the smell of decay and pain in my body.

I didn’t know what happened, and how I ended up here.

Suddenly the door opened, and I could see that I was captured and held captive in a cave.

A man entered a cavern, wearing a black suit, with a knife in his hand.

He looked at me with his black eyes clouded with insanity and smiled creepily, saying that he wants to play.

Ten minutes…

Ten minutes is all I have to escape.

If I am caught, I am dead. Game Start.

Race Introduction

  1. Type 2 vampire: a vampire who needs blood to strengthen himself but is not essential for survival; can use charms on victims; the sun is unpleasant to him, but it does not burn him; it has gently curved canines, which are transformed upper premolars.
  2. A werewolf – a person who can turn into a wolf. I don’t need a full moon for this.
  3. Pixie – fairy illusionists, small, harmless, coming from the fairy species, the family of the fairy of light.
  4. Bigleaf – fairies with the power to magnify everything.
  5.  Ward – a man of water who controls it and is able to change into it.
  6.  Lycanthrope – A werewolf that only changes during the full moon. They often lose their temper.
  7. Elemental – wizards who wield the chemical elements.
  8. Shamanii – a race consisting of black and white wizards who can pronounce all spells only in the form of riddles, and the more complicated the riddle, the greater the spell’s power.
  9. Elves – a race of beautiful creatures who use bow and magic, love art and music. They have great muscle strength, but they do not increase in size, allowing them to maintain a delicate figure. Very often stuck in the past, disliking progress.
  10. Valkyrie – female warriors, menacing, rude, familiar with various weapons and possessing extraordinary muscle strength, an exclusively female race, which continues to develop in the Middle Ages, through their eternal quarrels and fights.
  11. Diamond vampire – a vampire whose two have been transformed into fangs, have no special powers, they shine in the sun. They are the laughingstock of all other vampires, through the claustrophobia and nyctophobia that most vampires suffer from.
  12. Timewraper – a person who can stop time and view possible futures. They are quite rare among blood carriers.
  13. Luciena – a medic fairy, able to heal wounds, but cannot heal diseases. They are related to essentiam which heals disease, not wounds
  14. Lievi – The race of fire people
  15. Fighte – A race that specializes in hand-to-hand combat. By focusing the chakras in them, they can pierce concrete walls with their hands.
  16.  Uranai – a race that can predict the future, can see all possible paths of fate, which can affect them to a limited extent. Due to the large number of tragedies they see, they are on the verge of extinction through numerous suicides.
  17.  Solus – a race of priests that worship the sun. They can use solar magic, their main holiday is the summer solstice.
  18. Orchids – a race of flower people who can feed through photosynthesis and command nature to give it the desired shape.
  19.  Old-time vampire – upper and lower premolars transformed into fangs, can manipulate minds, need blood to survive, sleep in coffins, prefer the night
  20. Smalleaf – fairies who minimize everything. The opposite of bigleaf
  21.  Araia – wind people
  22. Alraune – half woman, half flowers; they secrete pheromones that cause a feeling resembling love and lust, but to survive they eat pieces of other people’s souls.
  23. Banshee – women wraiths who predict the death of people by crying. Sometimes they send them to themselves.
  24. Incubus: A male demon that uses reproductiveenergy as a source of power.
  25.  Succub: a female demon that uses reproductive energy as a source of power
  26. Magician: a human with a magic heart that allows him to use magic without limit
  27.  Kitsune: foxes that, depending on their age and power, can have from 1 to 13 tails, can devour the souls of other creatures. During the shock of blood loss, shock, or trauma, they enter fury mode where they are powerful but consume life force.
  28. Mermaids – sea creatures with a tail, scales and gills that breathe underwater. They can manipulate water, sea currents and sing with a captivating voice.
  29.  Amirai: Fairies that can fly freely, see invisible paths in the air.
  30.  Lunar: a race of moon priests, they can use its light, the main holiday is the winter solstice
  31. Urth: race of people – earth
  32.  Phoenixes: human birds that can come back to life twice by being burned and reborn from the ashes. Their bodies can regenerate, even being one step away from death, they can summon phoenixes and command them.
  33. Angel – a being with the body of a human, with wings, can sense what causes pain to someone, can calm down with his voice, cannot remain indifferent to injustice and someone’s harm, which is why they are often used.
  34. The Devil – the opposite of the Angel, has a human body, horns and a pointed tail. He loves the chaos, pain and suffering of others, uses others for his purposes, manipulates, lies, is the king of deception. It is most often found in blood carriers along with the Angel.


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