I Have Been Called The Idiot Son Behind My Back. But I Remembered Memories, And I Can Use The Abilities I Had In My Past Life. So I Will Make Use of Major Online Stores Like Am**on And Aim for a Slow Life for Now Thumbnail
I Have Been Called The Idiot Son Behind My Back. But I Remembered Memories, And I Can Use The Abilities I Had In My Past Life. So I Will Make Use of Major Online Stores Like Am**on And Aim for a Slow Life for Now

Vol. 1 Chapter 2

Forcing an engagement by using power and ignoring the other person’s wishes—how could I ever hope to rebuild trust after that?


This act alone should make it clear just how much of a scumbag I am in this life.


*Sigh…* Thinking about the future makes me feel depressed. I don’t even want to go to the academy.


With these thoughts in my mind, I had breakfast with my parents.


If I told my parents now that I didn’t want to go to the academy, they wouldn’t just allow it; they’d use their ducal power to ensure I could graduate without attending.


Normally, without attending the academy, I wouldn’t earn the necessary credits to advance, let alone graduate. But my parents would somehow make it happen.


If only my parents had been the kind to reprimand me, maybe I would have turned out better…


Thinking about this won’t change my parents, my past, or today from being a school day to a holiday. Yet, I can’t help but think about it.


“Well, I’m off.”


“Take care, Kaiser!”


“Do your best!”


And so, my parents saw me off as I headed to the academy by carriage.



“Hey, the monkey’s here!”


“Seriously! Let’s get away before he picks a fight!”


The moment I stepped off the carriage, I heard a barrage of insults directed at me.


It’s shocking that I never realized these insults were aimed at me before. It shows how much I overestimated myself.


Despite being worse than a monkey, I truly believed I was someone who cared about others, was kind-hearted, had a strong sense of justice, and was a model noble.


It’s baffling how I could ever think of myself that way.


Looking back, if I had truly understood my actions, I wouldn’t have considered myself “someone who cared about others, was kind-hearted, had a strong sense of justice, and was a model noble.”


In hindsight, I remember genuinely believing my actions were just and correct.


Was I an idiot? Yes, I was.


I feel so ashamed of myself that I want to crawl into a hole and hide.


Knowing this, walking into a classroom full of people who are aware of my past actions feels like walking into hell.

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