Traveling Through Time, I Became a Big Shot with a Daily Check-In System! Thumbnail
Traveling Through Time, I Became a Big Shot with a Daily Check-In System!

Chapter 4 - The Paper Folding Shop

“Mom, I heard that the Bai family’s paper shop used to be quite notorious,” Shi Dong said mysteriously. “It’s said that Old Man Bai could predict the future and foreseeing a major disaster for his family, he moved them all to Hong Kong.”


“Indeed, there were such rumors. In the past, when strange occurrences happened within ten miles, everyone would go to Old Man Bai for predictions. He was incredibly accurate, almost like a prophet,” Su San Lan added. What she didn’t mention was that Old Man Bai had once read her fortune, predicting she would have four sons and a daughter, and would be blessed by her daughter in her old age. Shi Liu’s name was given by him.


“Was his surname Bai?” Shi Liu immediately thought of her own grandfather—Bai Qingcai—who also owned a centuries-old paper shop. She wondered if there was any connection between the two.


“Yes, they say he came from Bai Village,” Su San Lan replied, although curious why her daughter suddenly showed interest in paper shops, she patiently answered.


Bai Village, Shi Village, and Su Village were considered the three major families in Daqiao Commune, all prosperous with many branches. There were even rumors that these villages were descended from royalty, details Shi Liu knew from the original host’s memories.


Shi Dong, seeing his sister’s curiosity satisfied, shifted the topic to the history of the state-run restaurant: “Our state-run restaurant used to be called Su Family Tavern. Legend has it that our ancestor sold buns.”


“The story goes that a duke once stopped by and was so impressed by the buns made by our ancestor that he decided to settle in the area rather than returning home, as our ancestor didn’t want to leave his homeland.”


Su San Lan continued, “Not just that. According to unofficial histories, that duke wanted to ensure he could enjoy those delicious buns even after death, so he chose to be buried near Su Village. For years, there were treasure hunters in Su Village looking for his tomb, but none succeeded, leading people to believe these records were false.”


Shi Dong nodded repeatedly; as a child, he had believed these stories, digging around everywhere, which resulted in quite a few scoldings from his father.


However, Shi Liu believed the legend might be true, which could explain why a small county town had a gold check-in spot. If a duke decided to stay in the area just for some buns, those buns must have been exceptional. Now, with her newly acquired cooking skills, Shi Liu was even more interested.


As they walked and talked, they soon reached the recycling station. Su San Lan seemed a regular here, calling out from a distance to the owner, “Brother Wang, I’m here to buy newspapers again.”


Wang, the owner, casually waved his hand, “Pick whatever you like. Do you also want books? I just got a batch yesterday and haven’t had a chance to go through them yet. If you want them, I’ll sell them to you for 10 cents a pound.”


Shi Liu’s eyes widened at the price of 10 cents a pound for books; it was incredibly cheap, considering that in her previous life in 2035, you couldn’t buy a book for less than 20 yuan due to the popularity of ebooks and the rising cost of paper books.


“Mom, I’d like to buy some books to read, maybe some high school textbooks.”


The original host had only completed junior high school, not because she disliked studying, but due to her beauty. Shi Liu was considered extremely attractive, and the original host was even more exquisite, resembling the descriptions of Qin Keqing from “Dream of the Red Chamber” as exceptionally charming and delicate.


Consequently, the original host became a target for local delinquents. Fortunately, she was saved by a passing policeman during an incident; otherwise, she might have been overwhelmed by trouble. This was why, despite being top of her class, she refused to continue to high school after graduating from junior high.


Tears welled up in Su San Lan’s eyes, fully aware of the reasons her daughter stopped schooling; it was all because they lacked power and influence. “Buy it! Shi Liu, whatever you like, I’ll buy.”


Shi Dong, reminded of the incident, nodded vigorously, “Big sis, pick whatever you want. I’ll carry it back for you, don’t worry about the weight.”


Shi Liu’s smile stiffened with emotion. She really wasn’t used to this. In her previous life, she had been casual and carefree with her grandfather, who never knew the proper way to raise a girl, treating her more like a boy.


As Wang said, the books were surprisingly new. Shi Liu suspected these were someone’s private collection, sold off as the situation became tense, and everyone was afraid to keep them, which was truly a shame.


In no time, Shi Liu found a complete set of high school textbooks and even a full set of 17 brand-new self-study books for math, physics, and chemistry. She wondered which prodigal son had sold these books as scrap paper.


Just as she was browsing, she noticed another check-in point.


**【Detected Daqiao County Recycling Station check-in spot, would you like to spend 1 check-in point to check in?】**


**【Congratulations, Host. You have successfully checked in and received a pear wood makeup box *1.】**


Shi Liu was just curious to see what would happen and was thrilled to find she had struck gold again. Her system had updated:


**Host: Shi Liu**


**Check-in Points: 4+3*3**


**Merit Points: 3 (usable for shopping in the Yin-Yang Pavilion)**


**Skills: Bun Making Level 1**


**Backpack: Home Medical Kit *1, Dragon Coins 100 Yuan, Pear Wood Makeup Box *1**


“System, what is the Yin-Yang Pavilion? I haven’t seen it,” Shi Liu wondered if it might be a supermarket name.


**【Host has opened the Yin-Yang Pavilion, merit points reset to zero】**


Shi Liu’s face turned green; the system had deducted her merit points without a peep. She thought, even if the system had asked, she would have decided to open the Yin-Yang Pavilion anyway, but “System, where did these 3 merit points come from?” Surely it wasn’t calculated based on her previous life because she firmly believed in karma and had done many good deeds—three points seemed too few.


**【Host, the books you just collected included 3 very important rare editions】**


Shi Liu understood then. Many pieces of knowledge are lost when books are destroyed; seemingly doing nothing, her actions allowed countless possibilities for the future. It seemed she would have to visit the recycling station more often.


After sorting through more than thirty books, Shi Liu decided to leave. As she turned, she knocked over a piece of wood and froze upon seeing it—a large piece of agarwood, which someone had foolishly sold. Now it was all hers.


Shi Dong hurried over to help his sister carry the books to the front, “Mr. Wang, can you weigh these?”


Wang, the owner, hadn’t expected the young girl to buy so much and promptly weighed them: “27 pounds total, that’s 2.7 yuan.” Tsk, Miss Su’s daughter really knew how to spend money, nearly 3 yuan spent in a blink.


Su San Lan didn’t hesitate, quickly paying and eager to leave as she planned to catch the afternoon work to earn four or five work points.


Shi Liu’s face was a mix of emotion as she followed them out, still getting used to being treated so tenderly. She reminisced about her previous life, where her daily interactions were straightforward and unceremonious, very different from the delicate family dynamics here.



Well, that escalated quickly! From recycled books to secret check-ins, Shi Liu is flipping more than just pages—she’s flipping her destiny on its head! With a newly unlocked skill and a stash of ancient books, who knows what wisdom she’ll unearth next? Keep turning those pages, because this is one story where the next chapter might just be a game-changer! 😂📚



Welcome back, lore lovers! Get ready to dive into the mystical and mundane with our latest chapter from the life of Shi Liu. Here’s everything you need to navigate the cultural currents and lexical landscapes of Daqiao County!


Idioms and Internet Slang:

– 能掐会算 (néng qiā huì suàn): Literally “can pinch and calculate,” used to describe someone extremely proficient in fortune telling or predicting. It’s like calling someone a wizard with the crystal ball!


Cultural Insights:

– 纸扎铺子 (zhǐ zhā pùzi): “Paper shop” – These traditionally craft items for rituals, especially known for making intricate paper offerings for the deceased, linking us to the rich tapestry of folk beliefs and ancestor veneration.

– 白家村 (Bái jiā cūn): “Bai Family Village” – Mentioned as a notable place, hinting at historical and possibly mystical significance within the local community.


Place Names:

– 大桥县 (Dà Qiáo Xiàn): “Daqiao County” – The central stage for our unfolding drama, a bustling hub of mysteries and mundane miracles alike.

– 港岛 (Gǎng Dǎo): “Hong Kong Island” – Referenced as a place of refuge for characters in our story, adding a layer of geographic escape and intrigue.


Plant Names:

– 梨花木 (lí huā mù): “Pear wood” – Mentioned in the context of a beautifully crafted makeup box, enhancing the narrative with a touch of natural elegance.


Food Names:

– 包子 (bāozi): “Steamed buns” – Central to a legend involving a duke, these humble buns are elevated to a nearly divine status.


Level-Up Terms:

– 签到点 (qiāndào diǎn): “Check-in Points” – Shi Liu’s ticket to acquiring new skills and items, proving that sometimes, the best treasures are just a click away.

– 功德点 (gōngdé diǎn): “Merit Points” – A fascinating concept that ties good deeds to tangible rewards within the narrative’s system.


Urban Legend Terms:

– 郡王爷 (jùn wáng yé): “Duke” – Mentioned in folklore about the ancestral Su, lending an air of nobility and intrigue to the family history.


Fiction Terms:

– 背包 (bēibāo): “Backpack” – Where Shi Liu stores all her intriguing items and gains from check-ins, much like a video game inventory.


Mythical and Supernatural Terms:

– 阴阳阁 (yīn yáng gé): “Yin-Yang Pavilion” – A mysterious feature within Shi Liu’s system, possibly a marketplace or library for accessing even more arcane and esoteric items or knowledge.


Character Names and Descriptions:

– 石榴 (Shí liú) / Shi Liu: Female – Our fearless protagonist, a modern-day treasure hunter in the world of check-ins and ancient lore.

– 苏三蓝 (Sū Sān Lán) / Su San Lan: Female – Shi Liu’s mother, a stalwart matriarch with deep ties to the community and a fierce protector of her family’s interests.

– 石冬 (Shí dōng) / Shi Dong: Male – Shi Liu’s brother, whose curiosity about the past sparks many of the family discussions and explorations.


As we turn the pages of this unfolding saga, each chapter brings new twists and deeper dives into the mystical and the everyday. What will Shi Liu uncover next with her newly unlocked skills and historical insights? Stay tuned, keep your check-ins handy, and remember, every page might just rewrite history!

Author's Thoughts

Please check out other fully translated novels by Nana!

Sorted by Release Date (Oldest to Newest)
1. Doomed by Fate, My Sect Urges My Comeback
2. Can a System Have Bad Intentions?
3. Rebirth: Daily Face Slaps

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Legend has it that Nana stumbled upon a dusty tome in a forgotten library deep within the misty mountains of Tibet. As she flipped through its pages, ancient characters danced before her eyes, weaving tales of mythical creatures, forbidden love, and epic battles. Entranced by the stories, Nana made it her mission to share these hidden gems with the world. With a stroke of fate—or perhaps a misstep—Nana found herself catapulted into the world of Chinese webnovels. How did this happen, you ask? Well, one fateful night, while sleepwalking through the digital realm, she accidentally clicked on a link that transported her to a bustling forum filled with fervent fans of Chinese literature. And thus, her journey as a webnovel translator began. But beware, dear reader, for Nana's translations are as mysterious as the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. She believes in the purity of raw expression and refuses to sully the essence of the original text with the mundane act of editing. So, read her translations patiently, for within the tangled web of her words lies the essence of a thousand stories waiting to be discovered.

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