Traveling Through Time, I Became a Big Shot with a Daily Check-In System! Thumbnail
Traveling Through Time, I Became a Big Shot with a Daily Check-In System!

Chapter 3 - Home Medical Kit

Despite its small size, the home medical kit had all the common medicines one could need: fever reducers, anti-inflammatory drugs, cold medicine, and medicated oils for bruises and sprains… Shi Liu nodded in satisfaction. Don’t underestimate these items; for ordinary folks like them, buying all these medicines at once was virtually impossible, not to mention that they were quite expensive.


All in all, this was a worthwhile gain. Having these medicines meant her family wouldn’t have to travel for hours to the county for drugs if someone fell ill.


After the check-in, the white mark turned gray and displayed “Resetting,” suggesting that this wasn’t a one-time check-in spot.


Her system panel updated with new information:


Host: Shi Liu


Check-in Points: 9


Backpack: Home Medical Kit


Shi Liu speculated that the items obtained from check-ins must relate to the location—medicines from a pharmacy, money from a bank, meat from a meat processing plant, perhaps?


If that was the case, she thought this ‘golden finger’ wasn’t worse than the planting spaces in some novels, considering that farming was hard work. With this suspicion in mind, Shi Liu didn’t randomly use her check-in points. Since they didn’t expire, she decided to explore other check-in locations the next day.


Bright and early, Shi Liu sneaked out of the hospital and, following the map, found her way to the bank. Standing at the bank’s entrance, she got a prompt:


Detected Daqiao County Bank check-in spot, would you like to spend 1 check-in point to check in?


Congratulations, Host, you’ve received 100 yuan.


Shi Liu’s eyes lit up like light bulbs. One hundred yuan was half a year’s income for the old Shi family—she had struck it rich with just a tap!


Caught up in her dream of wealth, Shi Liu returned to the hospital room only to be caught by Su San Lan: “You child, why are you running around? I heard there are kidnappers in the county recently, and several beautiful young girls have been abducted. It’s too dangerous for a pretty girl like you.”


An elderly woman in the same room added, “Exactly, kidnappers are rampant now. The beauty from the textile factory, Xiao Wang, was trafficked. You, being even prettier than Xiao Wang, need to be very careful.”


Shi Liu, curious about the presence of kidnappers, asked, “Didn’t Xiao Wang live in the textile factory’s family quarters? How was she abducted?”


The elderly woman eagerly shared, “I heard it was someone she knew who tricked her to a secluded place.”


“What? An acquaintance involved? That’s some serious betrayal,” Su San Lan exclaimed in surprise.


Shi Liu wasn’t as shocked, having seen much in her previous life traveling with her grandfather, including a grandmother who trafficked her own grandson.


The old lady, proud, said, “My son is a policeman, and he believes it was an inside job, although they haven’t found any evidence or caught the perpetrator.”


Su San Lan perked up, “Oh, your son is a policeman? You’re set for a comfortable life then.” She almost wished the old lady’s son was unmarried for Shi Liu to meet.


Shi Liu watched the two elderly women chat enthusiastically, impressed by her mother’s social skills. Despite her not-so-great reputation in the village, Su San Lan could make quick friends with just about anyone.


Finally, under Shi Liu’s insistence, she was allowed to leave the hospital, which was a relief. Four people in one room, with two snoring and one grinding teeth, had made for a torturous night.


Su San Lan stopped her daughter from walking, “Shi Liu, you can’t walk around, the wound on your head hasn’t healed. Let your brother pull you in the cart.”


Today, it was the youngest brother, Shi Dong, who was still unmarried: “Big sister, listen to mom, don’t move around. I’m strong enough to pull you and mom.”


Before Shi Liu could respond, Su San Lan nodded firmly, “That’s right. The wallpaper at home is peeling off, so first, let’s go to the recycling station to get some newspapers, then head to the state-run restaurant to buy two meat buns for your sister.”


The old Shi family wasn’t wealthy, and Shi Liu quickly interjected, “Mom, we don’t have many meat coupons, save them for adding a dish to our meals after the autumn harvest.”


Su San Lan’s eyes teared up, “Old Four, your sister would rather go hungry herself to make sure you brothers have something to eat. What a good sister! Don’t be like your brothers, forgetting your sister once you get married.”


Shi Liu blinked, “…?” When did she become such a saint?


Shi Dong was moved to tears, “It


’s because I’m not capable like Lei Zi. If I were, I could provide for you as well as Lei Zi does for his Mei Zi.”


Thinking of Mei Zi’s chubby figure, Shi Liu smiled quietly to herself. Whatever made them happy—she was just looking forward to enjoying those meat buns from the state-run restaurant, which were just as good as any she had eaten in high-end hotels in her previous life.


As she entered the state-run restaurant, the system alerted her again.


Detected Daqiao County State-Run Restaurant window check-in spot, would you like to spend 1 check-in point to check in?


Detected Daqiao County State-Run Restaurant kitchen check-in spot, would you like to spend 5 check-in points to check in?


Shi Liu was surprised by the golden mark of the kitchen check-in, which only required 5 points. She felt like she had snagged a bargain and quickly confirmed the check-in, leading to a change in the system panel.


Successfully checked in at Daqiao County State-Run Restaurant kitchen, received a Culinary Skills enhancement, unlocked Skills Teaching Mode.


Thinking of what the judge had said about advancing her paper-folding skills, Shi Liu was filled with anticipation for the system’s potential and turned to her mother with feigned curiosity, “Mom, do you know where we can find a funeral paper shop in Daqiao County?”


Su San Lan looked around nervously, relieved no one was listening, “Shi Liu, our country abolished feudal superstitions long ago. There are no more funeral paper shops or anything of the sort. Don’t ask about such things outside.”


Shi Liu paused, suddenly remembering that after the establishment of Lan Yu Country, burials with possessions were banned, and it wasn’t realistic to look for a funeral paper shop.


“However, Daqiao County once had a paper-folding shop that had been around for hundreds of years. We bought some paper gold ingots there when your great-grandmother passed. But now, when your grandparents died, not even a broken bowl was buried with them,” Su San Lan said with a sigh.



Wow, what a chapter! Our girl Shi Liu is leveling up her life with every check-in, turning everyday locations into treasure troves of skills and goodies. Who needs a farm when you’ve got the whole county as your potential gold mine, right? Keep those check-ins coming, Shi Liu, and maybe next time, aim for a check-in at the bank vault! Stay tuned for more cheeky charm and clever gains! 😂💼



Gear up, explorers of cultural crevices and lovers of lore! Here’s the latest scoop from the vibrant and mystical life of Shi Liu in Daqiao County. Let’s decode the buzzwords, sniff out the tales, and meet the characters from this chapter of everyday marvels and check-in adventures!


Idioms and Internet Slang:

– 猖獗 (chāng ruì): “Rampant” – describes something widespread and out of control, like kidnappers causing mayhem in town. It’s like when your cat decides every 3 AM is the Olympics.

– 白眼狼 (bái yǎn láng): “Ungrateful person” – literally means “white-eyed wolf,” someone who bites the hand that feeds them. Not the pup you’d want at your picnic!


Cultural Insights:

– 麦乳精 (mài rǔ jīng): “Malted milk” – a nourishing drink once rationed, symbolizing a dash of luxury amidst the austere. Think of it as the vintage vanilla shake of the commune era.

– 火葬 (huǒ zàng): “Cremation” – Reflects the modern move away from traditional burial practices, a poignant piece of cultural shift in our narrative landscape.


Place Names:

– 大桥县 (Dà Qiáo Xiàn): “Daqiao County” – our fictional yet lively hub of all dramatic and daily exploits, where check-ins can turn any corner into a jackpot.


Food Names:

– 大肉包子 (dà ròu bāozi): “Big meat bun” – the culinary crown jewel of the local fare, fist-sized delights that make every bite a banquet.

– 肉票 (ròu piào): “Meat coupon” – a token from times when meat was rationed, turning every coupon into a culinary quest.


Level-Up Terms:

– 签到系统 (qiāndào xìtǒng): “Check-in System” – Shi Liu’s magical means to mastery and material gains. It’s like a fantasy frequent flyer program for the folklore-savvy!


Urban Legend Terms:

– 拐子 (guǎi zi): “Kidnapper” – a spectral shadow over small towns, fueling fireside tales and parental precautions.


Fiction Terms:

– 签到点 (qiāndào diǎn): “Check-in Points” – the currency of capabilities in Shi Liu’s world, offering everything from cash to culinary skills.


Mythical and Supernatural Terms:

– 折纸铺子 (zhézhǐ pùzi): “Paper folding shop” – a nod to the age-old art of crafting paper into tokens for the afterlife, mingling tradition with the mystical.


Character Names and Descriptions:

– 石榴 (Shí liú) / Shi Liu: Female – Our intrepid heroine, turning every check-in into a chance to change her stars.

– 苏三蓝 (Sū Sān Lán) / Su San Lan: Female – Shi Liu’s mother, a matriarch with a mission, fiercely protective and fabulously persuasive.

– 石柱 (Shí zhù) / Shi Zhu: Male – The ex-fiancé with less loyalty than a leaf in the wind, whose decisions do more damage than a bull in a china shop.

– 石冬 (Shí dōng) / Shi Dong: Male – The youngest of the Shi siblings, still unattached and showing the brawn behind the brotherly love.


As we close this chapter on our not-so-quiet commune life, brace for more as Shi Liu checks in her way through challenges and chances. Will she unlock more than just culinary skills? Can her check-ins cook up some comfort or will they open a can of worms? Keep those pages turning, and let’s find out what her next tap brings!

Author's Thoughts

Please check out other fully translated novels by Nana!

1. Doomed by Fate, My Sect Urges My Comeback
2. Can a System Have Bad Intentions?
3. Rebirth: Daily Face Slaps
4.The Command to Pamper the Husband

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Legend has it that Nana stumbled upon a dusty tome in a forgotten library deep within the misty mountains of Tibet. As she flipped through its pages, ancient characters danced before her eyes, weaving tales of mythical creatures, forbidden love, and epic battles. Entranced by the stories, Nana made it her mission to share these hidden gems with the world. With a stroke of fate—or perhaps a misstep—Nana found herself catapulted into the world of Chinese webnovels. How did this happen, you ask? Well, one fateful night, while sleepwalking through the digital realm, she accidentally clicked on a link that transported her to a bustling forum filled with fervent fans of Chinese literature. And thus, her journey as a webnovel translator began. But beware, dear reader, for Nana's translations are as mysterious as the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. She believes in the purity of raw expression and refuses to sully the essence of the original text with the mundane act of editing. So, read her translations patiently, for within the tangled web of her words lies the essence of a thousand stories waiting to be discovered.

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