A 30-Year-Old Corporate Slave Gets Dragged into Hero Summoning ~ Expelled for Not Being a Hero, But Only I Awaken to the Ultimate Status. It’s Too Late to Ask Me to Come Back Now ~ Thumbnail
A 30-Year-Old Corporate Slave Gets Dragged into Hero Summoning ~ Expelled for Not Being a Hero, But Only I Awaken to the Ultimate Status. It’s Too Late to Ask Me to Come Back Now ~

Vol. 1 Chapter 4

“See ya, fake hero. Don’t ever come near the royal castle again.”




And with that, I was banished outside the castle.


The reason? I wasn’t the ‘hero’ they had anticipated.


Despite being summoned from another world, I lacked any special powers, and thus, I was deemed unnecessary.


“Isn’t this a bit too much…”


The words slipped out unintentionally.


I didn’t wish to be in this world in the first place.


I was summoned entirely at their convenience.


Yet, once they found out I was useless, I was promptly dismissed.


Without even a penny to my name, I was cast out into this unfamiliar world.


“It’s unfair… but well, I guess that’s how it goes.”


Though I had every reason to feel unjustly treated, surprisingly, I was fine.


Perhaps it was because, over the years of employment, I had encountered various injustices in the workplace.


I have confidence in my mental resilience, at least.


“Well, let’s try to look on the bright side… That woman called Sistina, she was clearly suspicious.”


The woman who changed her attitude towards me so drastically upon learning I wasn’t a hero couldn’t be normal.


Surely, there was something going on.


Perhaps most of what Sistina said was lies, and she was actually planning to use the power of heroes for her own selfish desires.


Though the young college couple seemed to be in good favor with Sistina, they would inevitably face repercussions somewhere down the line.


It wasn’t entirely devoid of sympathy to see the young couple deceived by corrupt adults, but considering their personalities, it wasn’t entirely undeserved either.


Anyway, I had parted ways with them, so from now on, I should prioritize myself.


Luckily, I can at least communicate.


If I can communicate, I might be able to manage somehow.


“First, I should head to the town…”


Since I was strictly forbidden from approaching the castle, I aimed to distance myself from the royal city and headed towards a place resembling a town.


“But… can I really be okay with such weak stats?”


While walking, I checked my status again.


Even upon a second glance, my stats seemed weak.


There was a significant difference between my stats and those of the college couple. It was like the difference between a character at the beginning of a game and one at the end, ready to challenge the final boss.


Certainly, the job of ‘hero’ seemed to be special in this world.


As per Sistina’s explanation, this world seemed to be a very fantastical place with magic and monsters.


In such a place, could I really survive with such weak stats?


According to Sistina, everyone summoned from another world has always been strong.


Why was I the only one weak?


“It’s probably the difference between the haves and the have-nots.”


The words of that guy who boasted about getting a job offer from M Corporation came to mind.


Perhaps there’s a distinction between winners and losers here, and I’m one of the losers.


Or maybe there’s some hidden power or talent within me.


“Come to think of it, Sistina couldn’t see this text, right?”


As I checked my status again, what caught my attention was the “Secret Status” displayed at the very bottom.


Only here, the color of the text was different, and it blinked as if to say “Notice me!”


Apparently, she couldn’t see this text.


She must have thought I was lying just to get her attention.


“Secret Status… What does it mean?”


As I tilted my head in confusion…


Release Secret Status?






Suddenly, such words appeared on the status screen.


I stopped in my tracks, staring at the words.


“Release Secret Status…? What does that mean?”


I didn’t know.


But it seemed I was being asked to choose between YES or NO.


“Well, I guess YES?”


In games, it’s usually safe to answer YES in situations like this.


I was afraid that saying NO might miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I chose YES for now.


The next moment…




The semi-transparent status screen flipped over, and I was transported to what seemed like the back screen.

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