A 30-Year-Old Corporate Slave Gets Dragged into Hero Summoning ~ Expelled for Not Being a Hero, But Only I Awaken to the Ultimate Status. It’s Too Late to Ask Me to Come Back Now ~ Thumbnail
A 30-Year-Old Corporate Slave Gets Dragged into Hero Summoning ~ Expelled for Not Being a Hero, But Only I Awaken to the Ultimate Status. It’s Too Late to Ask Me to Come Back Now ~

Vol. 1 Chapter 3

Sistina muttered something quietly.


Then her hand emitted a faint light, and simultaneously, something like a game screen appeared in front of the three of us.


It was like something from an RPG, quantifying the characters’ strength.


“Um… is this strong?”


I looked at what seemed to represent my strength, brought forth by Sistina’s magic.


In front of me, there was a status display resembling a semi-transparent window, with my name and various parameter values written on it.


To be honest, the numbers didn’t look particularly impressive.


Perhaps it was because we had just been summoned.


Thinking that, I looked at the couple next to me and involuntarily widened my eyes.


In front of the couple, just like me, were displayed status numbers, which could also be seen from my perspective, but their numbers were more than three digits higher than mine.


Under their names, the word “Hero” was visible.


There was no “Hero” written anywhere in my status.


Being new to this world, I wasn’t very familiar with this status, but even so, I understood there was a clear gap between the couple and me that couldn’t be filled.


“Wow, that’s amazing!”


“Wow, it’s like a game!”


The two of them were excited by the statuses that appeared before them.


And Sistina, seeing their statuses, wore an expression of relief.


“Excellent statuses indeed. Since ‘Hero’ is written in your job, you are undoubtedly heroes. And the protection of heroes that you possess is called the strongest among protections, significantly reducing healing time for wounds and doubling attack power.”




“Wow, amazing, so we really are amazing?”


Encouraged by Sistina’s explanation, the two of them expressed genuine joy.


They seemed pleased to confirm the fact that they were special in this world.


“Well, then, there’s one more person…”


Having confirmed the statuses of the couple, Sistina came over to me.


At the same time, the couple also shifted their gaze towards me and looked at the status.


“Ha-ha! Wait a minute, what’s with that status!?”


“Wow, weak. Way too weak. Ha-ha!”


The two of them burst into laughter upon seeing my status.


Truly, they were utterly heartless.


Meanwhile, Sistina frowned upon seeing my status.


“Those numbers… Your status is below that of an ordinary person.”




Sistina said this clearly, despite her appearance.


The laughter of the two became even louder.


“Designated as trash!”


“Haha. Whether here or there, losers will always be losers. Hahaha!”


“You guys…”


I felt annoyed and tried to approach the two, but in the meantime, Sistina intervened.


“What do you intend to do, ordinary person?”




Sistina’s gaze towards me had changed.


Earlier, she had referred to us as heroes and looked at us with respect, but now, she looked at me with cold eyes, as if she were looking at trash.


“Your status does not indicate ‘Hero’ anywhere. In other words, you are not a hero.”


“Huh… But…”


“Such things can happen, it’s surprising. However, the status doesn’t lie. You don’t have the qualifications to become a hero. With those stats, you won’t even be able to defeat ordinary monsters, you’re useless.”




I thought it was too much.


She was the one who summoned me without permission.


And then, once she found out, without any concern, she bluntly…


“Haha. Too bad, old man. Whether here or there, losers are losers, huh?”


“It’s pathetic. And we were definitely on the winning side. That’s what it means.”


The two of them looked at me as if they were completely victorious.


I sighed and then looked at Sistina.


“I understand. I’m not a hero. I’m just someone you don’t need.”


“That’s right.”


“Then, please return me to my original place.”


“Huh? That’s impossible.”


Sistina looked at me as if to say, “What is this idiot saying?”


“I’m not needed here, right? Then, isn’t it fine if I return to my original world?”


“Unfortunately, that’s not possible. The ritual for sending someone back requires immense magical power and money. I don’t think it’s worth paying such a price for someone like you.”




“The ritual for sending someone back can only be performed once per summoning. And it’s done for the sake of real heroes. Not for you, but for them.”


Sistina said this and pointed to the couple.


The couple proudly puffed out their chests and looked down on me.


I was dumbfounded by Sistina’s selfishness.


“So, what am I supposed to do from now on?”


“I don’t know. But I have no intention of taking care of someone who isn’t a hero. You’ll be expelled outside the castle, so do as you please afterward.”




Thrown into an unknown world where I didn’t understand the culture or laws, there was no way I could survive.


But Sistina seemed to have lost interest in me completely and was completely focused on the two “heroes.”


I wondered if there was any way for me to stay in this castle, and I decided to take another look at my status.


Then, at the very bottom, I saw the words “Secret Status.”


What’s this?


I didn’t know, but maybe this could get Sistina’s attention.


“Um, Sistina?”


“…What is it?”


“My status… It says ‘Secret Status’ at the bottom…”


“Where is it…? I don’t see anything like that written.”




Sistina tilted her head as she looked at my status.


Could it be that she couldn’t see it?


“No, it’s right at the bottom. Please take a closer look. It’s the one with a different color and blinking letters. It says ‘Secret Status.'”


“I can’t see anything like that. Please don’t make up nonsense to try to get my attention.”


“No, it’s not nonsense…”


“Your expulsion has been decided.”


Sistina said this and gestured to the people around her.


Then, several soldiers in armor approached me, grabbed my shoulders, and forcibly took me away.


“Take him out of the castle immediately. We don’t need a foreigner who isn’t even a hero.”


“W-wait a minute…”


I tried to stay in place, but I couldn’t resist as several soldiers grabbed my arms.




Calling out her name, but Sistina was no longer looking at me, completely turning her back as if she had lost all interest.


“Well then, old man.”


“Old man loser, do your best. Don’t die a miserable death. Haha.”


Their taunting voices added to my despair.

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