The Evolution Fruit – Conquering Life Unknowingly Thumbnail
The Evolution Fruit – Conquering Life Unknowingly

Vol. 1 Chapter 1

My name is Hiiragi Seiichi. I’m a second-year student attending a special high school.

Even if I said that it was special, it’s not a school where there were people with manga-like talents or aliens.

It’s a so-called idol training school…… or something like that.

Famous high school girl idols and Johnny’s are common here, and I go to the same school as them.

Then, do I have the face of such an idol level, too? If you ask me, it’s no. No with all my strength.

Fortunately, my hair isn’t bald, but I’m ugly, and has a terrible body odor.

When it comes to my body odor, it’s so thorough that no one dares to sit around my seat. Moreover, not only of the requests from the students, but also from the teachers’ request so there’s no help for it.

Perhaps because it’s full of beautiful men and women around me, I’m a celebrity that everyone knows at school …… in a bad meaning.

What’s more, I’ve started to gain weight recently, my weight of 70 kg at the time of enrollment, has increased to 100 kilograms. I think so myself, but I’m so fat that there’s no way to save me.

The reason why I started to gain weight is because, my parents passed away in an accident, and I was living as much as I like. Since it’s the result of my utterly lack of discipline, I have no choice but to find a clear a solution. It’s my own fault. Okaa-san, otou-san, I’m sorry?

When it comes to my appearance, you can say that I’ve already gave up, but the only thing I can’t endure is my name.

No, the name Seiichi is cool when it comes to sound and letters, but since it’s so far from what I look like, I can’t help but fail to live up with my name. it makes me want to dogeza* to the whole world. I’m sorry. (TN: Japanese way of kneeling down.)

I wonder if it’s because I’m like this? Well, if I go to school naturally as possible, I will be bullied. It may not be an exaggeration to say that it’s the providence of the world.

Then why am I in this school? You’ll end up with that question.

That is, that reason is that this school’s location was near my house, and I’m able to enter this idol training school even if I wasn’t so smart. Even an ordinary person like me can enter this place normally.

I’m not a no good person, you know? If you want to laugh, laugh! I also reflected on it, and I regretted it too, so!

But really, as a result of enrolling because I hated inconvenience and troublesomeness, I won’t be able to take care of myself if I was being bullied. Well, even if I entered another high school, I would’ve been bullied either way.

That day, was supposed to be such a mundane day —-.


“Oi, pig~! Buy some bread~!”

“Of course, using your money ~”


I, as usual, during lunch break, was called out by several boys to the back of the gymnasium, and was forced to be a gofer.

The equation that with good looks comes with good character is not always correct. Well, the really amazing guys at this school ….. That’s what national idols are all about, if their face is good, then their character is also good. Even if I look like this, they do treat me normally.

However, I can’t deny the feeling that they’re using me as some kind of person who makes themselves look better.

In the end, I went to buy bread on my own as ordered, and after that, I was treated like a punching bag by calling it their daily stress release.

“Ah, oops!”


The other person’s fist pierces my belly.

“Gaha! Goho!”

“Haha! It really feels good~! It’s refreshing~!”

“Ah, is it about time for the next class to start?”

“Is it that time already? Then let’s go. Well then goodbye~, pig!”

The boys left the scene while laughing.


I try to stand up somehow while holding back the severe pain, but my knees didn’t work and I fell down immediately.

“Haa…… haa……”

It was when I was groaning and waiting for the pain to subside.

“Hi, Hiiragi-kun!?”

A female student came up to me.

“A, are you okay!?”

Brown natural hair that extends to her back. With two big eyes, that is clear and black. Her lips were fresh, and were tinged with cherry blossoms.

The girl looking into my face with worry, was one of the most beautiful girls in this school. Hino Yoko from next class.

She doesn’t worry about my body odor, and she’s one of the very small number of people who treat me normally.

“Can you stand up?”

“A, ah ……”

Since she reached out to me without any hesitation, I think this girl is a good person.

By the way, I’m not stupid enough to make strange misunderstandings and expectations just because she has been a little kind. Because, I know how I look best. It makes me sad to say it myself!

“Hiiragi-kun, what happened?”

“…… It’s not something Hino should worry about. More than that, if we don’t go to the classroom, we’ll be late for the next class.”

“Ah …… yeah. That’s right, but……”

“Then let’s go quickly. But, Hino should move away from me.”


“Because it’ll give strange misunderstandings to others. Moreover, I don’t want to involve Hino.”


When I said that, I whipped my aching body, and started walking ahead of Hino.

Hino seems to be really worried about me, but if you worry too much, I’ll be in trouble. Well, that’s the reason why Hino is so popular, but I don’t want to involve such a good person, so I properly evaded her.

Thus, it was when all the classes were finished and everyone was getting ready to go home.

Ping pong pang pong

Suddenly, there was that sound coming from the classroom speakers.

『Each and every student, please stop all actions and sit down. 』

There, was such an unclear broadcast.

When everyone stopped for a moment and tilted their heads, for some reason, everyone sat down with great momentum.


“ body!?”

I was forced to sit down by something invisible all of a sudden.

“I don’t know what this means……”

As I cough so, I tried to get up again, but ––––

“I,it doesn’t work!?”

“What’s going on!?”

I couldn’t move as if I were bound to the chair.

No matter how much I try to shake my body, it doesn’t move an inch.

When everyone in the class became flustered in such a situation, the broadcast starts again.

『Hi everyone. I’m the 《God》 in your world. 』

A mysterious voice that doesn’t apply to any voice of men and women of all ages, flows from the speaker.

『Now, you guys seem to be confused by the sudden situation, right? When something mysterious happens, you humans can’t stay calm. That’s why human beings are pathetic and humorous creatures. 』

I have no idea what he was talking about. The owner of this voice, called himself a god, but ……

Under normal conditions, I would have thought that he’s only a crazy bastard.

However, in fact, we were forced to sit down with a power we didn’t understand, and what’s more, we can’t even move. It’s like there’s something wrapped around my body, and I can’t say it.

That’s why, the word 《God》 in the broadcast, was sprouting a strange credibility.

『It’s troublesome to explain it in detail to people like you, so I’ll explain it briefly. 』

The voice that comes from the speaker, has a joyful atmosphere somewhere.

『From now on, to you guys, a world different from this earth —- I’ll have you go to a 【Another world】. 』


Everyone had no choice but to say nothing to his sudden words.

Then, someone who has returned to his senses, opened his mouth to say something, but his words didn’t come out.

When everyone around me was watching such a situation, a voice comes from the speaker again.

『Ah, by the way, if you react to my words one by one, it’s just going to be noisy, so I temporarily deprived your vocal skills. 』

With this remark, I completely understood that the owner of this broadcast is 《God》, or was a representative of him.

That’s impossible. It’s too unlikely.

『Going back to the story, the reason I want you guys to go to another world …… was because the population of Earth is increasing too much. You guys are living too extravagantly~. The earth is screaming. If there were more people, it’s going to be a big deal. That’s why, a God like me who wanted to save the earth is sending you to the other world this time. 』

Yup yup, you can see that I’m convinced by myself with the broadcast.

『I’m still conscientious, you know? If that’s a fact, without explaining it to you guys, I can just extinguish your whole existence without feeling anything. I dare to give you the right to live by moving you to another world. I want you to be grateful~.』

Why is he the one being rouse in his own convenience ……

『Moreover, the world where you guys are going, is a so-called fantasy world…… isn’t it easier to understand that it’s a world like in an RPG? I’ll have you transfer there. Because it’s called fantasy, there are monsters, and magic can be used as a matter of course there. However, since there’s no such thing as science and technology, it would be an inconvenient and dangerous world for you modern children ~』

Seriously. If it was so dangerous, you should’ve just erased us without thinking ……

『Because that world is full of danger, they don’t have to worry about the number of people increasing at all, and it was also completely untouched. Instead of unnecessary mischiefs from God, it’s also a miracle world where things don’t exist yet. But, there are also levels, skills, and status there, so wouldn’t it be nice if you just enjoy it? The earth you live in is, superior than the world where I’m going to send you, so I think your status is more exceptional than the people in the world there? Besides, I’ve erased the memories from your family that they have with you on Earth so you won’t regret it. 』

Oh, then I’m relieved. I’m not going to die right away.

But to erase us from our parents’ memory, is it really a choice that we won’t be regretting? Well, I don’t care because I don’t have any parents anymore, but……

『Well, as a farewell gift from me, I will give you the ability to check your status on the menu, an item box ability that can store as many items as you want, language comprehension ability so that you won’t have any trouble in another world, and a little bit of an appraisal skill. By the way, the power to see your own status, anyone in the world where you’ll move from now on has it.

It’s important to think positively about everything, right? You’re completely lucky that I’ll send you to another world this time. Well, I’m going to send some other groups to a world different from you. I’m going to transfer you guys from this whole school as it is. Of course, I won’t transfer the buildings. Ah, right right. There are also skills and titles, but you can check them from the menu screen. 』

What the hell …… can we, by luck, transfer to another world or something. Moreover, it’s all the people in the school. Our school has about 800 students. Isn’t that a good number of people? Moreover, it’s like a different world from us, but it seems that there are other people who’ll be transferred.

Nevertheless … to say that these abilities are a gift is, isn’t it essential for another world?

Language comprehension ability, without that, it’ll be a hard time without the means of communication.

I’m not sure about the skills or titles, but I’m grateful for having the appraisal skill. It looks like it can be used when eating something you don’t understand well.

『Then, I’m done with this. I have more work left. Finally, I’ll give you an hour or so to get ready. If you make a group, then I’ll transfer you to a safe place. If you’re alone…… I don’t know where I’ll transfer you. 』

When he said that, the broadcast was suddenly cut off.

When I try to move my body, I was already able to move from my chair.

But everyone didn’t move right away.

Humans are surely baffle when something weird or incomprehensible event happened. But when they really are in trouble, on the other hand, they can be calm.

Perhaps that’s why everyone was unusually quiet.

Even though it’s possible to move, no one moves.

Hiroki Aoyama stood up as if to break such silence. (TN: One of my most hated guys)

“Well, everyone! Why don’t we check the current situation for the time being?”

Aoyama, is not an idol, but he is the captain of the soccer club and an ace. He is quite popular with girls.

“First of all, people other than us…… if what that broadcast was saying is true, it seems that the people in this school will be transferred. Does the classroom door will open? Check the window, too.”

The guy at the window seat, and the guy near the door checked if it would open.

“No, it won’t open. The key lock isn’t closed, though ……”

When those who confirmed it say so, Aoyama groaned.

“In that case, the words of that broadcast became more and more true ……”

Saying that, he puts his hand on his chin and make a gesture as if he was thinking about it.

“…… I got it. If that broadcast is true, I should be able to check my status……”

“Eh? Isn’t that after going to another world?”

“It’s a hypothesis. The teachers are in the staff room, so it’s a good idea to check it now. For the time being…… Status!”

It was said in the broadcast that we should be mindful, but for some reason, Aoyama said that out of his mouth.

Then, suddenly, a translucent card appeared in front of Aoyama’s eyes.

“I,it’s here!”

Aoyama immediately picks it up and confirms it.

“I see…… it’s really a game-like status. Everyone, check it out!”

Aoyama said that, and everyone has viewed their status.

In this situation. I’m grateful that there is someone who can handle it even if it’s just one person.

While making sure that everyone has their status screen open, I also called out to my status in my mind.

《Hiiragi Seiichi》

Race: Barely Human

Gender: Disgusting Male

Occupation: Social Trash (unemployed)

Age: 17

Level: 1

Magic Power: 17

Attack Power: 1

Defense: 1

Agility: 1

Magic Attack: 1

Magic Defense: 1

Luck: 0

Charm: Unmeasurable (too low)

《Equipment》 Dirty school uniform. Dirty student pants. Dirty shirt. Dirty briefs

《Skill》 Appraisal



What is barely a human being!? You mean that I’m too disgusting to even be a human being!?

What’s more, my gender is disgusting male…… a man is fine! Why did it say 『Gross』!?

Somehow, my status is low!? It’s impossible to measure my charm!? In a bad way! And my luck is zero!?

Why are all of my equipments have 『Dirty』 on it!? Is my body so dirty!? I’ll cry!? Rather, isn’t my status, just a collection of bad things!? Social trash, it’s not even a profession! First of all, I’m not unemployed, I’m a student!? It’s looking down on me!?

I can’t be saved! What should I do!? Just die? Do you want me to die!?

…… Haa…… haa……?

…… there are too many things to tsukkomi at……!

When I was in haggard state at my failure of a status, I heard a lot of voices from the people around me.

“My, profession is a swordsman!”

“I’m a Sage?”

“Isn’t it amazing that all my status is 100~?”

“Ah, mine was 100 too.”

……Eh, seriously!?

Is everyone have an initial status of 100!? 100 times more than me!? I don’t know what to do……! I despair at the difference between my power and those around me.

I wonder why the disparities in the society is so cruel……

“Alright. It seems that everyone was able to confirm it. Well then, let’s make a group this time. We don’t have much time left……”

Aoyama looked at the clock on top of the blackboard. Fortunately, the clock was moving. It had already been 50 minutes since that broadcast.

“There should be no limit to the number of people when forming a group. He didn’t say that in that broadcast. Then it would be less dangerous to form a group with everyone. I’m not sure how to form a group, though……”

It was the time when Aoyama coughed.

Suddenly, a translucent card appeared in front of Aoyama.

“Ah …… should I register the names of the members of the group I want to create here …… Alright! Then everyone, say your names one by one!”

My classmates gathered closer and closer to Aoyama, and they went and register their names.

If I don’t register with them, I’ll definitely be the first victim in another world.

I told Aoyama after seeing all my other classmates registered.

“Ple, please register me too!”

However, a cold gaze came back at me.

“Ha? You, are going on board?”


“Why do I have to put you with us?”

“We,well …… because I’ll be alone ……”

“It’s okay for you to be alone. Die on your own, pig. Don’t, come near me. Because you smell.”

I broke down.

No way ……. does his bullying continue even in this situation!?

Moreover, my other classmates also showered me with a glance as if they were looking at a filth, and even some people were laughing a ton at me..

I’m being betrayed by everyone around me. There’s not a single guy in this class who treats me normally.

Seriously, I’m too tight these days…… my luck isn’t just for show!

When I think of such a thing, one of my classmates, who looked at me as if to observe me, began to burst into laughter.

“Wait……! Giyayhahahahaha!”

“Oi oi, what’s wrong?”

My other classmates, too, look at him with a confused expression as he suddenly began to laugh.

“Tha, that’s because ……! This guy’s status is too crappy ……!”


Why did I get caught!? No one should have seen it!?

Perhaps reading my thought circuit like that, the boy who was laughing…… Oki grinned.

“I’ll tell you a good thing. As was said in the broadcast, we were able to check our own status, so I tried to use the 『Appraisal』 which is called a gift. And then…… ahyahyahyahya!”

Appraisal!? Seriously!?

In response to Oki’s words, everyone turned a strange look towards me.

And —-


Everyone laughed.

“That’s sick…… isn’t that too sick!?”

“Al, almost all of it is 1……”

“Dead…… this guy is definitely going to die ……!”

Far from being pitiful for everyone, they all look at me like a child who found an interesting toy.

“Now you’re completely on our feet! Who’ll put you bastard in the group! Hihihi!”

“Uwa …… he’s really a garbage, this guy ……”

“Social trash …… it’s a good job for you!”

They all make fun of me, and despise me.

I also tried using the skill of 『Appraisal』 secretly to Aoyama, but the characters that appeared in my field of vision made me despair even more.

『Because there is a difference in ability with the other party, it is not possible to make a complete appraisal. 』

In the end, all that was found in my appraisal was the name of Aoyama, and all of his status fields were garbled.

In other words, at level 1, it seems that my abilities were overwhelmed by everyone in this class.

I haven’t done anything in this earth, and compared to other humans, I am an inferior species, and in addition, my ability value in another world was completely in the lowest class.

It’s pitch black in front of me.

Without caring about my appearance, the guys in the class cornered me.

“Disappear, shit.”

“I don’t know why you’re in the same classroom as us.”

“On Earth, outright bullying is a crime, but it doesn’t matter in another world, right?”

“Seriously, can you die?”


















Die, die, shut up!? The 『Die』 gestalt has already crumbled me!?

What are, these guys! How much does they want me to die!? That’s a no, I’m not going to die!? Because I’m scared! (TN: He is scared to die, what the heck?)

I was completely blown away. I don’t care anymore.

I don’t have to be in the group. Even if they let me in anyway, they’ll just make their bullying harder.

Let’s just be positive. Yup yup.

“Uwa…… he’s grinning……”

“Creepy ……”

That’s why, how much are you going to be cruel to me!? In your free time!?

After all, I can’t even get them to have me join the group, and one hour has passed as it is.

And, the broadcast starts again.

Ping pong pang pong

『It looks like you we’re able to create a group. …… There’s only one person who seems to be out of group. 』

Eh, am I the only one who’s alone!? That’s seriously lonely!?

『Well, human beings will never grow up because they do silly fights even under these circumstances. ….. Wait, the story went awry. Accordingly, I have to apologize to you guys. 』

A, apologize? What?

『As you made a group, I was going to fly you to a safe place to some extent, but apparently, in a certain country in the world you are going to, it’s like they’re performing a ritual to summon heroes from another world. 』

Su, summon a hero?

『That’s why all the students who made a group are going to be summoned to that country. I bothered to disturb their transfer technique from my side…… Well, only one person is zeroed out from that summon. 』

Oops~!? While everyone was summoned as a hero, I don’t even know where I’ll be blown away by myself!?

『Anyway, because the existence of a Demon king has appeared in the world you are heading to, it became even more dangerous. That’s why, I think you guys will soon be in the fight. Thus, I don’t think you guys will have the time to really learn the knowledge of another world, so I put a book in your item box explaining a simple knowledge of another world. I can’t interfere any more. This is the best I can do. 』

Seriously!? God has a versatile image to me but…….

Moreover, as a result of being summoned as Heroes, they’ll be in immediate battle…… I might be glad that I was alone…… No, that’s a lie. I’m lonely being alone.

『Oops …… apparently the summoning ritual has begun ……』

When the speaker’s voice says so, at the feet of all my classmates except me, something like a magic circle of light emerged.

『For suddenly transferring you to another world, I’m sorry? Good luck in a new world. 』

The people in the class became particles of light one after another and disappeared.

Under such circumstances, when everyone glared at me one by one, they looked at me as they were laughing and gossiping. They really have free time.

Finally, everyone disappeared because of the Heroes summonning.


……A’re, what about me!?

Even if I don’t get called by the heroes’ summoning, I should flown away somewhere!?

The voice comes from the speaker as if he noticed that I’m in a fluster.

『Ahaha. Rest assured. I’ll send you properly, too. But if I’m sending only one person, I don’t know where you would go. I made it in random. 』


『That means you may be sent to a safe place, or you may be sent to a very dangerous place. 』

“Are you serious!?”

I’m scared…… I do have zero luck? It seems like I’ve already seen the results ……

Then, perhaps feeling sorry for me, the speaker’s voice has said something like this.

『Hmm …… it’s amazing in a sense that only one person was left behind from the school. Everyone, including the teachers, has been summoned as a hero. That’s why, I’ll give you one skill. 』


『I wonder what’s good~…… Yeah, that is good. 【Complete Dismantling】……… I’ll give you this as a present. 』

“Co, complete dismantling?”

What’s that? The name of the skill is…….

『This is a skill to get all the monsters you have defeated. Like the 【Appraisal】 skill that you used, you can use the skill that I just gave you without any risk. Well, originally, skill is different from magic that consumes magic power, and it’s a convenient thing that you can use without consuming anything. Please check its effect after arriving in the new world. 』

“Ye, yes……”

『Oops. It looks like your transfer has begun. 』


As the voice said, my body was wrapped in particles of light before I know it.

『Fufu. Well then, do your best in the new world too. 』

“Ah, yes.”

『I wish you good luck. 』

Eventually, I completely disappeared from Earth.

And my adventure starts here……!

…… I’m sorry, it’s nothing.


At the school where everyone disappeared, a voice can be heard from the speakers.

『Human beings are really unsightly…… That’s exactly what the seven deadly sins in the Bible are. Greed, pride, anger, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth …… It’s like they’re not making any progress. That’s why, they infested to the point where the Earth is about to scream. 』

The voice, doesn’t contain any emotions.

『Who’s the owner of Earth? Humans? No, it’s not. Human beings exist on Earth without permission. The ugly conflicts which is all about territories and resources of Earth. It was said that it was a religious war. It’s also a good nuisance for Earth. 』

From the voice flowing from the speaker, somewhere there was a color of joy.

『He was denied that much by the people around him, and he wasn’t dyed black well. I’m impressed. It seems that he wasn’t dominated by revenge inside his heart…… . Well, speaking of that, it’s split, to put it badly, he might’ve given up that he’s useless, is it like that? 』

And then, the voice laughed a little.

『If human beings are really irreparable beings, we didn’t have to create human beings from the beginning. Because there is such an existence* from time to time, humans are ugly but adorable, aren’t they? 』 (TN: He’s talking about Seiichi here)

The sound of the voice, was filled with kindness like a benevolent mother.

『We will continue to watch over and guide humans. I hope there’ll be happiness beyond that for him—- 』

After that, the voice was never heard from the speaker of the school again.


“Yup, where am I?”

I…… Hiiragi Seiichi, am in a place where I was flown off, and was in a forest I didn’t really understand.

I wish it was at least near the city…….

Let’s check my current situation!


“I can’t calm down at all!”

Nothing will change if I talk alone for my self-stability! Goddammit!

“…… This is not going to work.”

Since, it’s no use standing on the spot.

When I looked around again, I’m in a dreary, dense forest, and I was very creeped out.

“So, something won’t come out …… right?”

I’m scared to walk forward. Without realizing that my words are some kind of a flag ––––.

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