The Evolution Fruit – Conquering Life Unknowingly Thumbnail
The Evolution Fruit – Conquering Life Unknowingly

Chapter 00

I, Hiiragi Seiichi, am facing a reality that I have never faced in my life.

“Sake, drink.”

“I’m, a minor.”

“If so, eat meal.”

“I’m not hungry right now.”

“If so, let’s sleep su.”

“I got enough sleep yesterday.”

“If so, let’s get married su.”

“I will put my whole power to refuse that!”

—- I am being proposed to by a gorilla.

How did this happen!?

I can’t understand the situation I’m in!? What is this situation really!?

Ca,calm down …… nothing’s going to change when I’m upset.

First of all, what’s in front of me is, definitely a Gorilla.

But, it’s not just a gorilla.

With muscles that have been trained, burning red hair covers its whole body. Its face is a gorilla, but the huge fangs that you can see through its mouth are clearly different from the gorillas on Earth.

—- Kaizer Kong.

That is, the name of the gorilla in front of me. And it’s a female.

It’s not King Kong, and it’s not a donkey and Kong. It’s Kaizer.

“It’s, my first time. That’s why, please be gentle?”

“Shut uuuuuuuuup!”

The Kaizer Kong dyed her face red as she asks(begs) that. I want to die now.

By the way, about this Kaizer Kong, I knew its information.

It’s also from the knowledge I gained from the Clever Monkey and Acrowolf.

“Children, I want 10. But, it’ll increase for eternity.”

“Don’t open your mouth for the rest of your life. Or rather, die……!”

I can’t calm down at all!? I don’t know what’s going on because of the gorilla in front of me!

At times like this, I really have to be calm ……

I ignored the Kaizer Kong’s words, and in order to sort out this situation, I thought back to what I had done so far.

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