CHiLD – Descendant from the Edge of the World Thumbnail
CHiLD – Descendant from the Edge of the World

Chapter 3.1 - The Mysterious Girl (1)




“This is―,” Suzuka muttered, stopping in her tracks.


Souji, who had stopped earlier, looked back and saw Suzuka looking up at the house in front of her.


“It’s my house.”


After hearing Souji’s reply, Suzuka looked at the nameplate next to the gate and raised her voice inquiringly, “It’s called Shinomiya.”


“Yeah,” Souji replied, nodding. “Souji Shinomiya. That’s my name. Anyway, let’s go inside.”


The rain was still falling. With the mysterious girl on his back, Souji opened the gate of his house and stepped into the garden, and tried to open the front door with one hand. Although it was light, it was difficult to support the girl on his back with only his other hand. If he could, he would have asked her to come down, but he found her asleep on his back, so he had no choice but to do this. He managed to open the front door somehow looking like he did. When he turned around, he saw Suzuka standing behind the gate.


“What are you doing standing out there like that? Come on, let’s go inside. I live alone, so don’t be shy,” Souji called out to Suzuka, who was silently squinting her eyes and staring at him.


Then Suzuka asked him with a suspicious attitude, “That means it will be just the three of us in the house, right?” 


“Your request was for the three of us to talk in private, right?” 


“You’re not going to do anything…… naughty in there, are you?” 


“I won’t!” Souji immediately answered Suzuka, who hid her semi visible breasts with her arms. “In the first place, I don’t want to deal with a woman who shoots ice and slashes at me with a spear. Besides, this was the only place I could think of with the conditions you asked for.” 


“…..I understand. Souji Shinomiya, I will trust you.”


“Trust, huh…..”


“What is it?”


“No, it’s nothing.” 


To be honest, he’d say that’s his line. The other party is a girl with extraordinary power and saying strange things. Normally, this is someone he would never want to let into his home. But the situation was what it was, and he didn’t want to bring the girl on his back into his house alone. It was also the fact that he didn’t know who the girl on his back was in the first place, and from her side, it would look like a kidnapping in itself. In fact, it was very close to that. No matter how he thought about it, a third party was essential. He didn’t want to be stigmatized as a pedophile-pervert-kidnapper who brainwashes little girls and makes them call him Papa.


“Then, I’m sorry.” 


Souji guides Suzuka, who is determined to enter the house, to the inside. 


* * * 


“Please wait there for a moment.” 


Souji went up to the front door and decided to head to the living room first to put the girl he was carrying on his back down on the sofa. Then he went to the dressing room that led to the bathroom, wiped his feet, body, and hair with a towel, changed into the clothes that were left there, and returned to Suzuka who waited at the door with a new face towel and a rag to mop.


“You can wipe yourself down with this.” 


“Thank you.” Suzuka received the face towel and began to wipe her hair. 


Then, the soft, sweet and unique scent of a girl flowed into Souji’s nostrils. At the same time, Souji noticed that Suzuka’s shirt was still transparent, and he hurriedly removed his gaze and spoke.


“Uhhh… if you want to dry your clothes, use the dressing room. There is a hairdryer and a dryer machine. There are also small towels in the drawer, you can use them as much as you like.”


Even if he wanted to talk to her, in the current state, he would be too worried about her chest to do so. So, he suggested that she did something about it for now.


“Then I will take your word for it. As for the rest, that’s right… If the《CHiLD》girl wakes up or if something strange happens, please come and talk to me immediately! No matter what happens, it won’t be surprising.”


“Oh, oh… Okay. I’ll be watching the situation in the living room, so come back as soon as you’re done drying off.” After saying that, Souji wiped the wet floor with a rag and headed for the living room. 


The girl was still asleep on the sofa. There was no sign of anything happening. She seemed to be sleeping very comfortably. Then, he realized that he forgot to bring a towel for the girl. Even though he had no choice but to lay her down on the sofa like this, the girl was still wet. However, the only towel he had at hand was the one he used to wipe the floor with. The sleeping girl in front of him said she didn’t like to get wet, and she even sneezed. If he left her like this, she might catch a cold, and it would definitely be better to wipe her off. Of course, he couldn’t use a rag, so he decided to go back to the dressing room to get a towel.


The door of the dressing room was still slightly open, so he put his hand on it and said, “That’s right……” 


Following the voice that called out, Souji’s thoughts stopped the moment he saw the girl’s figure. He thought she was in the middle of wiping her hair, but she had already taken off her jacket and skirt and in the middle of drying it with the dryer machine. In other words, Suzuka was wrapped in her school uniform shirt, wearing only her bra and panties, which were not very wet. What’s more, she had just inserted a towel through the gap between her bra and was wiping one of the two big fruits―.




She must have noticed Souji’s presence. In an instant, Suzuka’s face flushed and she created a spear in her hand then pointed the tip of it at Souji.


“What’s it?! What do you want to do coming here! If you do, I’ll show you no mercy!” 


“No, no, wait a minute! I’m just here to get a towel―”


After hastily backing away, Souji hurriedly turned his body around and rested his back against a nearby wall. That made him lose sight of Suzuka.


“Is it… a towel?” 


“It’s for wiping that girl’s body!” Souji replied to the suspiciously inquiring voice. 


“Then why don’t you just tell me first? You don’t have to try to come in suddenly……” 


“If you’re in a situation where you don’t want people to get in, you’d better make sure you close the door and lock it too.” 


With those words, Suzuka seemed to realize that the door had been left open.


“… I’m sorry. I’ve been living with only women all my life. Yes, that’s true. That may have been my fault. I’m sorry,” Suzuka honestly apologized. 


“It was a towel you came for. Here, is that okay?” 


She seemed to have calmed down a bit and only put her hand out of the dressing room. There was a towel in her hand.


“Yeah, thank you.” 


“Okay, I’ll see you later.” 


Souji took the towel, and with a slam, the door to the dressing room was closed. Judging by the force, she might not have actually been very calm.


But still, I’m surprised…..

Souji let out a small sigh. He had never imagined that Suzuka was wearing only a bra and panties. The image of her was burned into his mind. She has very beautiful skin, and her breasts are pretty big. That… Souji shook his head and shook Suzuka’s underwear out of his mind, and went back to the living room, not wanting to be reminded of this.



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Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. And remember, even a phoenix borns from the ashes.

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