CHiLD – Descendant from the Edge of the World Thumbnail
CHiLD – Descendant from the Edge of the World

Chapter 2 - Prologue 2

Chapter 2: Prologue (2)

Translated by Hikaru

Edited by Genie

Souji tried to get the girl who was stuck to his waist to go to Suzuka. However―.


“Ya!” The girl screamed and grabbed Souji’s pants, “I don’t want to go!”


With tears in her eyes, the girl continued to speak pleadingly. It was not only Souji who was bewildered at the sight of her but also Suzuka. Under such circumstances, she must have thought about reassuring the girl for the time being. With a gentle smile on her face, Suzuka reached out her hand to the girl and called out to her.


“Don’t be afraid. We, the Ares, are not enemies of you《CHiLD》. As long as the《CHiLD》 has no hostile intentions, we will protect you politely―” As she said this, Suzuka was about to move toward the girl.


“Don’t come!” The girl shouted as if using her whole body. “Get away from me!” With that word, the girl’s hair stood up―.


Crimson, crimson, crimson, the color of her hair was dyed in red. Moreover, there were flames dancing around the girl. 


Then, the girl raised her right hand and said, “No! I’m not leaving my papa!”


“Eh …?” 


Souji’s eyes were wide open. Suzuka was too. Because as the girl shouted and waved her right hand down, a violent swirl of flames was released. Suzuka was there where the flames were headed― she was in front of the flame.


“Run away!” 


At this rate, Suzuka would be swallowed by the flames and burned. But, Suzuka did not move.


“Ugh ……!” Bewildered and biting her lips, she readied her spear and shouted. “Full-body defensive barrier, activate!” 


A magic circle spread out beneath Suzuka’s feet. A thin light blue layer wrapped around her body like a shield. Suzuka’s body seemed to be protected by it.


After the flames struck, neither the shield nor the magic circle had disappeared, and Suzuka was still standing there. He was relieved to know that she was safe, but at a glance, he could tell that she was worn out. He could see the beads of sweat on her forehead, and she was using her spear like a cane to keep herself standing. She was also breathing heavily, her shoulders shaking as she huffed and puffed.


“No way, I didn’t expect it to shoot out such a powerful flame…… As expected of the《CHiLD》.”


Once again, Suzuka turned her gaze to the girl. Unlike the gentle gaze from earlier, it was clearly one that showed hostility.


“…… I have no choice. I don’t want to fight, but if you’re going to use your abilities, it seems I have no choice but to do so as well.”


“Hey, wait a minute!” Souji panicked and shouted when he saw Suzuka holding her spear and icicle-like shards of ice floating around her body. “Please calm down a little. Don’t start a fight in front of me!” 


“But I can’t leave that《CHiLD》alone―” 


“If so I’ll calm her down. Once I’ve done that, then you should lower your weapon too.”


“… I understand.”


Although she looked at him like she didn’t know if he could do it, the fact that she accepted his suggestion meant that she was expecting a little more from him. If that’s the case, he had no choice but to respond.


He was called Papa, and when the little girl said Papa, it meant protector. Forcing himself to believe that he would be able to do it, Souji faced the girl who was spreading the flames and called out to her as if to remind her.


“―Listen. You’re not supposed to be shooting flames at that woman like you just did. Do you understand what I’m saying?”


“Fire, no …?” 


“Oh no, so calm down and go back to the way you were before.”


” … I understand.” The girl nodded obediently. With those words, the girl’s hair color returned to its original state. 


“Okay, you’re doing great.”


“Ehehe … ♡” The girl smiled happily as Souji patted her on the head. 


“From now on, you can’t use your powers as you do now, without permission. No flames. Okay?”


“Yeah, I understand! I’ll do whatever Papa says!” 


It seemed that his efforts to win her over had been successful. After patting his chest in relief. Souji turned his gaze to Suzuka and said, “Now it’s not dangerous anymore, right?” 


“That’s right.” 


It was obvious at a glance that the will to fight was gone from the girl. Then, Suzuka lowered her spear.


“Thank you. I didn’t want to deal with her either, so I was saved.” 


“Deal… oh…!” 


As Suzuka lowered her spear, the colors of the surrounding scenery returned to normal.


“Was it you that made the surrounding scenery turn red?”


“It’s a barrier to prevent damage to the building. It’s no longer necessary.” Suzuka replied, right after. 


Souji looked up at the sky, reacting to the droplets falling from above. ―It was raining. He had forgotten that it was about to start raining because of everything that had happened. The rain began to fall in small drops from the gray sky, but in an instant, it turned into a heavy downpour. Then, with a roaring sound, the world was dyed pure white. It was because of lightning.


“… Papa …” 


The hem of his shirt was tugged at. Souji turned his gaze to the mysterious girl. When he looked at her, he could see that she was shaking her body in small tremors. 


“…… lightning, you’re not good with it?”


After shaking her head from side to side, she said, “I don’t like to get wet.”


“That’s right!” Souji couldn’t help but reply. 


Well, what should he do? He didn’t like to get wet either. But unfortunately, he didn’t have an umbrella, and of course, the girl in front of him didn’t have one either. Suzuka didn’t look like she was carrying an umbrella either. All she had was a spear. 


The girl sneezed, just when he thought he was finally going to be able to talk to her. He thought it might be better to move to someplace where he could avoid the rain. Souji was about to suggest that.


“Why don’t we move to someplace where we won’t get wet in the rain?” Suzuka, who had made the spear in her hand disappear like a magic trick, was the first to suggest it.


“Do you have any idea?”


“No, that…” Suzuka had a troubled expression on her face. “Actually, I’ve just arrived in this city, so I don’t know where to find a suitable place. So if you could tell me, I’d appreciate it. …… It would be better if we could find a place where no one else can hear us and where the three of us can talk in peace.”




As a result, after thinking of a place that would fit the description, only one place came to mind. A place that was close to this place so we could spend less time in the rain, and where we wouldn’t be heard by others. In other words, his own place- Souji’s house. But there was a reason to hesitate. He would be bringing a child, and a girl who looked younger than him, to the house where a young man lives alone―. Is that really okay? Isn’t it going to be a problem? 




Turning his gaze to Suzuka, Souji noticed that her bra was faintly transparent behind her thin, rain-soaked shirt. Suzuka must have felt uncomfortable because she was unconsciously upset.


“What’s wrong?” While asking, she looked into his face. 


Then, Suzuka must have immediately noticed that Souji’s gaze was directed at her breasts. She went on to check her wet, transparent bosom, which was the object of Souji’s line of sight. So it seemed that he had seen everything. 


“~~~~N!!” Suzuka shouted, her face dyed bright red and she covered her chest with one hand.


“What are you looking at? It’s so dirty!”


“No, that…” 


“Please tell me where I can take shelter from the rain! Otherwise, I’ll shoot you!” 


“Shoot me with what?!” 


“Ice, that’s!”


The other arm pointed at Souji. In her hand, the spear that should have been vanished earlier reappeared.


“Stop it! I’ll tell you right away!” 


“Yes, tell me! 一as soon as possible!” 


“First of all, you need to put that thing away!” 


There was no time to lose. But before that一


Souji turned his gaze toward the girl who was shivering and drenched by the rain and asked, “How are you doing? Can you walk?” 


Then the girl reached out her hands toward Souji and opened them quickly, “Hold me!”


“Eh…?” Souji looked dumbfounded while staring at her ten fingers. 


“Come on! Pick me up!” 


“Uh…….” He did not know what to do.


Then, Suzuka called out to him, “If you have a specific place in mind, hold the child in your arms. Then, let’s move on. If I try to pick her up, she’ll probably refuse.”


That would certainly be true. There was nothing to deny. I don’t have a choice, it can’t be helped.


Souji turned his back to the girl and squatted down. “Is it okay to have a piggyback ride? Come.” 


“Wow ♡” 


Apparently, it did not matter if it was a piggyback ride. The girl shouted happily and jumped on Souji’s back. She was much lighter than he had expected, and it was warm. 


What can I say about this….. 


He thought it would be better to be on her back where he couldn’t see her face rather than being hugged from the front, but in any case, he had to support her butt. Then he could feel the small, soft flesh of her buttocks through his hands.


“Ehehe… ♡” The girl smiled happily and buried her face in Souji’s back. 


As a result, her body temperature was further transmitted to his back, and the sweet milky scent flowed into his nostrils.


I’m a little nervous……


He couldn’t see her, and even though she was still a child, it was obvious that the other was a woman, and naturally, the man inside himself naturally felt it. However, this was not the time to be nervous. At any rate, she was clearly not a normal girl, and the situation was what it was. Telling himself that, Souji looked at Suzuka and called out to her.


“Follow me. We’ll be there soon.” 




Souji walked away, followed by Suzuka.


The destination is about three minutes away from this place. It is a two-story house where Souji has lived by himself.


But then again, for a girl to fall from the sky is kind of…


He fought against the black mist and met a girl who claimed to be a magician. And now, he was about to lead them to his house. It did not feel like reality. But it was reality. What would happen in the future? Anxiety and a little bit of excitement were mixed in Souji’s mind.


Read only at Travis Translations


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Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. And remember, even a phoenix borns from the ashes.

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