Psychopath Reincarnates as a Bat That Actually a Demon Lord in Another World Thumbnail
Psychopath Reincarnates as a Bat That Actually a Demon Lord in Another World

Vol. 3 Chapter 46 - Grace Mueller

“Hello. I’m Demon Lord Leto Nox. Looks like you’ve been desperately searching for me? Good job.”




Huh? She said that.


Can’t act like that with someone who’s not good at communication, you know? Might accidentally kill her.


“No, I said I’m the Demon Lord. You were looking for me, right? Good thing you found me.”


“W-Wait! Don’t be ridiculous! You’re clearly not human!”


Ah. I see.


Without my wings out, I look human.


“Look, is this better?”


I deliberately show my wings.


“What is that…? I’ve never heard of a monster that almost looks human…”


Ah, I see.


No doppelgangers around, huh?


I knew there weren’t any vampires like me, since I’m like an ancestor.


There aren’t any monsters that can transform into humans either.


Dragons seem like they could, though.


“Well, it’s good you came alone. Looks like I can achieve my goal.”


“Goal!? You’re the one behind that monster too, aren’t you! Why are you doing this?”


Even if you ask why…


I wanted to see the power of the cream of the crop humans, experiment with making them my servants, and various other reasons.


“Um, just killing time?”


This seems to fit the best, doesn’t it?


It wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be.


“H-How dare you!!”




I dodge the angry female knight’s attack.


Isn’t she too quick to anger?


Humans are like that.


Well, it’s fine since I intended to fight anyway.


I flick the cigarette I was smoking with my finger and get into a fighting stance.


Feels like I’m doing some strong guy move and it’s getting fun.


“Now, let’s see how far I can go at the moment.”


I wrap my hand in Sound Magic and aim for the female knight’s neck.




“Don’t underestimate me!!”


Instantly cutting off the head is a bit too much, huh?


I knew that, but I was blocked by the buckler on her arm.


I need to show her that I intend to kill.


If she suspects I’m aiming to capture her alive, it might be bad.


After being deflected by the buckler, she immediately counterattacks with her sword.


I nervously block it with my hand.


Since I’m wrapped in Sound Magic, I thought I’d be okay, but it’s still a bit scary.


My Japanese mentality hasn’t completely disappeared yet.


“Enhancing your body? What a strange move!”


Ah, body enhancement, huh.


I was too focused on fighting to remember.


I still need more experience in battle.


“Hah! Take this!”


While fighting, I imitate the female knight’s movements.


Hmm. This is good material.


“Hey, agh!”


I thought I had some leeway to practice against the female knight, but suddenly her speed increases.


I try to dodge, but she lightly grazes my arm.


“You’re an amateur at martial arts!”


Seeing that I’m a novice at fighting, she attacks as if there’s an opportunity.


Well, I’ve mostly only been in fights I could win until now.


Guess I’ll need to seriously learn how to fight from someone.


But, Vampire bodies are high-spec.


I manage to avoid the female knight’s attacks, optimize my movements, whether it’s because my eyesight is good or because I was a novice.


Absorbing like a sponge.


“I see. Is this how it feels? I should have deflected the sword’s blade.”


“Ugh! You!”


This is fun!


I’m getting better and better at it!!




First hit!!


Finally caught her!


Well, once blood is drawn, it’s pretty much my win.


Seems like she still has some leeway, so let’s let her gain a bit more experience.


This kind of fight is valuable, you know!






I was so focused on learning martial arts that I forgot about magic.


Hmm, haven’t learned how to deal with magic.


“Fireball! Fireball!”


She’s not very inventive.


Just keeps using the same magic.


“Take this!”


“Darn it! You’re so random!”




Sound Magic is too versatile.


I thought I’d give it a try, so I wrapped it around my hand and slashed at her, and it worked.


I think there were some complicated conditions to extinguish fire with sound, but I’m not worried about it.


Since the opponent also used magic, I’ll use mine too.


“Shadow Bind!”


I materialize shadows from behind the female knight and bind her.


“Here’s for equality! Equal opportunity punch!”




Hahaha! Just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on her!


Gave her a good punch in the face.


“Take that!”


“S-Stop…! Ugh!”


While thrusting my fist, I gradually draw out her blood.


As her footing becomes shaky, I wrap Sound Magic around my palm and strike her with a palm strike, shaking her brain and making her faint.


“Adjusting this is difficult. Luckily, it went well this time.”


Phew. Tired.


But it was fun.


“Evolution is amazing, huh? She was definitely stronger than the thief last time, but it wasn’t even close to being dangerous, right?”


I sit down on the unconscious female knight and put a cigarette in my mouth.






The fox who had probably been watching the fight comes out of the shadows and lights my cigarette as usual.


While puffing on the cigarette, I reflect on this fight.


“We’ve learned that her body’s specs are quite high. But I still haven’t fully mastered them. Need to train more.”


Towards the end, I relied heavily on magic.


Need to think about what to do if I can’t use magic.


“Hey, cut that out!”


“Kyun Kyun!”


The fox kicks the unconscious female knight’s face and plays around.


Guess I’ve over-educated her.


She’s gotten into the habit of either kicking or chasing after human heads.


There’s still something I need her to do.

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