Psychopath Reincarnates as a Bat That Actually a Demon Lord in Another World Thumbnail
Psychopath Reincarnates as a Bat That Actually a Demon Lord in Another World

Vol. 3 Chapter 45 - Stampede Part 5

I probably shouldn’t say this.


But I want to. I’m really sorry though.


“I’m getting bored.”


I said it. Sorry about that.


I know humans are desperately trying their best to survive.


“But it’s just a cycle of reducing the numbers a bit, retreating for recovery, and repeating.”


I wonder if the female knight is giving it her all too?


If she is, we might have a chance of winning.


But if she’s conserving her strength, we might eventually be overwhelmed by the horde of monsters.


It was fun at first.


Humans and monsters mixing together, I was enjoying it too.


Pouring sea monster blood into a glass I swiped from the guild, and elegantly watching the show with the fox.


But if it continues to be so one-dimensional, it’s no good as entertainment.


The fox fell asleep halfway through as well.


“What should I do? Maybe I should just intervene casually and end it.”


I worked hard to prepare this far, but oh well.


Let’s just destroy Libra while we’re at it.


“No, wait. I want to capture that shopkeeper from the clothing store. And his wife as a bonus… Hmm. Should I also take the artisans? This is getting troublesome.”


Is it really worth it?


There are people who can make clothes in other cities too.


But, well…


I somehow don’t like the idea of the creator of these clothes I like disappearing.


“You’re lucky, Libra! Thank the clothing store owner for your life! I’ll let you off with just killing humans randomly!”


Let you off?


Come to think of it, you haven’t been asked to apologize, have you?


…Well, it doesn’t matter.


Yes. Because the goal is to make that female knight my servant!


I almost forgot, but it’s no problem!


“Which means I have to make that female knight give it her all and wear herself out quickly. Should I kill some key members of the main knight order?”


Using my Foresight Magic, I confirm the target.


This is quite a cheat, even though it consumes a lot of magic power.


Is there anyone who can deal with magic being suddenly used from an unseen source?


“Shadow Lance.”


I materialize spears from the shadows of several knights and thrust them from behind.


“Oh? One person managed to evade it. Ah, there are people who can handle it, huh.”


I randomly selected about ten people, but it seems there are sharp ones among them.


“Hmm? Hm? Oh! Seriously!”


When I thought the female knight was giving quite a lot of orders to her subordinates, she suddenly ran towards me alone.


Wow, that’s bold.


She probably figured something out because I used magic.


Honestly, even if she defeats me, the stampede won’t stop.


I’m not controlling it.


“Well, it’s a stroke of luck that she’s coming alone. I wish she’d wear herself out more though.”


She’ll probably reach me in no time.


Well, if I’m about to lose, I’ll just have to shamefully run away.


It’s quite humiliating, though.


Running away from a human.


“Here goes.”


I jump down from the tree and put a cigarette in my mouth.


I ask the fox to light it for me, and if things go south, please help me and hide in the shadows.


If I get help from an ambush, I can still escape.


It’s embarrassing, but…


“Here she comes.”


“You again! What are you!”


Even if you ask what I am…


I can only say, “I’m Leto Nox.”


But, you know, the beginning is crucial.


I’ll hit them hard with this.


“Hello, I’m Demon Lord Leto Nox. It seems you’ve been desperately looking for me? Thanks for your efforts.”


There you go.


My good human side came out.


Even though I’m a monster.

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