I was kicked out of my house, but I’m living well now ~ A Comfortable and Convenient Second Life with Cheat-like Magic and Previous Life Knowledge! Thumbnail
I was kicked out of my house, but I’m living well now ~ A Comfortable and Convenient Second Life with Cheat-like Magic and Previous Life Knowledge!

Chapter 1 - Abandoned

“Ha-ha! Finally got it down!”


Rolling before me was the magical beast known as Payron Hihu, which had taken me a whole day to defeat. Man, it was tough.


With the steel-tipped arrows I had devised and had made for me just the other day, how many of them did I manage to break? But thanks to that, I was able to successfully subdue it. So, I guess it’s all good.


“But seriously, this thing’s huge…”


I couldn’t help but mutter, and similar voices echoed around me.


“Wow, you really took that thing down.”

“And all on your own, right?”

“Miss, you fear nothing.”

“Thanks to your teleportation circle, you can take down a massive monster deep in the forest and be back here in an instant.”

“I heard you even assisted in developing that teleportation circle.”



Here in the spacious square at the entrance of the vast forest known as the “Forest of Magic,” which bordered Count Payron’s territory, were those who were allowed to enter the forest. Even though they were boasting about their achievements today, once I returned, it was a different story.


Well, but hey, isn’t it natural? After all, even in this territory, there aren’t many who can hunt down Payron Hihu, right? It’s probably just to be expected, right?


Hehehe, I’ll boast about it!


In high spirits, I heard a voice of disbelief.


“Hey, hey, did you really take this thing down…?”


This tall man was none other than Count Kend Nopdes, who ruled over Payron’s territory.


“Huh? You doubt it? Your Excellency.”


“No, not that… sigh…”


The count heaved a sigh, his large frame slumping. Is it really that big of a deal?


Certainly, once a magical beast like this gets this size, it rarely comes out to the outskirts of the forest, so there’s no need to force oneself to hunt it. But I’ve heard that these pelts, claws, fangs, and organs are traded at high prices as excellent materials. While the money from selling them goes into my pocket, the taxes that enter the territory would make the count happy too, you’d think.


“Anyway, since I took down Payron Hihu, may I proceed further into the forest?”


In order to achieve my ambition, I must conquer this forest. To do that, I need to go deeper into the forest, but I haven’t been granted permission so easily.


The current depth I’m allowed is four. Just advancing that to five would make a significant difference. The range I can move around in the forest, as well as the strength of the monsters that come out.


So, since I hunted down Payron Hihu, the count said, if I can hunt it down on my own, I can advance to depth five. And yet…


“Here’s the thing. Lela, I want you to return to the capital.”




I couldn’t understand what the count in front of me was saying. Why would he suddenly ask me to return to the capital?


I came to this Payron territory when I was three years old, after my memories from my previous life returned. It seems that when my memories returned, I had a fever at the same time. As soon as the fever subsided, a carriage was arranged for me, and I was dumped here.


Oh man, I was so surprised at the time, I was just bewildered! As for why I was brought here, it’s because my magic suddenly increased while I had a high fever, and my appearance changed. Apparently, when I was born, I had chestnut-colored curly hair and burnt-brown eyes. But now, I have bluish-silver hair and deep blue eyes. No wonder my parents would be surprised. They were so shocked that they couldn’t even recognize me as their own child.


So, they sent me, their changed-looking daughter with increased magical power, to Payron, a distant relative who was knowledgeable about magic. I’m like a well-discarded adopted child. But I’m glad I grew up here. If I had stayed in that household, I probably would have gone insane. I still remember the looks on my family’s and the servants’ faces when they kicked me out. It was that terrible.


Clearly stating “monster” was likely the boy who was probably my older brother based on his age. Besides him, others also had unsettling gazes, a constant fear in their eyes.


But once I arrived here, I didn’t receive those kinds of looks. On the contrary, the increased magical power I gained was welcomed, and they taught me the proper use of magic from scratch.


Thanks to that, by the time I was six, I became a proper mage and could enter the Forest of Magic. The count was lamenting, though. I wonder why?


I also came up with various ideas in the place where magic was studied and created so-called magical tools.


The “Teleportation Circle” that could instantly move heavy luggage or large objects was based on my idea.


Well, I had asked for what I wanted, and everyone worked hard to create them for me.


As a result, people were pleased that it became easier to subdue monsters in the forest. I could carry all the defeated magical beasts back with me.


There were also portable tents, toilets, showers, and means of transportation for mobility, and more. Oh, I really made a lot of things.


Anyway, about ten years have passed since I was abandoned here. I am currently thirteen years old.


Even though I had been striving to subdue magical beasts in the Forest of Magic for seven years, why am I suddenly being told now that I can’t go to the capital?


“You seem dissatisfied.”

“I think that’s only natural.”


Moving from the entrance of the Forest of Magic, we were now in a room at Vachuda Castle, the residence of Count Payron.


It’s a plain stone castle, but it also serves as a military facility at the forefront of the fight against magical beasts, so I suppose it can’t be helped.


“As always, you’re responding in a way that doesn’t match your age.”


As the count complained, I felt a bit uneasy. Well, that’s understandable. After all, I can’t possibly be thirteen based on my appearance. My memories from my past life are rather vague, but I’m certain I was an adult.


Oh? Which means my current self is over thirty… No, I shouldn’t think about that.


Setting that aside, the issue at hand is going to the capital.


“Why do I suddenly have to return to the capital? I’ve been here for ten years. My absence has become the norm even at my birthplace.”


“That’s true, but there’s a reason why you have to return to the capital.”


“What reason is that?”




The count handed me a large envelope with a gold ornament on a white background. It was about B6-sized, according to my sense from my previous life.


“What’s the matter with this?”


“This is a permit for entry to the Noble Academy in the capital.”


“Noble Academy? What’s that?”


Delicious, perhaps?


“It’s a school where noble children between the ages of thirteen and eighteen are obligated to attend within the country.”


Different. Not delicious at all.


“This entry permit is issued by the academy’s headmaster. Those who receive this must definitely enroll in the academy. Definitely.”


You don’t need to repeat it so many times.


“Does that mean I have to go too?”


“Aren’t you saying that?”


I see, I see. The pressure from the count’s smile is getting stronger. Let’s take a look at the permit or whatever that’s placed on the table.


It’s a folded card-like item that simply states, “Permission for Tafelina Duvall to enroll.” Yes, that name is indeed mine. While I’m called Lela here in Payron, my full name is “Tafelina Laurel Lela Duvall,” which is quite long.


“Count, I don’t want to go to the capital.”


“Even if you say you don’t want to, I, as the head of a noble family in this country, have an obligation to deliver you to the capital by the specified date.”


How ruthless… But I know that the count, when he smiles like this, won’t give in.


“Do I really have to go no matter what?”


“Yes, you must. Is it that unpleasant for you? The academy?”


“More than that, I dislike the capital itself.”


The place where I was kicked out of my home at the tender age of three. Naturally, I hardly remember any places since my age at the time was so young.


And besides, if I go to the capital, I might have to go to that house… Yeah.


“Lela, my nephews and nieces also attend the academy.”


“You mean Rox and Corny from Aspzaat? Oh? Is Lord Ville there too?”


Corny, Rox, and Ville are respectively nicknamed “Conny,” “Roxie,” and “Villy.” They only let family and close friends call them that. It’s fine for me since I’m treated as part of the family.


“Ville graduated this year. The two younger ones are still studying.”


“I see… So, Corny is also there…”


Aspzaat is a ducal family that holds territory to the south of Count Payron’s domain. It’s the family where Count Payron’s sister, Lady Vilseoshira, got married.


The three names that have been mentioned before—Winville, Roxsad, and Connesia—are the children of Vilseoshira… Lady Sheila.


These three are the children who often visited Count Payron’s domain with their mother. Naturally, we became close. They’re what you would call childhood friends.


The eldest, Lord Ville, is reckless; the second son, Lord Rox, is laid-back; and the youngest daughter, Conny, is a spirited child who can outtalk her older brothers.


However, all three of them inherited their mother’s well-structured appearance. They have black hair from their mother and green eyes from their father. Conny also resembles her mother, Lady Sheila, with her wavy hair.


Since we’re of the same gender, I’m closest to her. Knowing that Conny is already attending the academy is reassuring.


And well, leaving home at thirteen is indeed early. At the very least, I intend to stay in this country until I reach adulthood.


In that case, it’s better to follow the country’s policies.


“Can’t be helped. I’ll go to the capital.”


“Is that so? Great! Alright then, let’s get your things packed and head there!”




The count is too efficient at his job!

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Great story! In future chapters, you go back and forth between Count and Earl Payron, not sure which one you would prefer to keep.