Unlawful Intrusion Stalker vs. The Man Who Silky-fies Stalking and Completely Ignores It Thumbnail
Unlawful Intrusion Stalker vs. The Man Who Silky-fies Stalking and Completely Ignores It

Chapter 4 - Is Silky Present?

University life offers a considerably higher degree of freedom compared to previous educational institutions. One prominent aspect of this newfound freedom is, undoubtedly, the flexibility in scheduling. In elementary, middle, and high school, students adhere to the timetable set by the school. There is no room for refusal.


However, when it comes to university, things change. Students align their interests, required credits for progression, and class timings to register for courses themselves. As a result, class schedules become diverse – some attend classes in the afternoon, while others finish all their classes in the morning. Some even opt for an entire day off, tailored to individual lifestyles.


At the core of this shift is the fact that university “lectures” are largely independent.


“Never thought there’d be a two-frame cancellation.”


Therefore, due to the instructor’s convenience, unplanned free periods may arise, as is the case right now.


“Well, having the afternoon off is seriously lucky.”


Recalling as I stretch, I’m reminded of the university’s student-exclusive webpage. After my second class, I checked my course registration, only to find an announcement that the fourth period had been canceled due to the instructor’s health issues.


According to my schedule, I’m supposed to have classes for the second, fourth, and fifth periods. However, since the fifth period was already canceled yesterday, it means my afternoon classes have vanished.


“Wonder what I should do this afternoon…”


There’s no work today, so I’m left with some free time. But my friends probably have regular classes, so getting together is unlikely.


That leaves me with the option of spending my time alone. However, aimlessly wandering outside seems like a hassle. After all, I commute to the university by bike and taking a train into town from here would be quite an ordeal.


Either I go back home and then head out, or I leave my bike at the university for the day – those are my two choices. In that case, I might as well stay home and lounge around comfortably.


Well, truth be told, I’m not the type to go out without a reason. If there’s no purpose for going out, I inevitably feel like it’s “wasting” my time. If that negative sentiment compounds… 


“…This thought process is what’s called ‘Sociophobia,’ isn’t it?”


I ponder, preparing to make a quick pasta and spend the rest of the day drawing before going to bed.


In the end, I bike my usual route home and think about what’s in the fridge.


“Wait a sec…”


Parking my bike in the designated area, I ascend the iron staircase while considering lunch options.


A ten-year-old apartment building. My rented room is on the second floor. Despite its small size, it’s a good place with affordable rent, especially given the location.




Just as I reach out to the doorknob of my cherished room, something dawns on me.


“I can hear noise from inside.”


Inserting the key into the knob, I turn it, and with a click, the moment the sound resounds, I can hear a flurry of hurried movements from beyond the door.


Could it be a burglar? My caution levels surge. While this neighborhood is supposed to be safe, nothing is guaranteed. Criminals exist everywhere.


“…Ah, it’s Wednesday today.”


That’s when I recall. There’s someone around here who’s a criminal, in a way. Specifically, someone who, I suspect, breaks into people’s homes at certain times on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.



Not too long ago, I set up a hidden camera. It captured the stalker on tape.


And the footage was recorded on a Wednesday. More or less around the same time as now.




Unintentionally, I release the doorknob and lean on the railing behind me. I absentmindedly gaze at the blue sky.


Well, who would’ve thought that I’d end up in this situation? “Unexpected” would be an exaggeration. I should’ve anticipated it.


Of course. The stalker times their activities to coincide with when I’m away at university, sneaking into my home.


So, logically, if I return home earlier, the likelihood of crossing paths increases.




So, what to do? Should I step back? But that’s bothersome in its own right. I can’t help but feel it’s absurd that, as the landlord, I should be the one fretting over such matters.


On the other hand, involving the police gives me pause. Losing my free housekeeper is a bit regrettable.


As I contemplate for a few seconds – perhaps a bit foolishly from an outsider’s perspective – I come to a conclusion.


“…Guess I’ll go in.”


Ignore the situation and walk into my room. Utterly disregard it.


No matter what’s said, I won’t react. Treat it as if there’s no one here. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll leave if they’re treated like they don’t exist.


Exceptions might occur if they resort to violence, but I don’t think that’s likely. If they’re obsessed enough with me to stalk me, they probably won’t bother causing harm.


Of course, panicked reactions are a different story; those stem from instincts of self-preservation. If I ignore them thoroughly and don’t shout, perhaps they’ll maintain their composure.


Well, in the end, I’m merely counting on their “infatuated weakness.” It lacks rationality and logic altogether.


However, attempting something so illogical is an indicator of my lack of sanity. Therefore, considering reason at this point would be futile.




With determination in mind, I maintain high vigilance. Since the possibility of a break-in remains, I don’t forget to grip my keys as a makeshift weapon.


The core principle is absolute indifference. If there’s a threat to my safety, I won’t hesitate to retaliate. With these thoughts in mind, I twist the doorknob of my home.

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