Unlawful Intrusion Stalker vs. The Man Who Silky-fies Stalking and Completely Ignores It Thumbnail
Unlawful Intrusion Stalker vs. The Man Who Silky-fies Stalking and Completely Ignores It

Chapter 1 - Probably Silky

When you’re a college student, you often find yourself going out to eat with friends who invite you. Sometimes, friends bring along other friends, and before you know it, you’re dining with people you don’t know.


“Hey there. I’m Haruto Mizuki. I’ve known Yosuke since high school.”


“I’m Sato, in the same seminar as Yosuke. Hey, sorry for intruding even though we were having a meal together. Seems I accidentally took home this guy’s USB with his report data.”


“Seriously, cut me some slack. The submission is due tomorrow, so I freaked out.”


“My bad, my bad.”


This time was quite an unusual case, but the flow was still the same. They joined up and ended up eating together just as circumstances led them.


Some people might not prefer sharing a table with strangers, but I don’t mind. I’m not shy around new people; I’m the type that doesn’t care much about interpersonal relationships. …In return, I might be called unsociable.


“Wow. Haruto, you work part-time at a cafe, right? Are you in the front or the kitchen?”


When you’re eating with someone you’re meeting for the first time, conversations inevitably lean towards self-introductions.


“Both, I guess. I run a place on my own, so it’s flexible depending on the team for the day and how busy it is. I get treated quite favorably.”


“This guy, seriously. He has a poker face and seems lazy, so you wouldn’t think he’s cut out for customer service or cooking, but he’s weirdly skilled. He handles most things quite smoothly. Apparently, he started something new recently.”


“Illustrations. I got a used drawing tablet from my cousin, so I draw random stuff.”


“Oh, really? Do you post them on social media?”


“I created an account for that. I casually posted an illustration of a popular anime and it went viral.”


“I didn’t know that!? You’re seriously talented, man! Tell me the account!”


“I’m definitely not telling you.”


After getting through some self-introductions or rather, self-narrations, the conversation shifted here and there. Especially when alcohol started to kick in, topics could become quite disconnected.


“By the way, summer is coming soon. Do you guys have any scary stories?”


“Does entering late and risking a failing grade in required classes count as a scary story?”


“That’s your own fault.”


“There’s no other choice when I can’t wake up for the first class! Maybe you should take it to the first class!”


“It’s a cry from the soul.”


Sato seems to have trouble waking up early. By the way, Yosuke and I are morning people, so there’s no worry about failing due to tardiness. Yosuke seems to have a few tests he might fail, though.


“Law of the person who brings it up. Yosuke, how about you?”


“None. Well, if anything, shochu (a type of alcohol) is scary.”


“Isn’t that being afraid of manju (a type of Japanese confection)?”


“Then quit drinking, you alcohol lover.”


Truly, this guy… Yosuke is what you’d call a heavy drinker; he can down alcohol with impressive speed.


I, who hardly drinks any alcohol, and even Sato, who drinks quite a bit, find it hard to believe. I’m starting to think he’s going to ruin his liver someday.


“Well then, we’ve all spoken, now it’s Haruto’s turn, right?”


“Stop bothering the drunk guy with Daru talk. …Scary stories, huh?”


Being put on the spot like that is a bit troublesome. I don’t go to ghost hunts or anything. My everyday life is pretty ordinary… Wait, that’s not entirely true.


“I don’t really think much about it, but I probably have an episode that might be considered scary in general.”


“Oh? What is it?”


“What is it?”


“Well, you see, I’ve got someone who’s a bit like a stalker.”




“So, a little while ago, I lost my house key. Since then, apparently, that stalker has been sneaking into my house.”




“Every time I come home, things are subtly rearranged. Still, I haven’t confirmed any actual harm like money or items being stolen. So, while finding it eerie, I’ve been ignoring it, thinking of that stalker as my home’s fairy ‘Silky’.”


“Why on earth would you do that!?”

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