I, Who Was Helping My Younger Sister’s Labyrinth Livestream, Accidentally Demonstrated My Unrivaled Skills Against an S-rank Monster Thumbnail
I, Who Was Helping My Younger Sister’s Labyrinth Livestream, Accidentally Demonstrated My Unrivaled Skills Against an S-rank Monster

Chapter 1

“Big Brother! Can you help me with the labyrinth livestream today?”


The Labyrinth.


Several decades ago, a special existence emerged in the world known as magical creatures or monsters. With their appearance came the concept of magic, and now, children all have some degree of magical power.


Labyrinth exploration has become a popular content worldwide. Viewers drop money as they watch adventurers battling in the labyrinth during livestreams.


My little sister, Maya, is also walking the path of a livestreamer. However, she is still a fledgling adventurer. Of course, as her big brother, I want to support her dreams. I’m ready to do as she says.


“Oh, sure!”


“Really!? Thank you, big brother! I love you!”


Maya clings to me with a smile. I love her… I love her so much…


While repeating Maya’s words in my mind, I hold her tightly. She truly is the cutest little sister in the world.


“Big brother, it’s the day of the livestream. Can we meet up at the Black Dragon’s Labyrinth as usual, starting from after school?”


“Sure thing.”


“Okay, big brother. See you after school!”


Maya finishes her breakfast and leaves with a smile.


Currently, Maya is part of an agency and doing livestreams. I don’t know much about the agency, but apparently, many student streamers belong to it and they have a good time together.


After school, the Black Dragon’s Labyrinth.


As an unemployed individual, I have plenty of time until after school. Alright, let’s watch Maya’s livestream today too!


With my plans set, I immediately head to my room and start streaming Maya’s content on the massive monitor placed there.


“Hey, everyone! Good evening! Today, we’ll be streaming from the labyrinth!”


Following her instructions, I become the cameraman and focus on filming Maya.


She’s not wearing her school uniform now; instead, she’s dressed in more practical attire, which has attracted a lot of attention in the comments.


“Maya-chan, you look cute today.”


“Be careful, Maya-chan! There was an adventurer who had an accident during a livestream before…”


“That was Cocoa-chan, right? It was a disaster…”


“At least they’re still alive…”


“Are they still undergoing treatment?”


Maya looks at the comments on her phone with a worried expression.


“Cocoa-san… She’s from another agency, but I’ve seen her stream too.”


In this day and age, many adventurers do livestreams. However, accidents happen quite frequently.


“Maya-chan, don’t you have any guards or adventurers from the agency to accompany you?”


“It’s alright! I asked my big brother to be the cameraman today!”


“Oh, it’s her brother?”


“Is he also an adventurer?”


“Please don’t do anything dangerous, Maya-chan.”


“Big brother, am I in the frame?”


I make a circle with my fingers, and Maya imitates it with a smile.


“It looks good. Okay, let’s dive into the labyrinth right away!”


“Is this the Black Dragon’s Labyrinth?”




“Isn’t it an S-rank labyrinth? Are you sure it’s safe?”


“The lower floors only have monsters equivalent to G-rank labyrinths. We’ll be fine.”


Saying that, Maya reaches for the hilt of her short sword and starts the labyrinth conquest.


The Black Dragon’s Labyrinth has progressively stronger monsters on each floor. So, as Maya said, there shouldn’t be much to worry about on the lower floors.


Having explored the labyrinth multiple times, Maya easily defeats the monsters.


“Maya-chan, your movements are so agile!”


“As expected of her.”


“Maya-chan, you look adorable today too.”


“Ehehe, it’s all thanks to my big brother’s advice.”


Mom, Dad, in heaven.


Today, your daughter is an angel as well.


I’m being comforted by Maya as she makes peace signs.


And then, something unexpected happens.


A magic circle appears on the ground in front of where Maya stepped.




A trap!? Occasionally, there are traps in the labyrinth, but to appear on the first floor…

I immediately reach out to grab Maya’s hand and pull her away.




“Maya-chan, run!”


But the moment I grab her hand, she vanishes.


It’s a teleportation trap. It transfers the target to another floor.


Without hesitation, I follow and step into the trap.


When I open my eyes, screams fill the air.


“Big brother! What…!”


I glance towards a pale and trembling Maya, and there, right before us, stands the Black Dragon.


The reason this labyrinth is called the Black Dragon’s Labyrinth is that the monster that appears on the 95th floor is a Black Dragon.


However, we are currently on the 94th floor.


In other words, the existence of the Black Dragon is known because a rank-S party of livestreamers who challenged the 95th floor was wiped out.




As the Black Dragon roars, its tail comes down.


With overwhelming force, an intense gust of wind strikes.


Seeing the attack, I push Maya away and get hit by the tail.


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