Child of Calamity and the Labyrinth of the Saint Thumbnail
Child of Calamity and the Labyrinth of the Saint

Chapter 1 - The Fair Skinned Adventurer

(It’s so hot outside…)


Trying to find some shade to escape the intense sun, the boy walked hesitantly along the stone-paved main street leading from the West Gate. The street had few large buildings, and there were no houses with eaves large enough to cast shadows.


If he turned to the side, there was a lively alley lined with small shops and stalls. Those places should have been shaded with cloth and such.


(But there are so few people…)


As he walked with unsteady steps, the boy glanced up at the sun with a pale face.


(Oh no…)


This wasn’t good.


Today was exceptionally clear, not a single cloud in the sky. It was always like this. Whenever he emerged from the underground tunnels, the weather would be inexplicably sunny. There had never been rain or cloudy days.




He took shelter in the shadow cast by a fallen roadside signpost, secretly sighing. Even his black hair felt resentful in this heat. It seemed that black absorbs heat easily.


The signpost only indicated “Great Temple” if heading north, but it seemed quite old. He took out a folded handkerchief from his travel coat’s inner pocket, gently wiped the sweat off his forehead, and then took a sip from the water bottle he also pulled out.


He suddenly lowered his weakened gaze to the ground and noticed some small ants scurrying around, seemingly searching for food.


(They look so lively. I’m envious.)


As he frowned with his back against the signpost, a group of horseback riders rushed in from the direction of the West Gate.


Though limited to the main street, only knights and above, special servants on official duties, or adventurers of the second rank and above were allowed to travel on horseback within the town.


(If I remember correctly… was it Kai from Noible?)


Riding at the forefront was a woman in a black magic robe with short-cut blond hair. Behind her was a middle-aged man in armor. His name was Kou, if he recalled correctly.


(Weren’t they a couple?)


As he watched the two riders disappear into the distance, the boy stumbled and ended up sitting by the roadside. Even without being pushed, his slender and emaciated body seemed ready to fly away. After all, he had been working continuously for seven days without rest, doing physical labor, and now he felt dazed and floaty.


“Excuse me, I’m in a hurry.”


The imposing young man shouted angrily as he pushed the boy aside and ran off.


The boy just sat there, feeling defeated. Being so thin and weak, he was easily knocked aside by the push. On top of that, he hadn’t slept or rested for seven days. His body felt unreliable and floaty.




Uttering a small curse, the boy struggled to get up with his heavy body.


Then, another woman wearing the robes of the temple approached him, calling out as she ran past.




As he was about to be pulled by the sleeve, the woman quickly changed her mind, sighed, and shook her head.


“You never change, still so pale and skinny… Are you eating properly?”


“Yes, I am.”


“Are you here for material exchange today?”


While shaking his head at Erard’s exasperated remark, the boy was let into the building as Erard opened the door.


Once inside, he felt the bustling atmosphere.


“Something must have happened.”


“Alright, I’ll go to the materials counter.”


With a small wave, Shun moved towards the line of adventurers waiting to sell materials.


“Hey, don’t you have any interest?”


Trying to pull Shun’s sleeve, Erard quickly changed his mind and sighed.


“Make sure to visit Anna’s shop once in a while. She’d be happy to see you, especially today, just show your face.”


Listening to Erard’s voice from behind, Shun joined the line of about six adventurers.


A young female adventurer around twenty years old called out to him, her face unknown to him.


“Are you a newcomer?”


“No, I’ve been here for five years.”


Shun replied with a tired expression.


“Oh… is that so? You’re senior to us then.”


“Huh? Are you kidding me?”


The young man standing beside him looked down at Shun condescendingly.


(Annoying… This is why I don’t like coming to the Adventurers’ Guild.)


Shun thought of the Adventurers’ Association as a gathering of people who boast about being accustomed to violence. It was not a place he felt comfortable in.


Shun decided to ignore them and started counting the stains on the floor.


The three adventurers were trying to say something, but…


“Hey, move aside!”


A loud voice interrupted, as a forceful young man cut into the line and got into an argument with someone.


Glancing at him, Shun recognized the same young man who had pushed him on the main street earlier.


(What’s with Noible? A bunch of trash.)


Shun clicked his tongue lightly.


“Hey, what’s your problem?”


The large young man noticed Shun’s tongue click and turned to face him.


“You’re the last one in line.”


Looking up from below, Shun replied with a detached tone.


The young man was the type he couldn’t stand.


He stared at the young man with disdainful eyes, as if looking at trash.


Naturally, the young man swung his fist. Many adventurers were boastful and violent, and he seemed like a typical example.


His neck tensed slightly, and his right leg moved back as he brought his forearm forward with his clenched fist.


The young man’s fist squarely hit Shun’s face, causing him to be blown away like a light feather and knocking over a potted plant that was placed against the wall with a loud crash.


He then rolled forcefully and hit the stone wall, coming to a stop. He remained motionless, his limbs bent weakly like a broken doll.


“He… killed him.”


Someone in the line muttered.


“Hey… did you just murder someone in the middle of the town?”


The woman approached the young man with a bloodthirsty expression.


“That guy is also from Noble.”


Sharp voices leaked from different directions. Naturally, the gazes around them became intense, and some people were even placing their hands on their sword belts in an obvious display of hostility.


“What’s going on?”


The woman confronted the young man, her expression full of agitation.


“Well… I… did it…”


The young man stammered, pointing at Shun, who lay motionless against the wall.


“Y-you… you killed someone in the middle of the town!?”


The woman’s eyes widened.


“Silica? What happened?”


Another woman in black mage robes approached.


“Captain, this guy… Rendor killed someone…”


The woman in the temple robes said with a groan.


“What on earth…”


The woman in mage robes looked at the young man with cold, emotionless eyes.


“Yeah, he didn’t actually kill him. But luckily, that kid’s still alive. If you don’t want our members to be hanged, show some sincerity.”


Erard approached with a calm voice. He was a middle-aged adventurer with a robust and sturdy physique, looking like a seasoned veteran.




“Kai, are you teaching this guy to punch and kill people just because he cut into the line?”


“Well, uh… Rendor did that?”


With a strained voice, the woman in mage robes glared at the young man.


“Well, not quite to the point of killing. But if that boy wants to avoid getting hanged by our members, he better show some sincerity.”


Erard approached casually and suddenly thrust his fist into Rendor’s solar plexus.


With one blow, Rendor folded over and collapsed to the ground. Erard grabbed his hair, pulled him up, and looked at his face.


“You’ve got some nerve to act like you can mess with our association, huh?”


He said in a short tone and, without waiting for an answer, slammed Rendor’s face onto the stone floor while still holding his hair.

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