Reincarnated as a Little Fairy Thumbnail
Reincarnated as a Little Fairy

Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - Reincarnation as a Fairy

Upon awakening, I found myself transformed into a fairy.


I couldn’t quite fathom the reason why, but I had a distinct understanding that I had become a diminutive fairy, fitting within the palm of a hand. As I glanced behind me, I noticed translucent wings reminiscent of a dragonfly – yeah, those exist, don’t they? However, I vividly remembered being a human.


Hmm, could it be… Did I experience some form of reincarnation as a fairy? Does that imply I’ve passed away? Wait, why am I unable to recall anything…


Oh well, no sense dwelling on it.


So, where am I… in a forest, I assume? It seems to be an ordinary forest with no apparent anomalies, but where precisely is this forest located? Hold on, is that a rainbow!? Enormous! When I looked upward at the sky, I beheld a colossal rainbow. The colors are different, more akin to white. And there are two moons. Right, this must be an alternate world. A world with an immense white rainbow and two moons – definitely not Earth.


But why, I wonder? Why am I so readily accepting of my transformation into a diminutive fairy in an alternate world? I seem to inherently grasp the extent of my new state.


Alright, let’s first consider whether departing from the forest might be wise. However, if I recklessly leave the forest, I might end up captured by humans and spend my life confined. But then again, I do need information about my surroundings; perhaps displaying a map could be helpful.




Oh, a map materialized. I can actually summon a map. Impressive. I summoned a map quite naturally, but wait… is it usual to possess the ability to summon maps? Oh well, let’s not dwell on that. It’s convenient to have, and it’s not as if it would cause any inconvenience.


Furthermore, this map… it’s displaying a red dot. And it’s moving… Huh, let’s investigate. Oh, it appears the map possesses an auto-mapping feature. Handy. 


Following the map, I flew toward the red dot. I can fly quite gracefully. Thankfully, I don’t generate a buzzing sound like a bee; that might drive me to madness. Additionally, I’m flying at a considerable speed, yet it doesn’t seem to cause dryness in my eyes. I can perceive the wind, but it’s a peculiar sensation.


Oops, I sense something disconcerting ahead. The location marked by the red dot on the map is where the unsettling feeling emanates… Ah, I see. Monsters. Beings unfamiliar to me, yet I strangely understand that they’re monsters. So, the red dots on the map represent monsters. It’s likely best not to approach. Let’s distance ourselves from the red dot.


After journeying in the opposite direction of the red dot for a while, the map displayed an array of new dots. And not just red dots, but blue ones as well.


I wonder what the blue dots signify? Since red dots represent monsters, could blue dots indicate humans? Are monsters attacking humans? Given that there’s a road within the forest, perhaps travelers on the road are under assault. What should I do? Should I offer assistance? However, what if I get caught? After all, I’m a fairy. Although I’m uncertain of the value of fairies in this world, if we’re considered a rare existence, I might end up captured.


The question of whether I can help doesn’t arise. If humans are injured, I can heal them. If they’re at a disadvantage, I can provide support through magic. It’s as if I instinctively understand these abilities.


Oh right, I can employ magic. It seems magic exists within this world. Well, if semi-transparent hologram-like maps can levitate, it’s not implausible for magic to exist. Alright, if magic is available, I can defend myself. Let’s go and assess the situation.


Oh, there are humans!


As I draw near, I observe a lavish carriage stationed on the forest path. Knights are standing guard, while brigands are assaulting them. I discreetly observe from within the forest, assuming that someone as small as me won’t be noticed. Wait, am I truly palm-sized? Humans are incredibly large.


Consequently, the blue-clad knights are the protagonists, and the red-clad ruffians are the antagonists. It seems red dots don’t exclusively denote monsters, huh? What are these ruffians exactly? Bandits? Given the forest setting, perhaps forest bandits? Well, um… oh right, highway robbers.


I detect hostility from the ruffians, indicating that the knights likely aren’t the malefactors and the ruffians aren’t the heroes. Presumably, it’s the inverse. Therefore, the red dots on the map signify enemies, and the blue dots denote allies. Should I intervene? Hmmm…


I decide to utilize healing magic on the fallen knights. How about that? Oh, they’re stirring. Attempting to rise! Whew, that’s a relief. Although both the knights and ruffians appear momentarily startled, the knights swiftly initiate an offensive.


Very well, let’s supplement this with some supportive magic. Haha… they seem surprised. Alright, proceed! Yes! Defeat them!


Before long, the knights have subdued the ruffians. Actually, I might have caused their demise. Oh, they’re undoubtedly deceased. Dispatching them like this… But it’s to be expected. Given the medieval backdrop, permitting bandits who attacked such a sumptuous carriage to escape isn’t feasible. However, capturing such a large group in this forest wouldn’t be practical either.


While observing, a maid emerges from the carriage, followed by an exquisitely beautiful silver-haired girl. Wow, silver hair, such a quintessential hallmark of another world. She’s extraordinarily stunning and adorned in a splendid outfit. She’s unmistakably of noble birth. Although I can’t comprehend their dialogue, I can audibly perceive the sounds. Nevertheless, everything sounds like gibberish to me.


Hold on, did she just glance in this direction? Did she spot me, despite my minuscule size?


For a time, the silver-haired girl fixated her gaze this way, and after conferring with the knights, she reentered the carriage and vanished from sight. Whew, my heart raced. It seems the knights have concluded their handling of the ruffians’ corpses and are preparing to depart.


Hmm… what should I do? Perhaps if I follow them, I’ll ultimately reach a town.


Alright, let’s proceed.


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