I was treated as a hero all over the country after I saved a beautiful girl on a subway and left without giving my name. Thumbnail
I was treated as a hero all over the country after I saved a beautiful girl on a subway and left without giving my name.

Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - Unpleasant Premonition

Chapter 1- Unpleasant Premonition


It was early february. I, Ryo Keido, had just finished giving my high school examinations.

My first choice was Tokinosawa High School, a combined middle and high school for pampered young ladies.

This school has enrolled daughters of many large politicians and also CEOs of large companies.

In short, this is the school where pampered young girls gather.


From this year on, which I will start attending, it has become a co-ed school. It is one of the best schools for university admissions. Moreover, it is very well equipped with facilities.   (TL: It’s common to leave education after highschool in Japan. Joining a school famous for university admissions gives you a higher chance to get into a college)

I desperately want to pass the entrance exam, but only God knows the outcome. But no matter how much I wish, the results will never change. 


I’m still feeling nervous now that the exam is over, but that long period of giving exams is now over. 


But after I left the venue, rather than heading for the station, I went to the music game corner in the game centre near the school. (TL: Dude gonna play Osu)

It’s been really long. About 1 year since I’ve played a rhythm game.

I took out the money from my wallet and started playing as soon as I reached the table.

Iyaa~This is fun! Nothing has changed. Iyaaaa~ Super fun!
(E/N: Said in a boy voice btw, not girls, you horny reader. Also it’s said more like an expression of excitement.)

I kept adding 100 yen coins into the game slots. I was so absorbed in the games that I completely lost count of how much I spent. 


I don’t know whether the girl playing next to me was corned about it but,

“Wow~ You’re really good at this!”

She called out from beside me.

I turned around to look as I was suddenly addressed and saw a girl in plain clothes standing there.

She had long blue-ish hair and a slim and firm body. In addition, her height was around 165 cm. She was tall for a girl, with a small face and great style. And she has breasts.


At first glance, she seemed about my age.

Hmm, ignoring her will be quite awkward, so I’ll just reply appropriately.

“I’ve been playing these kinds of games for a long time now.”

“I see~ I’ve been addicted to rhythm games too, ever since I first encountered them in elementary school!”

That’s surprising. I didn’t expect such an upbeat person to be so passionate about rhythm games.

“You’re amazing. You’ve made almost no mistakes. It’s really hard to get a full score!”

“It’s like this for everyone at the start. Once you get used to it, you’ll be able to get a full score too.”

“Ehh~ Really? I’ve been at it for 2 years now, but I can’t seem to reach the top of the national rankings. Someone really good is dominating all the places from 1st to 3rd! It’s amazing!”

“Ha ha… someone is that good at it huh…”


Yup, that’s me. That’s definitely me.

Taking the advantage of being a go-home student, I played rhythm games after school all the time. When I first started, I was completely outside the rankings, but gradually I became so good that I dominated the top.

At some point, I even got the title of “MusicGameMaster”…

Well I suppose I’ll keep that information to myself. I don’t like to brag afterall.

“I don’t really care about rankings as I’m just a casual enjoyer. But there really are some amazing people out there~”

“That’s right, but you’re unusual too, no? Don’t girls your age usually go to picture booths with your close friends? I don’t think there are many girls who enjoy rhythm games.”


“I know, right?~ I don’t have any hobby friends as none of them play any music games. It’s fun to go to picture booths and stuff, but I’d like to have a friend with common hobbies too. Do you think Santa would give me one if I asked him?”

“How many months…it’s february right now”

I’ll feel sorry for your parents if you ask Santa for a hobby friend.

At any rate, she looks like a middle school or highschool freshman from a quick glance.

Is that blue hair natural? Is that even possible? She doesn’t seem half-japanese or a foreigner by the looks of it.

I was subconsciously staring at her beautiful long hair when,

“Ah, wondering about my hair? My school has lax rules, so dying my hair is totally fine. That’s why I did this. Hey! Listen! I’m free today so let’s play against each other!”

“Play against?”

The one I’m playing right now can be played multiplayer as well. It’s quite simple: whoever gets the highest score wins. But it’s been long since I’ve played against someone. I wonder how much of my skills as the MusicGameMaster have diminished. 


“It’s been quite long, but okay. If that’s what you want.”

“Yay! Iyaa~ To be honest, I’m completely free today! My school is closed for holding entrance exams. My clubs are closed as well and my best friend helped me with the entrance exams, so I was getting bored.” (TL: Last point probably refers to the fact that she’s given her entrance exams and her friend doesn’t play these games so she’s bored)

“Oh, your school had entrance exams today?”

“Yup! The number of applicants seems to be much higher than last year.”

Hold on. From what I can remember the only school which had entrance exams today was Tokinosawa High School.


Doesn’t that mean that she’s from Tokinosawa?


If so, then a lot of things makes sense now.

“Could it be that you’re from Tokinosawa?”

“That’s right! Today’s off due to entrance exams. Ah, but how could you tell?”


“Well, I mean I took the test a few minutes ago too. So I had a feeling it was the same school that you were talking about.”

As soon as she heard that, the blue haired girl widened her eyes in surprise and exclaimed,

“No way! Really? Good job! I didn’t think you were taking the exam at my school. Ah that’s right, even guys can take the entrance exam starting this year.”
(TL- “Good job”-お疲れ様- roughly translated to “Thanks for your hard work”. She isn’t literally telling him that, it’s just an expression.)

“Are you in middle school?”

“Yeah! I’m in my 3rd year of middle school, so if you pass we may become classmates!”

(TL- 3rd year of middle school = 9th Grade)

“It’s amazing. I never expected such a coincidence”


“Iyaa~ Some encounters start with rhythm games too~ Besides,  for some reason, I don’t think this is the first time I’ve talked to you~ Well, that’s not important! That’s something trivial! Let’s get rid of all the exam stress we’ve just had! I’ll pay for everything!”

“Ehh!? I can’t let you do that!”

“It’s fine, it’s fine! Let’s play!”

I was reluctant for her to pay, but I got swayed away by the blue haired girl’s enthusiasm and she ended up paying for me as well. Apparently, she wanted to do a small contribution as I was tired from the exams.

I felt nostalgic and got engrossed in playing rhythm games with the blue haired girl for about an hour. (TL: Nostalgic playing the game, not referring to the girl)



An hour later-

The blue haired girl said she had some other places to go to, so we separated our ways after leaving the arcade. As I had expected, I didn’t stop by anywhere else and was now only waiting for my train on the subway platform to come.

Even though it was my first time meeting her, she had really good communication skills so we could talk like we were friends. 


But I forgot to ask her name. What are you doing, me??

As I was basking in the tension of the exam results and the aftermath of the rhythm games, the train I was supposed to board arrived. 


I jumped into the carriage as soon as the door opened. 


The train was mostly empty with free seats spread out. I heavily slumped down on one of the seats. I was about to close my eyes and go into a deep sleep but then I saw her.

Across my seat was an extremely cute girl sitting.


She had long eyelashes and beautiful round eyes. She had a smart figure, flawless white skin and long silky hair which gave her a prim and proper appearance.

Moreover, that uniform…

Tokinosawa High School’s uniform. But why at this time? Clubs are supposed to be closed today because of entrance exams.

Nevertheless, this girl…

She looks like a model. Absurdly cute…

I would like to keep looking at her, but as expected, I’m too worn-out…

The carriage is warm and well heated, and it sways perfectly. It was like being in a cradle.

Crap, my eyelids are unconsciously closing…

Then gradually my vision begins to blur.

I quietly fall into a deep sleep.

I have put a timer just in case. I’ll sleep for a while until I have to get off.

Thus, my high school entrance exam day came to an end.

I wonder if the acceptance letter will come. My heart is pounding waiting for the outcome.

Or it was supposed to be…

I never thought something like this would happen while I was sleeping.

Running into a random subway assaulter after taking entrance exams, who could ever imagine such a thing happening?
(TL: Assaulter is what I wrote to fit the context, but it’s actually “random attacker”. Someone who randomly attacks people)









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Hello, I'm the translator for "How to keep a distance from a beautiful girl". I usually translator Rom-coms.

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