My CP must be sweet! [Entertainment circle] Thumbnail
My CP must be sweet! [Entertainment circle]

Chapter 24 - Be careful of YinHeng

24: Be careful of YinHeng


Since they were recording a program, it was naturally impossible to pretend, so both of them wore a pair of sunglasses and appeared openly at the airport.

There were several people carrying cameras behind him, and this mighty scene instantly attracted everyone’s attention. In an instant, they recognized the two handsome men standing at the forefront.

Isn’t this the Gong Ze the movie Emperor and Wen Ge the ice prince who are now in full swing? Several younger girls screamed excitedly on the spot.

If they weren’t surrounded by bodyguards, they might have turned into hungry wolves and rushed forward.

The surrounding environment was a bit noisy, but the camera was still facing the two of them, and the recording is still going on. Gong Ze resisted the urge to walk towards Wen Ge.

Standing three steps away from Wen Ge, Gong Ze smiled and stretched out his hand towards Wen Ge: “See you again, I hope I can have a good cooperation this time.”

Wen Ge reached out and returned. He held his hand and wanted to let go after two seconds, but was grasped by Gong Ze.

The palm of his hand was slightly scratched. He endured the smile on his lips, nodded and said, “Happy cooperation.”

After greeting, the two of them went together. Walking inside, the logo of the show crew was very conspicuous.

From a distance, they saw the other people beckoning to them, so they waved in response.

As soon as they entered the waiting room, the four girls came to greet them warmly.

Thanks to the previous preparations for the meeting, although the two of them had only met with the rest for the first time, the atmosphere was not awkward.

Gong Ze and Wen Ge were not self-acquaintances, so their attitude was not enthusiastic. However they are not overly indifferent, and they are also considered to be harmonious when chatting with the girls.

After greeted the girls, they sat back to their seats. Although they wanted to continue to show their affection in front of the two male gods, they were still not very familiar with them.

The two male gods were not very enthusiastic to them, so they had no choice but to temporarily retreat, and prepare to wait for it abroad before proceeding slowly.

As soon as the girls left, Yu Ran and Yin Heng came back to greet them.

“Teacher Gong, Teacher Wen.” Yu Ran was not familiar with the other guests. He had been chatting for more than half an hour before they came, and was embarrassed to know what to do.

Seeing that an acquaintance had finally arrived, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The tone of greeting did not consciously become familiar.

Gong Ze just nodded in response. Wen Ge smiled and patted him on the shoulder. He and Yu Ran are brothers from the same agency, and it makes sense to have a better relationship.

Sure enough, seeing Wen Ge’s attitude towards Yu Ran is different from others, someone soon asked: “Mr. Wen and Xiao Yu Ran know each other.”

Wen Ge nodded, “I am in the same record company as him.”

Sun Xiaofei, who was fixing the microphone, suddenly ran over after hearing the words, holding Yu Ran’s arm, and said seriously: “Then I have to hug Xiao Yu Ran’s thigh tightly, maybe I can rub a song from teacher Wen in the future.”

Sun Xiaofei deserves to be born in a reality show as she quickly mastered the rhythm, and contributed the first laugh of the show, and eased the overly awkward atmosphere.

Everyone laughed, and Xiao Hong, who had known Sun Xiaofei early in the morning, dragged the person back to her side, with a look of disgust and said: “Are you stupid? Teacher Wen is here, why don’t you hold his thigh? The meaning seems to come from a Japan-China war so I couldn’t find the exact meaning. T_T“

Sun Xiaofei shrank her neck, said the half-truth and half-truth: “I don’t dare. You may not believe it. Let’s record the show with these two great gods. I still think it’s not true until now. I also asked my agent, is this actually my illusion? In fact, there is no palace actor, and no gentleman god.”

As soon as she said this, she immediately got the approval of the other girls.

Wen Ge and Gong Ze could not laugh or cry.

Gong Ze even directly asked: “Are we that scary?”

Everyone shook their heads together: “It’s not scary, but it just feels unreal. You are the idols in our hearts. Record the show with the idols. This is before today. We never even thought about it. We are actually very nervous now.”

After all , we are recording a show. Even if Wen Ge is not good at dealing with strangers, he still has to bite the bullet and speak for the effect of the show: “Don’t be nervous. Teacher Gong is not a beast nor a tiger. We have to live together for two months, just be natural.”

Wen Ge has always been called the high cold male god by the outside world, but the high cold male god is now comforting them softly, making everyone excited and moved, and the tension has disappeared a little.

“Let the two teachers sit down first, standing still is tired.” Suddenly Yin Heng, who sat silently and sat on the side, reminded.

The girls realized that the two male gods were still standing, and hurriedly greeted the two of them to the middle position like stars holding the moon.

The girls are sitting on the left side of Gong Ze, and Yin Heng and Yu Ran are sitting on the left side of Wen Ge.

Yu Ran frowned slightly when he saw Yin Heng rushing to sit next to Wen Ge, but soon disappeared and sat beside Yin Heng without saying a word.

There was still some time before boarding, and the eight members sat and chatted together and knew each other.

Yin Heng has been looking for topics to talk to Wen Ge, while Gong Ze is dragged by Liu Mo and Xiao Hong to talk about movies.

It is also a coincidence that the three of them are all actors in the movie “Dirty” which will be shot after the beginning of the spring this year.

In recent years, young actresses who have just emerged in the film and television circles are very excited about being able to participate in the same film as Gong Ze, but unexpectedly, they were not happy enough, but the director fell first.

Although the film can’t be made, but finally there is a common topic, and it is natural to use it to talk about it.

During the chat, Sun Xiaofei suddenly raised her hand and wanted to speak.

“Teacher Gong, Teacher Wen, I want to ask a disrespectful question! Can you step up?” In order not to make the topic too serious, she also deliberately sold cute.

Everyone stopped and looked at Sun Xiaofei. The two protagonists glanced at each other, knew everything Sun Xiaofei wanted to ask, nodded and motioned for her to ask.

Sun Xiaofei cleared her throat and asked cautiously: “Well…Is the relationship between the two really like the media said? Will it be embarrassing to participate in this show together?”

The others were all taken aback, never thought that Sun Xiaofei would ask it so boldly and directly, although they had been worrying about this question since they knew the guest list, they didn’t dare to ask it directly.

Admiring Sun Xiaofei’s boldness, he secretly poked and looked forward to the answers from the two protagonists.

Sun Xiaofei also wanted to cry without tears. Although she had always been a female man in front of the audience, she did not have the courage to ask the two great gods such rebellious words in the public.

But this was the task given to her by the program team, and she had to perform it.

Among them, she has experience in hosting. From the point of view of her personality, she is also careless, and a little bit heartless, like a person who can ask such no-brain questions.

Because this issue is not only concerned by the program group, but also by netizens all over the country, it is natural to take a good look at the topic.

Compared with the complex emotions that others were nervous and expecting, the two parties were calm, looked at each other with a calm smile, and asked calmly.

“What do you think of our relationship?”

Except for Yu Ran lowering his head to hide a smile, everyone else choked with this counter-killing trick and didn’t know how to answer.

Wen Ge smiled faintly when he heard Gong Ze’s question.

Although they weren’t jealous enemies when they met, they were still strangers who had few intersections outside, and they couldn’t be too close, so they didn’t say anything from the beginning.

He doesn’t even make eye contact, and perfectly interprets what is the most familiar stranger. The director team is still thinking about it carefully, planning how to make the intersection of the two of them more.

Even if you can’t be an enemy, the collision of the two male gods is still very interesting.

Regarding Gong Ze’s questions, no one dared to answer rashly. Although their thoughts had changed and each had their own ideas, no one had the courage to say it in front of the two of them.

Because in their cognition, the question about the two of them is a sensitive topic in the entertainment circle, and others will die if they touch it.

Although Gong Ze and Wen Ge won’t do it themselves, the two fans with superior combat effectiveness are not easy to talk.

They are just little stars who have just gotten their fame, and there is no need to get into scandals or the wrong crowd for this kind of gossip.

Seeing that there was no answer for a long time, Gong Ze smiled and continued: “Actually, I have long wanted to know Teacher Wen. Those of you who eat melons are all right. They want to arrange us, saying that we are enemies and why the king does not see the king. So I don’t know how to face Teacher Wen.”

Gong Ze’s tone seems like a joke so they didn’t know whether he was talking for the program or the truth. They didn’t know how to answer the conversation, so they could only laugh.

Gong Ze continued: “I’ll talk about it first. Don’t provoke the two of us. I also want to use this show to increase our relationship with Teacher Wen.”

Everyone was really amused this time, and a group of people said again and again that they do not dare.

Gong Ze looked at Wen Ge again, stood in front of him pretendingly, and stretched out his hand again: “Teacher Wen, let’s meet again, my name is Gong Ze, and I am your fan.”

Wen Ge laughed so that his stomach was cramping. He squeezed his face as hard as he could, stood up, and held it back: “Hello, I am also a fan of yours. I like every one of your works.”

In fact, Wan Ge’s words are often caught in such occasions. Everyone just listened to the polite words they used, and they wouldn’t take it seriously,

However Yin Heng was the one who didn’t know if it was to find a sense of existence, so he asked again: “I also read every piece of Gong’s work. Well, I don’t know which one Mr. Wen likes the most?”

The girls thought Wen Ge was just saying a polite remark, and they were all embarrassed by him, but they listened to him listing more than a dozen of Gong Ze’s film and television works without hesitation.

There are still a few niche movies that he has just debuted in. As a supporting role, they are niche to the extent that no one except senior movie fans will know about it, but Wen Ge is as precious as a family and can tell the plot, all people’s original ideas can’t help but start to waver.

It seems that it is not a polite, but a real fan.

Yin Heng was suddenly excited after hearing Wen Ge’s list of his favourite movies: “Mr. Wen also likes “Blazing Orange”! This is also my favourite movie. I just made my debut at the time and I was fortunate to play a small role. But that character doesn’t even have a name, so Mr. Wen shouldn’t remember it.”

Later, Yin Heng described the role he played in, but When Ge couldn’t remember the existence of this role, even the participant Gong Ze has never thought of it. Yin Heng didn’t feel embarrassed, and smiled faintly.

Yu Ran was not a character who likes to be pushy, so when everyone was talking and vying for the camera, he just sat quietly and listened carefully to their words, with a faint smile on his face.

But when Yin Heng was talking to Wen Ge, he frowned and stared at Yin Heng’s every move. Wen Ge turned his head once and was startled when he saw his serious expression, but Yu Ran quickly lowered his head again.

Finally before boarding the plane, Wen Ge said he was going to the bathroom. Yin Heng was confessing the matter to his agent and couldn’t get away.

Upon seeing this, Yu Ran quickly said that he would also go, and then pulled Wen Ge into the bathroom quickly.

“Yu Ran, what’s the matter? Why are you weird today?” Wen Ge was still at a loss when he was pulled to the bathroom, instinctively that Yu Ran today was too abnormal.

Yu Ran did not speak immediately, but checked the bathroom to make sure that there was no one in the cubicle. Then he leaned in Wenger’s ear and whispered: “Brother Wen, be careful of Yin Heng.”

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Hello guys ? I'm a translator here and here are my works: ☘︎I lost my memory before the divorce was agreed☘︎ ❀After becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger❀ ☃︎ I'm a straight man in BL love ☃︎ ⚔️Everyday, the demon lord is escaping his marriage⚔️ ⛓️Declaration of Extra Strike⛓️ ?My CP must be cute?

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