In the Same Boat Cover
In the Same Boat cover

In the Same Boat

Written by Lilac
25 Chapters
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Qu Yiheng hadn’t been in contact with his old classmate for fifteen years, but unexpectedly, he attended a funeral and reunited with Yao Zhan. Fifteen years ago, they were still very young, hiding in corners of the gymnasium and table tennis room, engaging in activities they couldn’t let others see. In those fifteen years, Qu Yiheng had only thought of Yao Zhan three times, and today was the fourth time.


“I’ve never been able to figure out what our relationship really is.”

Qu Yiheng smiled, “We aren In the same boat.”


They Reunited as old friends and became friends with benefits, and then unexpectedly fell in love. A doctor as the dominant partner and an painter/artist as the submissive.


Love is a wonderful thing, even when you’re in your thirties, it’s not a loss.
